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What to feed cat with food allergies/sensitivities/chronic gut issues

All of the above... but why I say they like it (only half joking) is that so many cats do it so consistently they *must* like it--but probably because it makes them feel so much better.
Sounds like a lot of vomiting you've seen in your 30 years. I'm glad it makes them feel better, but it seems like such a strain on their bodies and digestive systems.

Why did they feel the need in the first place? There we look to an energetic imbalance. That's where things start... then move down through emotional, mental, and into physical realms. Chronic physical ailments always have a big energetic component. Homeopathy is capable of healing backward through those layers to get to the base and effect a cure.
Homeopathic healing sounds amazing. I can't wait to learn more about it.

Thanks, @Dr. Jean Hofve!
They like to vomit? lol
HA! Dr. Pitcairn says that vomiting is a cat's "hobby" (and an early warning sign of imbalance)!
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