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Tumor on right paw near pad not sure if cancer


VIP Member
May 8, 2018
In May of 2024 I noticed this growth near the pads of Amadeus right paw. Did not seem to be too painful as he would run around the yard chasing pedestrians along the fence line. Sometimes there would be tiny spots of blood on my tile floor but not very often. His BEAM is great.

I have not taken him to the vet because I assume the procedure would be to take a biopsy. If it is cancer I would be using homeopathy and Ozone. If it is an infection, I would be using homeopathy and ozone. If it is a benign growth, I would use homeopathy.

I tried calc fluor 30C for about one month. I did not see a change. On June 24th I started using ozone and calendula 200C. I am also soaking the paw in calendula tincture mixed with water. I am considering adding light therapy.

Have you seen this kind of growth near the paw pads in animals that you have previously examined? Do you have any guesses as to possible diagnoses? Or what I should consider?

Thanks for your help

Cindy Pinera

Paw growth on right front paw 2024.JPG
Hey Cindy!

It's great to see you back on the forum.

I'm sorry to hear about Amadeus's tumor. The most important thing is that his BEAM is great!

How old is he? What does he eat? Does he take any probiotics?
Have you seen this kind of growth near the paw pads in animals that you have previously examined?
Do you have any guesses as to possible diagnoses?
Great question. And as you said, only a biopsy can say for sure.Is it growing or changing in any way?

Here's an article that discusses some of these tumors:

Or what I should consider?
In addition to the actions which help increase and balance vitality (that you are probably already doing) perhaps consider topical Pau D'Arco liquid 4x a day, C60, vitamin C++, rotating probiotics and of course constitutional homeopathy. Are you working with a vet homeopath?

Great suggestions from Dr. Jeff, Cindy.
And, of course, still your worried mind as much as you can.
Thanks Dr Jeff. I just purchased all the products you have suggested. Amadeus is 6 years old. He has been getting NuVet Plus vitamins, Natures protection by Earth Animal herbal powder and Flea Away supplement. No probiotics. He does have digestive issues occasionally and slippery elm tincture helps immediately.

Food is a mixture of some kibble, raw chicken wing, some canned food, chicken liver and pumpkin.

Homeopathically he is probably a constitutional Arsenicum with anxiety.

His Beam is great. He has lots of energy.
I'd like to see him eating some "red meat" organs: liver, heart, tripe, kidneys from larger animals. Kibble and canned are pretty much dead and potentially toxic, nutritionally. Does he have symptoms that pumpkin manages? I'd suspect that the growth is his body's attempt to push out SOMEthing, so optimizing what goes in might make sense.
This is an update of the tumor growth on my Standard Schnauzer's right paw pad. I treated it holistically without having a biopsy to see if it was cancer. One of my holistic friends told me about a product called Cell defender for pets with zeolite to remove toxins. There is a human version also which she started taking when a tumor was seen on her thyroid. After several months her tumor started reducing and it is still continuing to get smaller. It is not a quick cure. So, I tried it on my dog's tumor in November of 2024. It is an oral paste which you add to the dog food twice a day. The tumor burst open and increased in size like a cauliflower and now has slowly decreased over the last 4 months. Amazing. I did add daily light therapy, daily ozone, soaked the paw for 5 minutes in black seed oil and continued vitamin C and probiotics.

Then on March 11th a blister like growth appeared on the top of the right paw. It was draining a little blood. So, I gave 30C Hepar sulph for 3 days for drainage and then Myristica 30 C for 3 days for drainage and infection. I also continued with all my other therapies. Everything seems to be looking good. I shall continue to observe, and we shall see what happens. I do plan to continue the cell defender indefinitely since in today's world it is very difficult to avoid toxins. I am taking it myself as a preventive. I am also giving my dog apricot seeds (3 per day) as a cancer preventive. And I take them myself.

Amadeus update paw tumor March 5th 2025.JPG

Cell defender for pets zeolite by Avini.jpg

Paw growth Amadeus Ozone June 25th 2024.jpg

Amadeus paw blister above tumor March 11th 2025.JPG
Yay Amadeus! :snowman:

Good work Cindy, keep it up.
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