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Buddy Boston Terrier's brain cancer


Community Member
Apr 14, 2023
@Dr. jeff
Hi Dr. Jeff!
So, looking back on our last correspondence, it was either Saturday or Sunday (8/3 or 4) when I started giving Buddy 3mg CBD in chew form, 1.5mg at 6:30AM and 1.5mg at 2:30PM. Yesterday (8/7) Buddy stopped eating (he had vomited the night before). Only once before have I seen him refuse a meal in his life, and that was when he was started on zonisamide on 7/1 last month. The neurology vet suggested I give him a drug to stimulate appetite, but I did not want to give him an appetite stimulant on top of all the other drugs he takes, so they gave me a prescription for topiramate to replace zonisamide. I filled it, but never used it because Buddy's appetite returned to normal when I started using sardines and goat cheese as toppers. After the initial adjustment, he didn't even need the toppers, as he was eating normally. I figured "why mess with success."

I did some digging online, and I am wondering if the CBD has enhanced the effects of zonisamide? First of all, up till this time, I would only give him CBD intermittently and rarely, as need be. As of last weekend, I put him on a two or three times daily dose (once I had to give him a little more after the two doses), so he might have a therapeutic level in his system now. I read that CBD interacts with zonisamide, and can enhance the effects. In this case, it is a very unwanted enhancement! Yesterday, he did eat, but later than he usually does. Today, even putting lots of sardines in the bowl hasn't helped. He just picks the toppers off and leaves the food.

I am SO reluctant to give up on CBD, as it seems to help his more frequent barking spells. But I am thinking I should wean the dose down and see if we can get his appetite back. Maybe give him 2mg daily (the lowest possible dose for his weight), but I am not sure how effective that will be in stopping the barking spells. I think I am going to order some toppers I saw in your recommended products section. I don't want to try topiramate, as it also interacts with CBD and can cause inappetance.

Also, this morning has been 38 days grand mal free, but he seemed to be having focal seizures (not sure that would be the label, but a less severe incident). He was rolling around in bed (which he does frequently), but I have never been sure if this is normal (it doesn't look like a normal back scratch), or a type of seizure, not grand mal. He wanted to go out at 5:30AM, and stood barking in the center of the yard. A while later, when I tried to feed him, he was frantically sniffing and licking the floor, and I have never seen that before. It seemed like it could be a seizure of sorts. His seizures do seem to have to do with smells. He has a piriform glioma. Could this type of tumor cause seizures that seem smell related at times?

I am asking you rather than the neurology department, as the last time this happened, the neurosurgeon who sees Buddy regularly recommended an appetite stimulant, I mean a drug, and I don't want to layer drugs on top of drugs. Also, they are not against CBD, but they don't recommend it as they say there is not enough research yet. But they have been very positive about me trying it. Do you think it would do any good to try topiramate (very reluctant to make any changes, especially when he was eating normally two days ago). So reduce or eliminate CBD (and would this help the barking spells), try the toppers on your site, switch to topiramate? The neurology vets also gave me a prescription for a sedative, trazadone. Again, I am reluctant to use it, and was hoping CBD would be a good substitute bark-stopper. Any words of wisdom would be appreciated! Thank you so much, as always!

Ann & Buddy

P.S. I asked the neurosurgeon who oversees Buddy last month if he thinks his lack of appetite then had to do with his cancer, and he said no, he thought it was drug-related.

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
tumor cause seizures that seem smell related at times?
Yes. The tumor itself is not causing it but smells can certainly trigger seizures in some individuals (even if they don't have a tumor).

So reduce or eliminate CBD (and would this help the barking spells), try the toppers on your site, switch to topiramate?
As you said Ann, why change. anything and mess with success. So perhaps just see if he likes the toppers before changing anything else.
oping CBD would be a good substitute bark-stopper.

Also, please remind me if you are working with a vet homeopath? I ask because the smells triggering seizures could be a useful symptom for a homeopath.


Community Member
Apr 14, 2023
No, Dr. Jeff, I don't have a homeopath. When we get another dog, I will most certainly want a relationship with a homeopath/holistic/integrative vet. I live in New Britain, Connecticut. Do you know of any homeopaths up my way? I saw you recommended Dr. Stone in Watertown to another member. I guess my feeling is to work with our regular vet (hardly ever now), the veterinary hospital (neurology in particular), and Holistic Actions for the remainder of Buddy's life. I also want to call hospice when the time is right.

I appreciate being able to "talk" things over with you. Your advice is wise. Make a change that has worked in the past and see what happens (toppers). I think I will drop down to 2mg CBD and see if this affects his appetite, too. Thank you so much! I will let you know how things go! :)

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017


Community Member
Apr 14, 2023
Thank you so much! Now I have two doctors' names to tuck away, even if I don't work with a homeopath at this time in Buddy's life.

I don't know the difference between a homeopath, holistic practitioner, and naturopath. Need to consult Google! :)

Do you see clients in person, Dr. Jeff? You would be top pick!

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
YW Ann!
I don't know the difference between a homeopath, holistic practitioner, and naturopath.
Great question. The homeopath is the only one that primarily treats the energetic dis-ease which underlies all of the physical symptoms.

Holistic is primarily a way of seeing all things as being interconnected. Compared to the reductionism of modern medicine that sees the body as made up of separate parts.

General holistic docs may use drugs, vaccines, supplements, herbs (sometimes used like drugs? etc.

Naturopathic treatment is based on the vis medicatrix naturae (the healing power of nature) using herbs, supplements, lifestyle, etc.

Some Naturopaths are also vitalistic (energy based) and are called vNDs:

Do you see clients in person, Dr. Jeff?

Yes, I do work 1:1 with some HA! members.


Community Member
Apr 14, 2023
@Dr. jeff
Good morning, Dr. Jeff!
Thank you for taking the time to define the areas of wellness I mentioned not knowing the difference between, or much about really, except for believing in a holistic view of health and wellness, and a little about natural remedies. I am learning! I answered your question about 2025 webinars with wanting to more about homeopathy.

Anyways, I wanted to give you an update. Buddy is eating again. I did cut his CBD way down to 1/2 mg twice daily, and he did fine yesterday, but you never know with Buddy. I am speaking about his barking spells that have been escalating. Thursday was awful, but it occurred to me that he was not eating that day, so he had all his seizure meds as well as a larger dose of CBD than I had been giving him on an empty stomach. No wonder he was agitated and barking all day! It seems I can use CBD with zonisamide, but in a smaller dose. Maybe I need to try other avenues, like the flower essences you mentioned, to calm Buddy I ordered the toppers from your website, but hopefully the inappetance is done now. I know the toppers will be healthy and enjoyable nonetheless!

Oh! I never got a sniff mat, which you recommended in January when we had a phone consult with you. I looked back at the links you shared back then, and saw a recommendation in one of the articles, but do you have a favorite sniff mat? And where do you buy (was it chicken heart?). Buddy does adore sniffing, but I can't walk him in this humid weather in CT! A sniff mat would be a good distraction when he is barking, too. I am sure some of the barking is due to boredom. Not only can he not walk, but he cannot go up and down the stairs like he used to many times per day, which was great exercise.

Thank you, as always, and have a fun weekend!

Ann & Buddy

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017

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