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Buddy Boston Terrier's brain cancer

we had to put Buddy down yesterday.
Ann, I'm very sorry for your loss of Buddy. 😥

I know he now is running, playing and free of seizures.🌈:dog2:

He thanks you for your love throughout his life, and for setting him free.

And he is still with you in memory, energy and spirit.✨✨✨
Thank you for your beautiful words of comfort Dr. Jeff! The kind condolences of friends and family have been a real help. It has meant a great deal to me to be able to run things by you all since I joined Holistic Actions! Everyone I have communicated with has been so loving, kind, and helpful, including you, Ginny! I didn't know you were following Buddy's story, but I have appreciated your sympathetic and encouraging support as well. Thank you all from the bottom of my (hurting) heart.

Love, Ann
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