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Omega test results for Maine Coon cat


Community Member
Oct 29, 2022
My 14-year old male Maine Coon cat, Teddy, had his omega level tested when we first started taking him to Dr. Stern in March of 2023, and it was 10.2. He was put on two pumps per day of Omega Benefits by Veterinarian Recommended Solutions (Omega Benefits® Cat & Small Dog | Veterinarian Recommended Solutions). He was just tested again and the level is now 3.7. Since the desirable level is less than three, I was told to give him three pumps per day of the Omega Benefits. I suspected his level was not where it should be because he is still itchy.

My question is, does this seem like a normal response (that two pumps of oil per day is not enough), or should he have improved sufficiently by now? Is this a good product, or is there a better one I should be giving him? Also, within the last two weeks I started giving him one sardine every three days - will this be helpful to him?
does this seem like a normal response (that two pumps of oil per day is not enough), or should he have improved sufficiently by now?
Yes, this seems normal for Teddy.
Is this a good product,
Yes (and VRS is a good company with other great products).
within the last two weeks I started giving him one sardine every three days - will this be helpful to him?
Yes! Especially if he loves them!!??
Thank you, Dr. Jeff! And yes, Teddy does love sardines.:)
My Husband was Head of Research for Nordic Naturals Fish Oil Co. They are one of the best, if not the best and cleanest sources! They get their Fish from icy Nordic waters and process them fresh Daily!!!

NordicNaturals.com had a pet division offering high quality Fish Oil & Cod Liver Oil which is ideal. Keep Refrigerated! Watch expiration Dates! Most Health Food Stores carry this brand and good Independent Pet Food Stores.

Despite a lot of marketing, Krill is not comparable and goes rancid quickly.

Nordic will happily talk with you and answer questions and you can order directly.

We have no affiliation with then any longer. We prescribe their Fish and Omega Oils for People to all our Patients! My Husband takes a big swig of the Lemon Fish Oil Daily! I prefer the Vegan Algae Omega!

They have great EPA & DHA for pregnancy…studies show most Post Partum Depression is a lack of DHA in Mama as the Fetus uses most of it up! I wish all women knew this before getting pregnant!
@RuthR I had a Maine Coon Cat that I rescued when he was 15-16! I learned Maine Coons are prone to Heart Disease!!!
I had a strong intuition that he had a Heart problem because he kept asking me for wnergy healing on his Chest, & I did it 3 x a day for the last year of his Life. I had 3 Vets check his heart and ran every blood test available! They were all very comdesending to me! This was during Covid and I did mot want to take him to the ER to have images and will always refret that decision.
He was attacked by a Dog and I rushed him to ER, where they found he had Heart Disease & Fluid all around his Heart and his Lungs were filling up with fluid! They strongly urged me to Euthanize. After asking Tiger what he wanted, talking to our Holistic Vet and having 2 other Animal Communicators validate my findings…we had to say Goodbye. Worst day if my Life.

I share this so all Maine Coon Guardians can take steps to strengthen their Cats Heart and keep a close eye with imaging. There are many supplements and feeding Hearts and freeze dried Hearts for treats that can all help. Taurine is probably the most important Supplement for the Heart.

Tiger is now my Assistant in Accomoanying Animal ma to the Light! He flies with a Red Cape and holds their Paws! I have him show the animals how peaceful it is to transition, and what it will feel like to ease any fear. Words really do not convey the magic! Our Relaruonship is a very special one, and I still miss his 20 pound fluffy body and his giant purr and our daily love sessions!

I hope this helps.
@RuthR I had a Maine Coon Cat that I rescued when he was 15-16! I learned Maine Coons are prone to Heart Disease!!!
I had a strong intuition that he had a Heart problem because he kept asking me for energy healing on his Chest, & I did it 3 x a day for the last year of his Life.

I had 3 Vets check his heart and ran every blood test available! They were all very condescending to me! This was during Covid and I did not want to take him to the ER to have images and will always regret that decision.

He was attacked by a Dog, named Karma(really), and I rushed him to ER, where they found he had Heart Disease & Fluid all around his Heart and his Lungs were filling up with fluid! They strongly urged me to Euthanize!

After asking Tiger what he wanted, talking to our Holistic Vet and having 2 other Animal Communicators validate my findings…we had to say Goodbye. Worst day if my Life.

I share this so all Maine Coon Guardians, any all Cats & Dogs, can take steps to strengthen their Animals Heart and keep a close eye with imaging.

There are many supplements and feeding Hearts and freeze dried Hearts for treats that can all help. Taurine is probably the most important Supplement for the Heart. Of Course a Raw Diet with Organs is great! Sadly Tiger refused anything but Kibble…Gulp. I tried everything trust me.

Tiger is now my Assistant in Accompanying Animals to the Light! He flies with a Red Cape and holds their Paws! I prepare the Animals as a Death Doula. I have Tiger show the animals how peaceful it is to transition, and what it will feel like to ease any fear. Words really do not convey the magic! Our Relationship is a very special one, and I still miss his 20 pound fluffy body and his giant purr and our daily love sessions!

I hope this helps, Lauren
Divine Harmony Pet Communication
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