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Quality of life and homeopathic treatment for patients with cancer

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
In animals, many veterinary homeopaths have found that quality of life, and often longevity as well, can be improved by using homeopathic medicines.

This controversial article (which is in danger of being removed from open access) found the same thing for people with lung cancer:

Lessons Learned
Conventional medicine and homeopathy work well together.

Quality of life improves with additive homeopathy in patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).

Survival improves with additive homeopathy in patients with NSCLC.

Patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) have limited treatment options. Alongside conventional anticancer treatment, additive homeopathy might help to alleviate side effects of conventional therapy. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether additive homeopathy might influence quality of life (QoL) and survival in patients with NSCLC.
A remarkable article, indeed... Yes, more and more, the sort of exploration described here will fall victim to the loud and orthodox conventional viewpoints. I am currently mourning the demise of a favorite alternative publication, the Townsend Letter, which for decades has taken a wide and thoughtful stance on every possible area of medical exploration. Economics was a factor, but also the constant threat of "crossing the line" into woo-woo medicine...
I noted with interest that one symptom/complaint which homeopathic treatment seemed unable to influence was "financial difficulties":
"After 9 weeks, all symptom scales except pain, diarrhea, and financial difficulties scores were significantly lower (i.e., less symptom burden) in the homeopathy group than in the placebo group..." Ah, well....
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