Pet's Information: Cotton, 11 years, Female/Spayed, Golden Brittany 55#
-More playful, more appetite, overall more happy than with initial onset of symptoms. -Resumed walks (after laryngeal paralysis was ruled out) which she loves.
-Does not like a cart, will jump out; have on hand if future need arises.
-Sleeping improved.
-Does huff/puff with activity.
-Medications are given with first spoon of food without resistance.
-Cleaning/rinsing of mouth is tolerated; she seems to know the purpose.
-Appetite is healthy; rarely loses interest.
-Hand feeding (spoon) to control intake.
-Owner prepares homemade, low sodium food, grinds/blends to ensure ease in swallowing. -Mashed potatoes with bone broth.
-Softened Beneful dry kibble and Purina Little Bites with recent addition of Purina kibble for sensitive stomach with probiotics.
-Likes pumpkin; backed off feeding pumpkin late spring.
-Dislikes baby food.
-Water is in elevated dish.
-Syringes out mouth to help rinse away excess food/debris after feeding.
Medications: (Per family)
-Famotidine 20 mg, 1 BID (am/pm)
-Omeprazole 20 mg, 1 BID (am/pm) given 1-2 hours pre or post other medications. -Metoclopramide 5 mg, 1 BID (am/pm)
-Prednisone 10 mg, 1 EOD (every other day)
-Cerenia 60 mg, 1 SID for decreased appetite, on hand for when need arises.
Previous medications: -Azithromycin -Doxycycline -Carafate -Ondansetron -Apoquel
PRIMARY PROBLEM, when it began and if there was anything else happening around that time:
-Changes noted in spring of 2023 ruling out megaesophagus, lymphoma, laryngeal paralysis with exact diagnosis yet unknown.
-Neurological issue present, right side of face sunken, right eye won’t completely open, drooling, tongue curling on right side.
-rDVM visit/exam late August, 2023 noted bloodwork as excellent with radiographs revealing possible tumor (suspected cancer) pressing against esophagus causing altering limitations.
-Began steroid therapy at that time with injection followed by oral dosing.
-Hacking/barking to “clear” throat, retching.
-Chews air.
-Eats grass to seek comfort and is not able to be outside without supervision due to intake. -Will eat feces, pumpkin ingestion does seem to retard that interest.
-Eating and completing the swallowing process presents ongoing struggle and concern. -Vomiting.
-Gulping sound at night, trying to keep liquid down with not much solid.
-Eye drainage; eye drops daily helps.
-Does not like visiting the vet office.
IS THE CONDITION BETTER OR WORSE from exercise, heat, cold, time of day, certain foods, emotional upset, being touched, excitement, etc?
-Tolerates short walks with some panting, however Cotton seems to always want to go further than mom lets her.
-Just don’t want to over due things.
-Excitement will cause her to try to bark or howl which has been comprised since last spring.
-Doesn’t mind being touched, doesn’t like getting her mouth wiped but never gets mad.
-Hard foods she would love except it would be difficult for her to swallowing the hard stuff.
-Ready to eat anything she can.
HAS ANY DIAGNOSTIC work been done? Diagnosis if available (you can attach your diagnostic tests to the post if you have them):
-CBC, Chemistry, T4, SDMA, 4DX (N/N/N/N).
-FNA's of lymph nodes, radiographs with no diagnosis provided; treating symptoms.
CURRENT and previous treatment:
-Recently changed to a different food which is highly digestible and stomach friendly.
-Really seems to like it and lately much less gurgling sounds with reduced gulping or acid reflux unsure if it’s related to the change in food or not.
-Her eye has been less weepy than in the past.
OTHER health concerns:
-Flare up 1/28 and 1/29 with loose stools both days. Camera view to check in while at work demonstrated distress during day Monday.
-Pacing in the kennel not settling down; acting if need to defecate.
-Did let her out after running home to eliminate and diarrhea with moderate gas noted and two small vomit spells.
-Cycle continued to repeat with discomfort during afternoon eliminating once in her kennel.
-Cotton turned away from all food.
-Administered Cerenia once at lunch time.
-She ate ice and water until Tuesday afternoon, finally food with coaxing.
-Resumed all medications Thursday when she foaming process began again.
-Five days later and she is close to normal.

-More playful, more appetite, overall more happy than with initial onset of symptoms. -Resumed walks (after laryngeal paralysis was ruled out) which she loves.
-Does not like a cart, will jump out; have on hand if future need arises.
-Sleeping improved.
-Does huff/puff with activity.
-Medications are given with first spoon of food without resistance.
-Cleaning/rinsing of mouth is tolerated; she seems to know the purpose.
-Appetite is healthy; rarely loses interest.
-Hand feeding (spoon) to control intake.
-Owner prepares homemade, low sodium food, grinds/blends to ensure ease in swallowing. -Mashed potatoes with bone broth.
-Softened Beneful dry kibble and Purina Little Bites with recent addition of Purina kibble for sensitive stomach with probiotics.
-Likes pumpkin; backed off feeding pumpkin late spring.
-Dislikes baby food.
-Water is in elevated dish.
-Syringes out mouth to help rinse away excess food/debris after feeding.
Medications: (Per family)
-Famotidine 20 mg, 1 BID (am/pm)
-Omeprazole 20 mg, 1 BID (am/pm) given 1-2 hours pre or post other medications. -Metoclopramide 5 mg, 1 BID (am/pm)
-Prednisone 10 mg, 1 EOD (every other day)
-Cerenia 60 mg, 1 SID for decreased appetite, on hand for when need arises.
Previous medications: -Azithromycin -Doxycycline -Carafate -Ondansetron -Apoquel
PRIMARY PROBLEM, when it began and if there was anything else happening around that time:
-Changes noted in spring of 2023 ruling out megaesophagus, lymphoma, laryngeal paralysis with exact diagnosis yet unknown.
-Neurological issue present, right side of face sunken, right eye won’t completely open, drooling, tongue curling on right side.
-rDVM visit/exam late August, 2023 noted bloodwork as excellent with radiographs revealing possible tumor (suspected cancer) pressing against esophagus causing altering limitations.
-Began steroid therapy at that time with injection followed by oral dosing.
-Hacking/barking to “clear” throat, retching.
-Chews air.
-Eats grass to seek comfort and is not able to be outside without supervision due to intake. -Will eat feces, pumpkin ingestion does seem to retard that interest.
-Eating and completing the swallowing process presents ongoing struggle and concern. -Vomiting.
-Gulping sound at night, trying to keep liquid down with not much solid.
-Eye drainage; eye drops daily helps.
-Does not like visiting the vet office.
IS THE CONDITION BETTER OR WORSE from exercise, heat, cold, time of day, certain foods, emotional upset, being touched, excitement, etc?
-Tolerates short walks with some panting, however Cotton seems to always want to go further than mom lets her.
-Just don’t want to over due things.
-Excitement will cause her to try to bark or howl which has been comprised since last spring.
-Doesn’t mind being touched, doesn’t like getting her mouth wiped but never gets mad.
-Hard foods she would love except it would be difficult for her to swallowing the hard stuff.
-Ready to eat anything she can.
HAS ANY DIAGNOSTIC work been done? Diagnosis if available (you can attach your diagnostic tests to the post if you have them):
-CBC, Chemistry, T4, SDMA, 4DX (N/N/N/N).
-FNA's of lymph nodes, radiographs with no diagnosis provided; treating symptoms.
CURRENT and previous treatment:
-Recently changed to a different food which is highly digestible and stomach friendly.
-Really seems to like it and lately much less gurgling sounds with reduced gulping or acid reflux unsure if it’s related to the change in food or not.
-Her eye has been less weepy than in the past.
OTHER health concerns:
-Flare up 1/28 and 1/29 with loose stools both days. Camera view to check in while at work demonstrated distress during day Monday.
-Pacing in the kennel not settling down; acting if need to defecate.
-Did let her out after running home to eliminate and diarrhea with moderate gas noted and two small vomit spells.
-Cycle continued to repeat with discomfort during afternoon eliminating once in her kennel.
-Cotton turned away from all food.
-Administered Cerenia once at lunch time.
-She ate ice and water until Tuesday afternoon, finally food with coaxing.
-Resumed all medications Thursday when she foaming process began again.
-Five days later and she is close to normal.