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How often can I give my cat sardines?


Community Member
Oct 29, 2022
I had been giving my 14-year old male Maine Coon cat one sardine every three days. Recently, he has started to not want to eat his food with supplements in it (this was not a problem before). However, I can get a lot of supplements (such as his probiotic and his Omega 3 oil) in the sardine juice because he loves it. How often can he have one sardine (not one can of sardines, just one sardine) - one every other day, one every day, etc.? What will eating too many sardines do to him?

Also, could eating one raw chicken neck every day be contributing to his chronic constipation?
How often can he have one sardine (not one can of sardines, just one sardine) -
IMHO, every day! @Dr. Jean Hofve may have a different opinion tho.
What will eating too many sardines do to him?
Help him be happier! 😉 😻

Seriously tho, some individuals can get urinary and GI symptoms (like cystitis, vomiting and diarrhea) from too many sardines (or any other food).
Also, could eating one raw chicken neck every day be contributing to his chronic constipation?
Yes. It might be best to avoid anything with bones until you get his constipation under control.

Does he like milk?:catfood:
Since April 21, I have been adding a tablespoon of pumpkin to his raw goat milk. I also started giving it to him three times a day, but these past couple of days he has been very fussy with not wanting to eat his food with supplements in it and not drinking all his milk. I'll try giving his important supplements with the sardine and juice each day. He also gets a CBD capsule twice a day for arthritis, but I wasn't able to get him to take it today. He eats the cooked ground chicken and cooked chicken hearts I give him, but I can't get any capsules or supplements in it after it is cooked.
If he is eating 1 sardine a day (which is fine) then he doesn't need additional Omega-3, the fish has all he needs. Make sure they are packed in water though, not oil or tomato juice. It's also plenty of calcium so I would not add the chicken neck on a day when he gets a sardine.
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