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Kennel cough


VIP Member
Aug 14, 2017
Buxton contracted kennel cough. He didn’t have direct contact with any dogs that were known to have kennel cough at the time but they came down with it 4 days later. 10 days later Buxton started with a hacking cough and spitting up white foam. I gave him throat coat tea with manuka honey. 24 hours later he seems much better.
@tsharlo1 oh no! sorry to hear about Buxton - and so glad manuka gave him some relief. What was your question?
@tsharlo1 oh no! sorry to hear about Buxton - and so glad manuka gave him some relief. What was your question?
Thanks for catching the “missing question”!

My question:
Do dogs gain immune protection from kennel cough after they have had it and recovered?

Thank you.
they may gain a little immunity. When I was a student I did an internship at the NIH foxhound breeding colony. Running throat swabs on coughing dogs (would be called kennel cough) I found that there were dozens of bacteria and viruses present. While viral infections give good immunity, bacterial do not.

Kennel cough is usually mild when an animal is healthy, just as you experienced.

Working part time at 6 vet clinics in the 80s, each one "treated" kennel cough differently - mostly I think the dogs just got better on their own.

Dr. Christina
they may gain a little immunity. When I was a student I did an internship at the NIH foxhound breeding colony. Running throat swabs on coughing dogs (would be called kennel cough) I found that there were dozens of bacteria and viruses present. While viral infections give good immunity, bacterial do not.

Kennel cough is usually mild when an animal is healthy, just as you experienced.

Working part time at 6 vet clinics in the 80s, each one "treated" kennel cough differently - mostly I think the dogs just got better on their own.

Dr. Christina
Thank you for your response.
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