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Mistletoe Fen Ben or Ivermectin? For TCC Bladder and Prostate Cancer


Mar 21, 2024
My neutered 14lb mixed terrier male pup Buddy is 13 1/2 is has been diagnosed with TCC prostate and bladder cancer with a BRAF test and oncologist. We are switching to a raw diet, and in general has pretty good energy, appetite and mood except for a big increase in separation anxiety especially at night. However he also has cataracts which could contribute. He also may have a disk issue in his upper back which causes some pain and treatments with laser therapy, the CBD seems to help as well. I am seeking any advice on possible non chemo treatments. Has anyone treated patients successfully with Fenbendazole and Ivermectin and is there an opinion if this works better than Mistletoe? He is taking Turkey Tail, Heptatic Support, two other Chinese herbs and subcutaneous, rectal ozone therapy. It has been so difficult finding a vet experienced with the all of these so I very much appreciate any help!! ?


The biggest challenge is finding one veterinarian to be primary, who is also accepting of your trying other supportive modalities.

Pleaseread the entire articleon finding and working with a holistic vet (and many homeopaths work virtually).

Definitely fresh food diet, whatever he prefers - buying locally, pasture reared and slaughtered, beloved protein sources & vegetables is important.

Love, happiness, energy methods (especially Bengston's book - the energy cure) and he spoke for us, are the biggest focus.

to support you, we have had several speakers on transition times, even when we are going for a physical cure.

Personally, I have worked very little with cancer, so will ask @Dr. Jeff for more about mistletoe, etc.

Dr. Christina
Thanks Natalie for re-posting here about Buddy!

He looks like one happy pup!

Does he act like he doesnt feel well?

What's his BEAM score?

Here's an edit of my reply in the private conversation area of the forum (and thanks again for re-posting):


Also, here's more about BEAM and our method that focuses on quality of life:

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