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Buddy Boston Terrier's brain cancer

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
YW Ann. Thanks for taking such great care of Buddy. 😍 :snowman::dog2:


Community Member
Apr 14, 2023
Dr. Jeff, I just went in and reenabled notifications. I guess if you log out, you have to reenable. It's likely I logged out at some point. I hope I start receiving them again!

Actually, I do get Alerts on the website, but I haven't been receiving the email notices, like about upcoming webinars and notices that it's time to schedule a vet consultation, things like that. I didn't see a reply in Spam from HA.


Community Member
Apr 14, 2023
hi again!
The town will not refuse us the parvo vaccine, as the clerk I spoke with said it is not a state law, but a city ordinance. So I can get Buddy his updated tag. These little things seem to mean a lot, because they are what we have always done, and it helps me feel like this is life as usual (I know this is denial -- or should I say hope!).

Have an enjoyable nearly summer weekend, everyone! And a Happy Father's Day to the men out there! :)


Community Member
Apr 14, 2023
@Dr. Jeff
hi Dr. Jeff! I hope you are well!
We have had our ups and downs these past two months! Buddy's prednisone was increased last month as a first step in stopping the seizures he was having regularly in May. The "petit mal" didn't stop, and he got diarrhea twice in about a month, pretty bad. Both times he was taken off prednisone until the diarrhea was well resolved with antibiotic and probiotic. He is back on until we see the neurologist on July 1. Since the upped dose of prednisone didn't take the seizures away (but an additional seizure med did -- nearly 26 days seizure-free!), I will discuss with the vet going back to the 2.5mg daily dose that he dropped us to in April. In the meantime, I am wondering about holistic helps for inflammation of the brain? I am giving Buddy daily probiotic, glucosamine, and sardines often when his digestive system allows! I seem to have picked up that resveratrol is good for brain tumor inflammation, omega 3's, vit C, certain mushrooms. I would like to start him on some anti-inflammatory supplements before our vet visit. I can't do them all, but which do you think would be most helpful for inflammation around a brain tumor. He did seem to be rubbing his head, shaking it, pawing at it when off prednisone. I know there is controversy surrounding prednisone, but I am trying to do the best I can for Buddy. If there are supplements that would work for him, maybe we can wean him off prednisone in time.

As always, thank you so much!

Ann & Buddy

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Hey Ann!

I'm sorry for the rocky road and challenging symptoms of the past few months.
holistic helps for inflammation of the brain?
Perhaps look at dimethylyglycine. It is also shown to decrease seizures by raising the seizure threshold.

most helpful for inflammation around a brain tumor.
Perhaps just keep doing what you're doing, add in DMG and see about reducing the steroid?


Community Member
Apr 14, 2023
Thank you, Dr. Jeff!
I just ordered it on Amazon. By the way, I used the probiotic spray you recommended when Buddy had the skin eruptions (prednisone-induced!:rolleyes3:) in April for another application. It was very soothing for his rear when he had the loose stools. I would apply it with a soft compress twice daily. So thanks for all the great leads!:)


Community Member
Apr 14, 2023
hi Dr. Jeff--

Buddy had three seizures this past day.😔 He had gone 33 days without any obvious seizure, as far as I know. These were all "grand mal," but I think he has had worse, or maybe I am getting used to seeing them. He barks for hours afterwards, off and on. He is barking now. Walks can help, and chew bones have helped, but he didn't want his bone today, and it is stormy in CT (as you probably know!), not great weather for a walk. Actually, I just gave him a chew bone, and he is occupied with it and not barking at the moment!

Tomorrow will be a week since I started him on DMG. It says to give suggested level twice per day for two weeks, then give once per day. 21-40 lb: give 1ml. Buddy weighed 22.9 last I checked. I have only been giving him 0.5ml, as he is on the lower end of that weight spectrum. Is this a good amount for Buddy at this stage: on phenobarbital, keppra, and prednisone, which I hope we can cut back. We see the neurologist tomorrow.

The barking is very difficult to endure. He is very agitated, not himself. His eyes don't look like him, and he does not want to be touched, but will jump away. When his brain settles down, I guess, he is back to Buddy. I have a lot of essential oils that I haven't been using. Do you think they would help?

Thanks so much!

Ann & Buddy

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
I'm. super sorry Ann to hear about Buddy's latest seizures.
Is this a good amount for Buddy at this stage
Yes. .5ml twice a day is good.

The barking is very difficult to endure

I just gave him a chew bone, and he is occupied with it and not barking at the moment!
That's exactly the best strategy (either a bone, a walk or whatever makes him happiest).

Do you think they would help?
Yes, they absolutely could.


Community Member
Apr 14, 2023
@Dr. Jeff
Good morning, Dr. Jeff!
Buddy saw the neurologist on Monday. They have put him on another seizure med, zonisamide. He had a grand mal seizure as we were walking out the door after our appointment, and they whisked him in, thinking we were arriving for an emergency, not realizing we had already been seen. So he was given the "cluster buster" drug and an anti-nausea drug. He has been sleeping constantly since, and both nights after didn't budge to sleep with us. And he has been refusing food, which has never happened in his life. I have been trying to get him to eat with enticing toppers, but his appetite is not its hearty self. It seems odd to me that this would happen so abruptly right after being at the vet's office. I know the new drug suppresses appetite, but I believe he refused at least part of his dinner before getting his first dose. Now they want to give him Entyce, which I told them to hold at the desk as we try getting him to eat in a more natural way. Do you have any opinion on Entyce?

If that seizure had happened on the way home, we would have dealt with it as we have been doing, but because they thought we were arriving and not leaving the hospital, they gave him that drug to stop seizures which I believe is like Xanax. Would that cause him to be so sleepy for going on two days? And he was nauseous during that incident, I don't know why. Would that be why he is not eating now? The vet said try Entyce, and if that doesn't work, he will work with the meds. Buddy IS eating with enticing toppers, just not as heartily and as much as he always has. Does a dog with a glioma eventually lose his appetite? Or maybe this all has to do with the unfortunate incident at the vet? Or maybe the new med? I would never pit one vet against another, but asking helps me understand and chart our course forward.

Thank you for your support, and for being a valued member of "Team Buddy!"

Ann & Buddy

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
I'm sorry that Buddy needed the "cluster busters" and am glad you were at the neurologist when this happened.
Do you have any opinion on Entyce?
It's fine.

Would that cause him to be so sleepy for going on two days?
It could, yes.

Does a dog with a glioma eventually lose his appetite?
Yes. And they commonly can have alterations in appetite, likes and dislikes. Along with the structural changes in the brain, lots of things can change in his life, BEAM, etc.

IMHO, the best strategy is still to focus on optimizing the frequency of Buddy's joy and happiness throughout the day.

Perhaps also let him sleep outside in the fresh air, healing sun and in contact with mother earth. She will absolutely help his body do the best it can do.


Community Member
Apr 14, 2023
hi Dr. Jeff!
I hope you had a fun 4th of July!

Buddy isn't exceedingly sleepy anymore, and his appetite seems pretty much back to normal. We let him have a "pup cup" ice cream last night, even though I know sugar is an absolute NO!!! for cancer. It's a bucket list item, only this once! He does seem more finicky about what he eats or doesn't eat, but we can work with that.

Yes, his BEAM has changed. I will work on this, as well. We tried to walk yesterday, but Buddy was having a difficult time breathing. We took long rests, and he pushed himself, but I had to carry him to the car after 3/4 mile. I thought the walk would distract from his agitated barking (which he is doing right now!). Buddy has loved sleeping outside in the sun during the summer, but this year he comes in very quickly when he goes out. I will try sitting out there with him.

When I can walk him I will. And chew bones do help for the duration of the chew. I have asked this question before, but that was when he was on two seizure meds. Now he is on pheno, keppra, zonisamide. When he is getting beside himself barking, can I use CBD on top of all these strong drugs, not to mention prednisone? I have succumbed on one or two occasions, but only gave 1/4 of 1 mg. I believe he can have a mg for his size. It would be a good tool to have in my arsenal, as he is doing a lot of barking lately.

Thank you for your kind support, Dr. Jeff!

Ann & Buddy

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
When he is getting beside himself barking, can I use CBD on top of all these strong drugs, not to mention prednisone?
Yes! And you can safely give a much higher dose of the CBD.

The main "downside" is that he may fall asleep!💤💤💤


Community Member
Apr 14, 2023
hi Dr. Jeff!
Just wanted to give an update and ask a question. As of today, Buddy has been seizure-free(?) for 28 days, since his last check-up with the neurologist when he had a seizure before leaving the vet hospital. He made it to 33 days before the last group of seizures, when they bumped him up to three seizure meds. I am hoping and praying he makes it for a longer time this time, as he IS on three meds. He has, however, been barking a lot lately. Sometimes the barking seems neurological (focal seizures?), but many times I can distract him out of it, at least temporarily. I very occasionally give him the lowest dose of CBD, which seems to help some. He absolutely loves a toy that my friend gave him years ago, and that I recently revisited. He adores this toy, but I am sure it is not real healthy for him, though it is fun and distracting for a good long time when he is having a barking jag. It is a Busy Buddy Bristle Bone with rawhide disks that he has to work out of the "puzzle" I talked to the company after Christmas, before Buddy was diagnosed with his tumor, and they assured me that the rawhide is made in such a way as to be digestible and not pose a choking hazard. The rawhide has sorbitol in it. What is your honest opinion about letting him have this puzzle/chew toy? The barking can be very trying when we have tried everything to calm him down. In the last couple of days, Buddy has been taking it everywhere with him! He seems to like to sleep with his nose close to it, or sometimes close by him. This is a new behavior, as he never had favorite toys that he slept with. Considering Buddy's prognosis, do you think it is okay to continue letting him have this toy? I have been giving him the rawhide more often because the barking has recently gotten more frequent. But I don't want to give him something that is bad for his presumed cancer, or bad for his tummy, though I am keeping an eye on that.

As of now, Buddy is eight days shy of having outlived his prognosis by two months. Neurologist said 4-5 months; he is nearly seven months out from his first seizures. He has gained weight (but is a good weight for his size) and has a very healthy appetite. But he is sleeping more, is not as energetic (but some of that is the hot humid weather). His mood is okay, though he gets agitated with the barking. He has short spurts of playfulness and mischief. So his BEAM is not as good, but he IS on a lot of medication, and the weather in CT (as you know!) HAS been too hot and humid to enjoy walks. I do take him out to sit in the yard, but that is even too hot at times.

Thank you, Dr. Jeff! :)

P.S. Do you know about Lap of Love? What do you think of them? I hope I don't have to put Buddy down!
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Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
As of today, Buddy has been seizure-free(?) for 28 days
Yay!! 😍 :snowman:

The rawhide has sorbitol in it. What is your honest opinion about letting him have this puzzle/chew toy?
Because he loves, loves, loves it, go ahead and use it for now. Sounds like a good distraction.

However, it would be great to find a toy he loves as much that doesn't contain sorbitol.

do you think it is okay to continue letting him have this toy?

What is the name (or direct link) for the toy?

Do you know about Lap of Love?

What do you think of them?
It's a great concept (home hospice care and home euthanasia).

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
It is something Buddy loves, so perhaps just keeping using it.

BTW-Did the company mention anything about the source of the rawhides.


Community Member
Apr 14, 2023
@Dr. Jeff

Dr. Jeff, I just found this. I know this is not ideal. I think Buddy likes working at chewing and yanking the ring off the toy. Is there a more healthy alternative that would require him to yank.? I have not given him real bones, but maybe a real bone from Whole Foods. My rug is shot after Buddy's two bouts of diarrhea, not to mention how old and worn it is, so we could live with any soiling. Any other ideas welcome! :)

· 4 years ago

Where are these treat rings made?​

  1. AshleighM from PetSafe
    · 4 years ago

    Excellent question! In order to keep our toys and treats at an affordable cost for pet owners, our products are sourced in Taiwan by reputable companies. We maintain the recommended standards for our manufacturers and regularly test our products to ensure that we are producing safe products that we feel confident in using with our own pets.
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Community Member
Apr 14, 2023
@Dr. Jeff
hi Dr. Jeff!
I haven't given Buddy a rawhide chew in his bone since our communication on Monday. I didn't know that the treats were made in Taiwan, and I noticed blood in his stool, but this happens with Buddy periodically, even before his cancer diagnosis. I broke down and gave him one ring (bone takes two) today because he was barking and whining agitatedly, and I had done everything I could think of. He didn't chew it, but carried it around, and seems to be comforted having it near, who knows why? :)

Buddy is barking more frequently, maybe 45-60 minutes at a time, a number of times during the day. He wakes up with a start and starts barking, sometimes growling gently in his sleep before waking up. A few days ago, I started giving him CBD to help with the barking. I decided I would give it regularly. I give him 1.5mg at 6:30AM and 1.5mg at 2:30PM, and he has done well, but ends up barking in the evening before his 9:45 round of meds. I wish I could take him for evening walks, but it is way too hot for him. How much CBD can I give him at once, and can I give it three times per day? It seems that most websites say two times daily.

A month ago, one of the neurology vets prescribed trazadone for his barking, but I never filled it. We did okay through July, but he had been prescribed a new seizure med on July 1. I am thinking he might be heading for another round of seizures. I have noticed some signs that I have seen in the past. He went 33 days last time, and it's been 33 days today since his last grand mal. I think the agitated barking and gentle growling in his sleep are indications of something happening in his brain, too. I called in that prescription earlier today because I was feeling desperate, but I am having strong second thoughts. If I can use CBD to manage the barking, I would rather do that, but it looks like he would need a lot, or maybe need it more than two times per day. What are your thoughts, Dr. Jeff? I know we may be heading toward end of life, but I am going to hold off talking to hospice until the next time I have to call about too many seizures.

His BEAM are all deteriorated. I do think he would be a happier dog if we could walk, but I have had to carry him home the last three times, heat not cancer!

Thank you, as always!

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017


Community Member
Apr 14, 2023
P.S. It occurred to me that the "A" in BEAM stands for appetite, not attitude. His appetite is great, and his stools seem healthy. He is on daily probiotic.

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