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Your Pets Quality of Life, Vitality and Negative Ions

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Hi everyone-

I just had to take a break from putting the cancer ebook together in order to share a tip.

That is, to promote deep breathing of the negative ions (which are used to make ozone) that may be directly correlated to cellular energy.

This is one reason for the known benefits of pranayama in people and the effectiveness of sniffing in pets.

Inside, there are two easy ways to generate healthful negative ions and increase Vitality.

  1. Use water fountains to emit negative ions from the cascading water
  2. Keep houseplants
This resource, from your HMDM folder, discusses negative ions in much greater depth:

And house plants also decrease the amount of toxins in your home. Animal Wellness Magazine lists these totally safe plants that improve air quality:
  1. African violet
  2. Areca palm
  3. Boston fern
  4. Spider plant
  5. Wax plant
Dr. Christina
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