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Kitty with presumed bladder cancer


Community Member
Apr 3, 2023
My kitty Barty is a spayed female domestic shorthair, about 10 years old. She was spayed sometime prior to age 1, which is about when we adopted her. She is currently between 9-10 lbs, down from about 14lbs in early Feb (appetite is greatly diminished since that time). I took her to a combined holistic/conventional vet (new primary) in early Feb, due to seeing bright red blood in her urine (in box). She had an xray, which did not show any stones, and was given a Convenia (cefovecin) injection and advised to have an ultrasound. No urinalysis was done, as when scoping her urethra for a sample the vet observed that her bladder looked irregular and "angry". Her bloodwork (CBC, Chemistry, T4/FT4) was found normal at that time. In early March she had an abdominal ultrasound by Board Vet Radiologist. All organs were reported as normal except for the bladder (uterus & ovaries unseen - spayed). The bladder is described as "severe generalized irregular mucosal thickening, up to 23 mm, overall decreased mucosal echogenicity. No Calculi." The ultrasonagraphic diagnosis was "bladder: most compatible with neoplasia (TCC, lymphosarcoma), less likely to represent severe infectious/inflammatory cystitis". It was reported that a fine needle aspirate would be feasible given the degree of wall thickening, but are often inconclusive with bladder tumors and carry risk of seeding the abdomen; surgical biopsy may be necessary for a definitive diagnosis. Barty saw a conventional Board Vet Oncologist on Mar 24 and was given metacam oral susp 0.5mg/ml (to dose 0.5 ml every other day) and mirataz transdermal. I gave Barty metacam (only 0.2ml) 2 days, but haven't continued as the 2nd time she really fought it. I have not used the mirataz yet. Her primary vet prescribed some Chinese herbs in powder form, but it has not been possible to give this to her in her food (she refused and is not eating much to begin with). She has continued to have blood in the urine, although about a week ago she had a few days with no blood seen (I think coincident with the metacam). She also started having incontinence (peeing outside of box, nearby and otherwise) - this seems to be increasing including more frequently being farther from box. She has been urinating very frequently recently, usually small amounts although at times larger amounts. Due to the incontinence she has been staying in our lower level finished rooms (has windows), a place she was accustomed to (more on that later).
Her current BEAM - She sleeps alot but has been getting up to see me when I come to her rooms - however, the level of interaction has been decreasing in past couple of days. She still will jump up to look out window, but perhaps less so. She seemed to enjoy going outside on deck with me last week, but today was not as inclined. Her appetite is poor (increasingly so the last 2 days). I try a variety of foods and she will smell, act hungry, but not eat. Last night she drank some fresh chicken broth, today no. She drinks water but not consistently - this may relate to her eating some kibble which I have had to resort to when that was all she would eat (I continue to offer and encourage a variety of canned, raw, freeze dried but she's not really interested especially last couple days). Mood - she seems less comfortable/interactive the past couple days. Prior she would come see me and often jump up and lay nearby, enjoying pets, until she had to pee.
Barty hasn't had medical concerns prior to this.
Prior to initial presentation she had largely been eating Fresh Pet cat chicken & beef roll, Hill's oral care kibble, and Nature's Variety Limited Ingredient Turkey. When our other cat was sick in recent months, she also had some of his food (variety as he had similar issues with appetite). I had been researching better foods and started using Open Farm (still kibble), Just Food for Cats (raw, fish based), along with the Fresh Pet. I fully appreciate the benefit of whole food diets, having been working on it for our dog recently, but had not yet made major transition for Barty.
Barty is an indoor kitty and does not receive anti-parasite meds. Her last rabies (1y) was in 2018, prior to that I believe it would have been as a kitten prior to our adoption, approx. 2014. No known exposure to toxins other than what can be around home, although I try to limit any of that.
There had been alot of stress and disruption in the household prior to her initial presentation. I'd note that Barty had been largely kept in her lower level "apartment" for about the last 5 years, after we adopted another cat who bullied her terribly and was very dominant. I would visit with her, but feel it was less than ideal for her. She was terrified of him, as he was quite mean in his attacks (he would even wait by her closed door and she was aware of it). Perhaps of interest - she would pee if he had the chance to jump on her in an attack. Barty is a sweet, affectionate cat, somewhat timid but not overly so, but will run in fear if attacked or chased (by our playful dog ... we strove to limit that kind of interaction). So last summer I lost my mother unexpectedly, my son left for college (a good thing, but a change with the normal stresses of getting ready), then the other kitty was found to have a liver tumor which involved alot of medical visits and TLC, and he sadly succumbed in mid January after unexpected surgical complications. I know I had alot of emotional upheaval during all this time, and that may have affected Barty along with my distraction with everything. We also have been dealing with a very itchy dog for about a year (now under holistic care), which added stress and distraction to the household. After our other kitty died, we were able to let Barty roam the house again. I first noticed the blood in her urine about 2 weeks after he died.
It is somewhat difficult to know when the condition is better or worse. It's possible that she feels better at night, as in the past couple weeks that seemed to be when she would eat. She might like heat - she tends to sleep most on a nest which is on the floor where pipes often warm it, and she seems to like the sun. I would say emotional upset, excitement makes her worse but maybe because I perceive she doesn't like that. She does seem to enjoy being petted, but not so much the past couple days.
Of potential interest - Barty has always been very sensitive to changes in barometric pressure. She can sense when a storm is approaching, and is fearful or uncomfortable with it. She will slink away and hide, generally preferring to be in the lower level room against a wall. In general, she will hide if something frightens her. We had a really big and long storm this Saturday (2 days ago).
Also, when she was eating well she would often eat her food quickly. She would sometimes spit it up very soon after eating. To avoid that, I would try to give her a little food and let that sit for a bit, then give her the rest.
I was hoping that I'd be able to get a definitive diagnosis without putting her through too much, but from what I hear that may require a surgical biopsy and I'm not leaning to put her through that. So my thinking was then to treat her assuming that it could be cancer, or something else, although the vets are assuming cancer. I would like to help Barty without causing her alot of stress, and it is most likely that we would take a holistic approach only, although we haven't entirely ruled out conventional treatment if it would give her a good quality of life and/or buy time to allow holistic methods to work. Admittedly I'm feeling quite overwhelmed with all the information out there on holistic methods (as well as conventional methods and recent information such as around CBD, Panacur, ivermectin). I lean to things that could be reasonably done with a cat (e.g. powdered herbs are likely to be difficult unless super low dose, oral liquids may or may not be feasible, etc.). E.g. I'm wondering is homeopathy may be worth trying for Barty. Herbal or mushroom extracts without alcohol (or which one can evaporate the alcohol off)? CBD? Etc. I may need another holistic vet, experienced in other methods, to help me/her. Phone consults would be best, as much as possible, to avoid stress on Barty.
Any guidance you may have on this condition in cats, potential therapeutic approaches, and practitioners, any advice (e.g. how to get her eating?), would be much appreciated. I don't know how much time Barty has and I worry that I won't be able to get things in place soon enough to help her. I've been working hard to learn and figure out next steps. I was happy to recently find out about HolisticActions! (via a PetSummit, which seminars I've found very helpful); so thankful for that.
I'm not attaching files tonight as it is late here (southeast PA), and I probably need to scan. However I believe I captured the key information above.
Many thanks!
Hi again Loretta-

I just replied to your other post and thanks for the additional info which is very helpful.
I'm wondering is homeopathy may be worth trying for Barty
Yes, yes and yes! I recommended a few vet homeopaths who consult virtually in the other post.

Starting tonight tho you can try finding anything (other than kibble) that she'll eat. Baby food, sardines, lunch meats, freeze dried hearts, etc.

There are also many other forum threads with lots of other suggestions.

Is she drinking water? Have you tried coconut water, chicken broth, goat's milk or structured water?

The happier we can help her be, and the more of a parasympathetic state (when her body restores and regenerates best) we can help her be in (anything that makes her purr) the better:

Let us know if you are having trouble finding the homeopathic vet for Barty.
Dr. Christina
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