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Your Pets, Flu and COVID-19 ?

Below is Dr. Samet's important COVID-19 info.

Please remember that the best treatment is prevention.

Follow all of the CDC and local health department recommendations.

Although the majority of holistic preventatives like vitamins, breathing, homeopathy, etc. have not been proven by double blind randomized controlled studies ("RCTs"), that does not mean that they do not work.

We only need to look at the survival statistics of homeopathically-treated patients in past epidemics compared to other patients to see the potential effectiveness.

Here's much more from Dr. Samet:

COVID-19 Epidemic Measures


It’s all anybody talks about… we tried to change the subject the other night at dinner, and we were back to it within a few seconds. All roads seem to lead to COVID-19.

There are many preventative measures we can take, and if you do catch the virus, homeopathic treatment should be very helpful. Please refer back to my February Newsletter if you missed it, which speaks of homeopathy’s extraordinary success in preventing people from developing epidemic diseases and decreasing mortality among those who fall sick during an epidemic.

Many engaged with homeopathy through the years have said, the next epidemic will be homeopathy’s time to shine. As an example, during the Spanish flu in the early 1900’s, conventional medical practitioners lost 30% of pregnant women (the most susceptible population) who fell sick with the flu, compared with the homeopaths who lost only 0.7%. That’s an extraordinary difference, factually documented from hospital records and in published articles. True, the medical system has improved much in the last 100 years, so now we potentially have the best of all worlds.

There are two main methods of using homeopathic remedies to prevent the spread of a contagion. One is by using a “nosode” of the disease, and the other approach is to use the “genius epidemicus” of the disease.

A homeopathic nosode uses the actual virus or bacteria which causes the disease and prepares it “homeopathically,” meaning it is diluted and shaken hundreds or thousands of times so that the homeopathic medicine we take has no measurable amount (using conventional tools) of the microbe in the remedy. What is left are nano-particles of the microbe. Taking a nosode for disease prevention requires it be taken periodically over time in an effort to confer long-term resistance to a disease. The benefit of this approach is that if you are exposed, you already have built some immunity to the disease, so either you will not develop symptoms, or very mild ones. Examples of nosodes commonly used are the Strep nosode, the yearly Flu nosode, and nosodes of various childhood diseases.

In an epidemic, the nosode represents the more generic aspect of the disease, but it doesn’t account for individual expressions of the disease. However, it can be useful in the early stages of an epidemic before many cases have been treated and the common curative remedies are still unknown.

The Coronavirus nosode is not widely available, however, a possible nosode to use preventatively is the one from the Spanish flu, called the H1N1 nosode.

The second approach to using homeopathy preventatively, is to find the genius epidemicus of the disease. This is potentially a more exacting approach. This term is defined as the cluster of symptoms, peculiar to a specific disease, that the majority of people having the disease exhibit - This indicates which homeopathic remedy is needed. If, for example, twenty people with a virus are all cured by Bryonia (because they all exhibit the characteristic symptoms of Bryonia – worse any motion, better pressure, hands hold the chest while coughing, great thirst for cold or warm/hot drinks, etc.) this remedy becomes the genius epidemicus of the disease and can be used preventatively by those who have not yet contracted the disease. There are many reports in the homeopathic literature of members of a household taking the remedy that cured a sick family member of the Spanish flu – and they themselves never contracted it, though living in the same household as the very contagious sick person.

This method of prevention is preferable to the nosode method because it is individually selected for the particular outbreak in an epidemic. With increased experience observing and treating patients during an epidemic illness, we can recognize its unique nature – and therefore which remedies are most useful in curing the disease – and identify the genius, or a small number of possible geniuses, of the disease. Taken preventatively, these remedies improve resilience to the disease should one be exposed.

A few weeks ago, at the beginning of the epidemic, we were recommending people take the H1N1 nosode preventatively. Now that specific symptoms of COVID-19 have been better understood, and homeopaths around the world have had a chance to treat patients testing positive for COVID-19 , the genius epidemicus has been tentatively identified as the remedy Bryonia. Additionally, Camphora was useful in a large percentage of homeopathically treated cases in Iran. As more cases are treated in the next few weeks by homeopaths, the genius epidemicus will likely be further refined.

It is important to mention that the genius epidemicus may change from one location to another depending on climate and altitude and may even change over the course of an epidemic.

Signs and symptoms of having contracted the Coronavirus are initially a sore throat, cough and fever. The majority of cases have presented with all of these symptoms. It is impossible to know for sure that you have it, though, without getting tested.

How to take the remedy preventatively?

The best guidance right now (and I guarantee you this will evolve and change over the next weeks, if not days) is to take Bryonia for prevention, and if you have it to alternate with Camphora. If just using Bryonia take a pellet weekly, ideally in a 200c potency. If taking both, you could alternate: Bryonia this Monday, Camphora the next Monday, and repeat again, alternating remedies each week until the risk of contracting the Coronavirus is gone. This is obviously in conjunction with all the other great advice you have read about concerning hygiene: washing your hands frequently, drinking hot liquids (the virus appears to be susceptible to high heat), etc., which I won’t repeat in detail here.

As with building immunity to any illness, the 4 pillars of good health are essential: restful sleep and enough of it, excellent nutrition – lot and lots of veggies and fruit, clean protein, whole grains, nuts and seeds, and remaining well-hydrated - exercise (especially outdoors), and stress management. Yes, fear and anxiety can wear us down and deplete our immune systems, leaving us more at risk. How ironic that worrying about this disease will actually make us more susceptible to getting it or having a more severe case! Worry helps nothing (as we all know). Consider Emotional Freedom Technique (tapping) to manage anxiety; there are plenty of YouTube videos on how to do it.

Additionally, if you know your chronic remedy, take it periodically (every week to two weeks); that has the ability to keep you the most resilient to avoid getting sick.

Additionally, certain supplements are crucial. Consider Vitamin D and C (adults 2000+iu per day and kids 500-1000iu per day, of each), Zinc – oral spray or lozenges might be best as the virus’ route of entry is nose and mouth, and NAC (n-acetylcysteine), which helps replenish the most powerful antioxidant in your body, glutathione. This amino acid supports the health of the respiratory tract – a big feature to prevent the multiplication of the Coronavirus. You might also want to have on hand oil of Oregano for treatment of any sore throat, an initial feature of COVID 19, which can also be used as a mouthwash and gargle.

It’s always a good idea to have a kit of remedies on hand for treatment should you contract the virus. These might include: Phosphorus, Arsenicum album, Conium, Pulsatilla, Carbo vegetabilis, Cuprum metallicum, Veratrum album, Antimonium tartaricum, Lycopodium, Lachesis, Camphora, Bryonia, Kali carb and Sulphur.

The fact is, most of us will come in contact with the virus and possibly 50% of us will never know it as we will have no obvious symptoms. Thirty percent will have a mild to moderate case. Up to twenty percent will have a more serious case, mostly people in ill-health over 65. In all cases, homeopathy is sure to help. Children appear to not be very susceptible to develop COVID-19, and the virus does not cross the placenta, leaving the fetus unharmed.

Be well, stay calm.

- Lisa Samet N.D

Thanks to Dr. Samet for sharing this excellent info!

If you'd like to reach Dr. Samet's office for a phone, Skype or in person visit, call or email Bianca in their office (which is in Montreal) at ‭(514) 279-6629 or chh@homeopathy.ca

We can all discuss this excellent info. tonight (3/23/20).
Here's even more important info. including yesterday's press conference from Governor Cuomo in NY:

PET FUR - can it transmit the virus?
Here are some excerpts from AVMA said on March 15 - basically no, and do wash your hands if they have contact with other animals. https://www.avma.org/sites/default/files/2020-03/COVID-19-What-veterinarians-need-to-know_031520.pdf

• Transmission primarily occurs when there is contact with an infected person’s bodily secretions, such as saliva or mucus droplets in a cough or sneeze. Transmission via touching a contaminated surface or object (i.e., a fomite) and then touching the mouth, nose, or possibly eyes is also possible, but appears to be a secondary route. Smooth (non-porous) surfaces (e.g., countertops, door knobs) transmit viruses better than porous materials (e.g., paper money, pet fur) because porous, especially fibrous, materials absorb and trap the pathogen (virus), making it harder to contract through simple touch.

• Infectious disease experts and multiple international and domestic human and animal health organizations agree there is no evidence at this point to indicate that pets become ill with COVID-19 or that they spread it to other animals, including people.

• If you are not ill with COVID-19, you can interact with your pet as you normally would, including walking, feeding, and playing. You should continue to practice good hygiene during those interactions (e.g., wash hands before and after interacting with your pet; ensure your pet is kept well-groomed; regularly clean your pet’s food and water bowls, bedding material, and toys).

• Out of an abundance of caution, it is recommended that those ill with COVID-19 limit contact with animals until more information is known about the virus. Have another member of your household take care of walking, feeding, and playing with your pet. If you have a service animal or you must care for your pet, then wear a facemask; don’t share food, kiss, or hug them; and wash your hands before and after any contact with them.

• As always, careful handwashing and other infection control practices can greatly reduce the chance of spreading any disease. The National Association of State Public Health Veterinarians’ (NASPHV) compendium of standard precautions is a good reference for appropriate infection control in veterinary practices.

Dr. Christina
more great info, thank you!
Our old friend 'glutathione', from the Empower Hour with Answers! I will start to add whey to my cultures. Here is a link to strain whey:
Sorry, here is the link:
And I did not know about hot liquids!
looking forward to tonight, thank you for arranging with Dr Sammet!
Thanks for sharing the AVMA info. Dr. Christina and the whey info. Becca.

Dr. Dodds also addressed the pet fur question in a recent blog.

We all agree that pet fur is not a source to worry about.

There was also interesting information about a vet lab developing a test for pets:

IDEXX Laboratories has tested thousands of dog and cat specimens for COVID-19. According to the company’s press release on March 13, 2020:

The company has seen no positive results in pets to date of SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus strain responsible for the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) respiratory outbreak in humans. IDEXX evaluated thousands of canine and feline specimens during validation of a new veterinary test system for the COVID-19 virus. The specimens used for test development and validation were obtained from specimens submitted to IDEXX Reference Laboratories for rRT-PCR testing.

These new test results align with the current expert understanding that COVID-19 is primarily transmitted person-to-person and supports the recommendation against testing pets for the COVID-19 virus. For dogs or cats presenting with respiratory signs, the recommendation is to contact a veterinarian to test for the more common respiratory pathogens.

“Should leading health authorities determine it is clinically relevant to test pets for the COVID-19 virus, IDEXX will be ready to make the IDEXX SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) RealPCR™ Test available,” said Jay Mazelsky, President and Chief Executive Officer of IDEXX Laboratories.
Here's a symptom self-assessment tool to determine if you possibly should be tested (FWIW).

However, like any other single test result, it does NOT determine your overall risk or your ability to resist the disease.

Your Vitality, Balance and BEAM do!

Most people that test positive have no symptoms or ones that are like a transient flu.

Personally, I took the test (actually just the first question) and got this result:

Call 911. You may be having a medical emergency. If you go to the emergency department, call ahead to let them know you are coming.

Here's the question:

Are you experiencing any of the following:

Extreme difficulty breathing
Blue-colored lips or face
Severe pain or pressure in the chest
Severe constant dizziness or light-headedness
Acting confused
Slurred speech

This is a very important question about SOB (shortness of breath) but is just 1 example of the problem when we look at just 1 piece of information.

It's also another reminder about the importance of monitoring and trending symptoms.

The trend is your friend (not usually the isolated test result)!
Call your doctor, and take a remedy at the same time, if you are having any breathing problems.
Dr. Pitcairn, who is the "father" of the natural health movement for pets and of veterinary homeopathy in the USA, just sent some awe-some information about the Genus Epidemicus method is homeopathy.

It is posted over in the homeopathy folder at:

This is more homeopathy info from Dr. Pitcairn but relates directly to COVID-19 so I am including it here:

Dear Colleagues,
Many of you, concerned about this virus epidemic, have contacted me for advice. I was not able to respond with any specific advice as I did not have the details of cases to work from. However, now with more time, this is coming out.

Today there was an article in the Homeopathy for Everyone online journal, “Homeopathy for Coronavirus Covid-19 Infection” which describes the symptoms of several cases. This is very useful as we can then, as Hahnemann tells us to do, combine the cases and look for the most characteristic symptoms.

The authors of the article suggest that the genus epidemicus is Camphora but it is obviously not as they are having to give it as Camphora 1M every 5 hours for days. If it were the genus epidemicus, one dose would be sufficient. If they are finding this necessary, then it is palliation. So let’s you and I look at it freshly.

Symptoms from Cases
I will not list all the symptoms here as not necessary. Many, as expected, are common ones of most infectious diseases and therefore of little value in identifying a remedy. What I will list here are the symptoms that were seen in most cases, with emphasis on those that will be characteristic.

Malaise; tired, wants to lie down
Soreness of body; aching

Dry cough; > lying
Dyspnea, especially on physical activity
Appetite decreased; nausea
Sense of smell increased
Skin sensitive to touch

The most characteristic symptoms are in bold.

This pattern is very much like what we call flu. Here is how the Free Medical Dictionary defines influenza.
“An acute infectious respiratory disease, caused by Influenza viruses, which are in the family Orthomyxoviridae, in which the inhaled virus attacks the respiratory epithelial cells of those susceptible and produces a catarrhal inflammation; characterized by sudden onset, chills, fever of short duration (3-4 days), severe prostration, headache, muscle aches, and a cough that usually is dry and may be followed by secondary bacterial infections that can last up to 10 days. The disease commonly occurs in epidemics, sometimes in pandemics, which develop quickly and spread rapidly; the mortality rate is usually low, but may rise in patients with secondary bacterial pneumonia, particularly in old people and those with underlying debilitating diseases; strain-specific immunity develops, but mutations in the virus are frequent, and such immunity usually does not affect antigenically different strains.”

We can recognize the similarity — the suddeness, affecting the respiratory system, fever, severe prostration, headache, muscle aches, dry cough.
This disease we call flu, used to be called “grippe” in the older medical terminlogy — in case you are looking for this diease in the older references.

We could start with the rubric for influenza.
Generalities; Influenza (27) : Acon., arn., Ars., bapt., bell., bry., camph., Caust., chel., chin., cimic., EUP-PER., gels., ip., MERC., NUX-V., phos., phyt., puls., Rhus-t., sabad., sang., sil., spig., squil., stict., verat-v.

We can see the most prominent remedies for this condition, which is a hint. But rather than start with this, let’s try analysis emphasizing the reported symptoms, especially giving importance to those most characteristic.

Using the Böenninghausen repertory
corona analysis 1 pitcairn.png

When I see a related pair as we do with Nux and Sepia, which are complementary remedies, it is often a very good guide. Nux being the acute remedy and Sepia the deeper, more chronic, remedy shows us how similar these remedy patterns are to this condition. Hahnemann tells us, in advising us as to the treatment of epidemics, that the genus epidemicus will be the same in all cases as they first begin to manifest but if the disease progresses or is addressed later then other remedies will be needed — such as Sepia.

In this next analysis I added in the rubric for influenza just to see if it changes anything.
corona analysis 2 pitcairn.png

Arsenicum is the highest ranking remedy but does not seem to fit the pattern described in the cases in a larger sense as we know that Arsenicum will be chilly, thirsty, anxious, restless, and we don’t see that in what is described.

We do see similarity to Nux in the reporting of “sense of smell increased; skin sensitive to touch.” Enhanced sensitivity very characteristic of Nux. It also has the characteristic of moaning during the fever, a rubric with only 13 remedies in Kent’s repertory. So worth considering this remedy, wouldn’t you say?

From Hering's Guiding Symptoms, for Nux Vomica

“Typhoid fever, early period, vertigo, pressing headache, particularly in forehead, bitter taste, tongue generally moist and clean, pressure in epigastrium, little or no thirst, prostration in limbs, constipation, restless sleep, disturbed by dreams, alternate chilliness and heat, chilliness on slightest movement, dryness of front of mouth and tip of tongue, intolerance of impressions of external senses, great sensitiveness to open air, thirst, with aversion to water, strong desire to lie down and considerable relief on doing so.”

Note: We see here the headache, bitter taste (which some patients reported), prostration of body, strong desire to lie down.

Nervous System
Feeling as if bruised all over.
Sensation of heaviness of body, alternating with sensation of lightness.
General languor, inclination to sit or lie down and be alone.
Sudden failing of strength, great weariness, greater in morning after rising than in evening on going to bed.

On motion or exertion, constriction of chest and dyspnoea, must stand still, suffocative constriction of chest in evening on attempting to step into bed, must sleep sitting in a chair, very severe attack after midnight towards morning, cannot sit, severe dyspnoea, constriction and oppression of chest as of a heavy load, attacks last several hours, during which time he supports himself by leaning with hands upon table, slow, loud, whistling respiration, severe dry cough, shocks causing pain in head and abdomen, anxiety, sense of suffering throughout body, suffers from gastric troubles.

Note: This breathing difficulty is very characteristic of the epidemic, the symptom of most concern. Nux has this “difficulty breathing, worse with exertion” which is very significant.

There are other symptoms in Hering’s that match but this gives you an idea. You can read it for yourself if you are interested.

Genus Epidemicus
Am I then suggesting that Nux vomica is the genus epidemicus? Yes, that is what I am thinking. Mind you, I have not treated this or know of anyone using this remedy in treatment but this is how I work it up and therefore sharing with you. If any of you do find it of use, please let me know..

What about Sepia? It is the complementary remedy to Nux. Would it fit the cases? If you read it over in Hering you will find that it does match, especially as to respiratory symptoms — even extending to pneumonia as a possibility. It has the difficulty breathing and many expressions of severe cough. It is even in the rubric for “cough better lying down.” It has the fever and most of the other symptoms we are considering, so no wonder that it comes up high in our analysis.
Considering this, I can see it very possible that a coronavirus case could develop into a Sepia state if not treated with Nux in time to prevent this.

The experience of Hahnemann, Kent, and the many practitioners that dealt with epidemics show us that there is one remedy, perhaps two, that will be the genus epidemicus. This is because the essence (the wesen) of the epidemic is the same for all affected. This distinguishes it from the usual illness which is unique to each individual. Historically, the remedies found appropriate are common ones to our work and it fits into the possibility that Nux vomica is the one we need. In any case, let us hope that this problem will be easily solved by homeopathy with the added advantage of, one again, showing how effective homeopathy is in epidemics.
Here's his follow-up if the last message:

Dear Colleague,
I have had a number of very helpful responses. One in particular from a colleague that experienced this condition and able to provide the details we know are useful in homeopathic prescribing. I took this case as a fresh workup and still come up with Nux as the most indicated remedy.

Here are the symptoms provided:
Sudden onset of chills, better wrapped up and lying down, followed by fever
Headache with fever
Painful scalp when hair touched
Nausea with desire to vomit though never did
Smell of food nauseating and increased sense of smell to bad odors that aggravated nausea
Sensitive to slightest movement of bed when lying down
Desire to be alone—sensitive to noise of others
Fever remittent—low fever, malaise and nausea/liquid diarrhea one weekend followed by intermittent low grade headache over a week followed by a more significant sudden fever the following weekend(no nausea but significantly worse diarrhea and abdominal pain)—see below
Desire to drink ice cold water frequently in small amounts (this occurred during my initial fever with nausea)
Liquid diarrhea evacuated with straining with significant lower abdominal pain—multiple episodes in the middle of the night (after midnight)
Feeling of constriction and heaviness over chest with no breathing difficulty
Dry cough
I worked up all these as much as I could. Some of the detail I could not find in the repertory but most of it is included. Interesting that it still came up emphasizing Nux vomica so strongly. Surely a remedy to consider.

corona case pitcairn.png
Richard Pitcairn, DVM, PhD
Sedona, Arizona
All we need to do is to look at history for the most compelling evidence for the use of nosodes to reduce risk and treat infections during this pandemic.

Later this week (1 hour on Friday and 3 hours on Saturday) Dr. Andre´ Saine will be giving live webinars presenting some of this data.

Here's a version of similar info. during a debate with an MD at UConn Farmington:

Here's me on FB Live without good audio talking about Holistic Actions! that reduce risk of infection for people ands pets.

Thanks so much to Christine for sending this Q & A session today (3/25/20) with doctors at Berkeley at 4:30pm ET!

This will be an informative session and everyone is invited to register at:

Here's the conclusion of a great and detailed article.

We'll navigate this pandemic guided by science
It is possible to get through this pandemic together with thoughtful, consistent, science-based and open communication and decision-making. It is possible to communicate uncertainty about the underlying science, apply the precautionary approach where uncertainty exists, and implement well-reasoned decisions about how best to limit the dissemination of COVID-19.

It is unfortunate we are not as prepared as we could have been, given the many years we've been planning for pandemic influenza. But rather than criticizing past decisions, I am hopeful we can move forward together in a way that ensures our healthcare and other high-priority workforces have the highest degree of protection possible. And perhaps we'll make better decisions going forward, once this pandemic is over.

Here's the full article:

This ~45min. podcast about "how we got here" and why the virus is spreading so quickly, is a very worthwhile listen.

This doctor predicted, quite specifically, a very similar situation. As he says in his books, we've known that this could happen for over 3 years!

Here's Senator Chris Murphy's latest newsletter with important news March 25th:

Today, the Senate reached an agreement on a third COVID-19 relief bill to help workers, families, hospitals and their staff, and small businesses. The bipartisan legislation includes:

Direct cash payments for low and middle-income families - $1,200 per person and $500 per child.

$150 billion for hospitals and health systems to fight the virus.

$260 billion for increased unemployment insurance that waives waiting periods and covers part-time, self-employed, and gig economy workers.

$377 billion to rescue small businesses, including forgivable loans to small businesses and non-profits to maintain their workforce and help pay for other expenses like rent, mortgage, and utilities.

$150 billion to assist States, Tribes, and local governments with new expenses related to COVID-19 response.

$30.75 billion for grants to provide emergency support to local school systems and higher education institutions to continue providing educational services to their students, as well as $8.8 billion in additional funding to ensure meals for children while schools are closed.

$3.5 billion to support child care centers and provide child care for first responders and health care workers.

$400 million in election assistance for the states to help prepare for the 2020 election cycle, including to increase the ability to vote by mail and expand early voting and online registration.

$7 billion for affordable housing and homelessness assistance programs. This funding will help low-income and working-class Americans avoid evictions.

$450 million through The Emergency Food Assistance Program to help stock the shelves of local food banks.

Strong requirements for industries receiving bailout money including no stock buybacks or dividends, restrictions on increases to executive compensation and a prohibition of funds for any businesses controlled by the President, Vice President, Members of Congress, and heads of Executive Departments.

The Connecticut Department of Public Health is asking health care professionals, such as retired nurses and doctors, to consider volunteering their services at a medical facility in Connecticut. Those willing to volunteer should fill out the online form located at ctresponds.ct.gov.
Connecticut announced that they are extending tax filing season to July 15 due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Taxpayers can go here to learn more about the extension.

If you are a Connecticut veteran having difficulty reaching your health care provider, please contact the Connecticut VA at 866-808-7921 to do so. The call center will get in touch with the nurse or doctor for you.
Over 100,000 people in Connecticut have filed unemployment claims since March 13. If you need to apply for unemployment, please go to www.filectui.com

Yesterday, CT Governor Lamont announced a public-private partnership between the state of Connecticut and philanthropists Indra and Raj Nooyi to distribute take-home books from Scholastic that will provide reading and writing instruction to more than 185,000 prekindergarten to 8th grade students while learning from home.

The US Department of Commerce will be hosting a webinar on Thursday, March 26 at 12PM to help manufacturers understand how to highlight their COVID product capabilities and allow buyers in need of high demand items to quickly identify manufacturing capabilities and supplies. Register here: Export.gov

For the latest information about keeping you or your family safe go to cdc.gov/coronavirus. For resources and information about Connecticut’s response visit ct.gov/coronavirus.

I hope you found this letter helpful. You can get the latest updates on Senator Murphy's work in the Senate by following him on Facebook and Instagram. If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our offices in Hartford or in Washington, DC.
Here's how to relax and bond with your pup (in Italy):

Here are the slides from Part 1 of Kim Elia's Whole Health Now homeopathy for COVID webinar.

This webinar and slides also include some interesting evidence about a possible manmade source of the virus:

Here's world-renowned homeopath and scholar Dr. Andre´ Saine presenting compelling date from his upcoming reference book called "The Weight of Evidence":

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