1. Thank you in advance for helping me out. My dog's name is Little Buddy, 11 years old, male. 2. He's neutered. 3. Yorkie maltese mix. 4. he's 7 lbs, always been very thin, hard to gain weight. 5. Behavior: extremely active, loves to hump his teddy bear and play fetch, he has great appetite, always asks for more food, he always wants to play after eating his food twice a day, however he's aggressive towards other dogs and barks at them and as little as he is, tries to pull the leash and attack them. He's the sweetest little boy with us and loves to cuddle and touch his humans. He's always next to either me or hubby as we work from home. 6. Diet: was cooking for him as he seems to be allergic to everything, but after reading the 101 and the forums, started feeding him raw again this week, Darwin's chicken and veggies. History, have gone back and forth between dehydrated raw, stella and chewy's, frozen raw small batch and lately darwins which I was cooking as he seemed to itch less when I cook the veggies, but 3 days ago started feeding him darwin's raw chicken and veggies. 7. He was vaccinated as a baby twice and one rabies, maybe two. However I did not vaccinate after that. When he arrived as a baby, I made the mistake of allowing him to fly in a crate to me from Ohio to Calif (didn't know better when I was younger) and he was extremely stressed, had kennel cough, parasites and also very very sick would not eat, almost died, was feeding him honey so he could come back and not go into hypoglicemia, it took a month to nurse him back to life as a baby but we did it. We lived in the middle of the city (Hollywood) so i'm sure he was exposed to toxins 8. Little buddy may have eaten an onion as a little boy as he lost his appetite and almost died. They gave him a shot at the vets and I believe the itching started since then. He also had xrays as a baby as we thought we fractured his foot my husband accidentally stepped on his little foot at 4 lbs as a baby, so he had xrays and probably pain medicine. Little Buddy started itching like crazy age 2-3. Mostly night time, sometimes day time. Vets gave us every story from fleas, to sensitivity to foods, to mites. He was treated for all three. I believe I made the mistake of giving him the flea medication once that he took as a pill. After that I learned it was really bad and stopped. The itching never stopped. It gets better than worse and shifts. We did allergy tests and he was allergic to nearly all meats and veggies, he was less allergic to turkey and red meat but highly allergic to fleas, mosquitoes and flies, many vegetables and many fruits. If I fly was near him he would start to itch. When he gets on the bed with cotton or other materials, he starts to itch. Then this year we did a hair test and mouth swab with Pet Medella and now the "sensitivity" test came back pretty much the exact oppositve of the 2018 sensitivity test, now sensitive to everythign he could eat before. Frankly, I don't know if I trust the pedmedella.com test as it showed him sensitivite to now everything I was feeding him such as green peas, turkey, spinach, which was the only thing he could eat compared to his 2018 sensitivity test. The new test said he was now allergic to all those things. This is where I've gotten so exhausted and drained. I've been trying so much for natural flea control and I have not been able to get it all under control. If he gets bit by a flea the itching gets even worse. Then I will do my best to control the fleas with shampoos and spraying the yard with Wondercide, and then I'll have no fleas on him for days...but then the food sensitivities still kick in. He starts itching around 3 am to 5 am and then goes on like crazy between 5 am to 7 am. He doesn't itch much during the day. I have tried so many flea shampoos and washing all the bedding and treating the yard and things get good for a bit although there's still itching from the sensitivities, but then somehow a flea gets on him and his allergy gets crazy and the itching is so bad he starts creating a scar in that area where he's itching the one flea that got to him. I have been washing him once or twice a week to keep the fleas off, I have a huge yard and live in Vero Beach Florida so it's been extremely hard but we spray it with wondercide consistently...sometimes I don't let him go to the yard at all but he catches them when we walk. Since I just switched him back to raw, the itching right now is out of control and I believe it's because of the raw veggies that he may be allergic too. I no longer know what he's allergic to or not or what report to believe, as the pet medella report I followed it to the T but he still itches when I make the food based on what he's sensitive to or not. If I add a supplement to his food like Vimergy Vitamin C or a drop of honey, that night he will itch like crazy that I almost don't want to put any more supplements in his food because I hate to see him suffer all night. The condition gets worse with the heat. If he goes out to the dog park that may have been sprayed, he usually comes back itching even more, now daytime itching is added. I try to avoid the neighbors yards that are sprayed a that affects him too. 10. No new diagnostic work other than the $275 I paid pet medella a couple months ago. They prescribed some homeopaths but they are based in alcohol and i frankly don't think it is good to give that to my dog. The pet medella report also said they found mold in him (we were all exposed to mold while living in Brazil for 2 years in 2018) . The pet medella report says that his nervous system is functioning at 41%. He has major abandonment fear and knows when we are leaving and begs not to leave him if we leave for an hour or two. We had to separate a few times in the earlier years as I was going through a healing journey in Brazil and couldn't keep him with me all the time, specially after we discovered the mold issue. He's sensitive to EMF's and shakes his head when a phone is near him. My husband and I both had major mold issue and EMF/electric/chemical sensitivity. We healed with medical medium. The test says he gets significantly stressed. Test says he has bacteria transmitted by ticks fleas or mosquitoes as well as parasites. The test said it found low calcitonin, low TSH and low vasoactive intestinal polypeptide. Not sure how accurate this test is. They recommended he take lymphapar, neuropar and scarstat but they all are based in alcohol, so I have stopped. I started giving him hypericum perforatum and histaminum hydrocholoricum following your formula to give to dogs. His pet medalla test says his immune system is operating at 40% and his hypothalamus, ear draineage and allergy points are heavily affected. It also shows his lymph system is at 41% and his endocrine at 40%. 11. I am at my witts end trying to figure out. He's suffering as he's not sleeping and we are not sleeping either. This nonstop itching got worse when we moved to this house in florida 18 months ago. The airbnb we stayed at we had 3 months of peace with no itching but also there was less grass and more sand dirt-roads there. He has many of his teeth still and his energy is that of a puppy. He loves to play fetch and sometimes when we work too long he comes and gets us and brings us to the couch so we will stop working. He's incredilby tapped in to our emotions and reacts if we raise our voice, tries to get us to stop fighting, runs from one to the other and is extremely sensitive to emotions. If someone is crying he will run to them and lick their face to console them. He's truly so special, He's just a ham. @Dr. Christina @Dr. Jeff @Dr. Jean Hofve I would appreciate any direction and support mainly: 1. how do I assess him to know what to feed him. seems nothing I give him improves his itching. 2. how can I control the flea situation which is secondary but contributes 3. Have you heard about pet medella? are the pet medella tests accurate? I feel like things got worse after I started following the new guidelines of what he is sensitive to. 4. I don't have a good vet in this area as I just moved here...I had a great one in California. I would love to find a reliable vet here near Vero Beach Florida. Most of the itching is near his butt where the shots would go, some behind his scrotum, some between his hind legs, some by his legs, much by his tail. Most of the times when I flea bathe him, I only find 1 or 2 fleas no brown water. I have found a couple little bumps in the area he itches, but not sure if that is a result of a flea bite or him biting himself. The itching has been going on for about 8 years. Sometimes it gets a bit better but then it gets worse and almost impossible to stop. Huge gratitude!! Ive attached his 2018 allergy report and then the Pet medella 2024 report which are extreme opposites in the meats he's allregic to. Right now I'm feeding him chicken/veggies but starting tomorrow going to the Darwins' raw turkey and veggies. Much gratitude!!