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Below is Dr. Samet's important COVID-19 info.
Please remember that the best treatment is prevention.
Follow all of the CDC and local health department recommendations.
Although the majority of holistic preventatives like vitamins, breathing, homeopathy, etc. have not been proven by double blind randomized controlled studies ("RCTs"), that does not mean that they do not work.
We only need to look at the survival statistics of homeopathically-treated patients in past epidemics compared to other patients to see the potential effectiveness.
Here's much more from Dr. Samet:
COVID-19 Epidemic Measures

It’s all anybody talks about… we tried to change the subject the other night at dinner, and we were back to it within a few seconds. All roads seem to lead to COVID-19.
There are many preventative measures we can take, and if you do catch the virus, homeopathic treatment should be very helpful. Please refer back to my February Newsletter if you missed it, which speaks of homeopathy’s extraordinary success in preventing people from developing epidemic diseases and decreasing mortality among those who fall sick during an epidemic.
Many engaged with homeopathy through the years have said, the next epidemic will be homeopathy’s time to shine. As an example, during the Spanish flu in the early 1900’s, conventional medical practitioners lost 30% of pregnant women (the most susceptible population) who fell sick with the flu, compared with the homeopaths who lost only 0.7%. That’s an extraordinary difference, factually documented from hospital records and in published articles. True, the medical system has improved much in the last 100 years, so now we potentially have the best of all worlds.
There are two main methods of using homeopathic remedies to prevent the spread of a contagion. One is by using a “nosode” of the disease, and the other approach is to use the “genius epidemicus” of the disease.
A homeopathic nosode uses the actual virus or bacteria which causes the disease and prepares it “homeopathically,” meaning it is diluted and shaken hundreds or thousands of times so that the homeopathic medicine we take has no measurable amount (using conventional tools) of the microbe in the remedy. What is left are nano-particles of the microbe. Taking a nosode for disease prevention requires it be taken periodically over time in an effort to confer long-term resistance to a disease. The benefit of this approach is that if you are exposed, you already have built some immunity to the disease, so either you will not develop symptoms, or very mild ones. Examples of nosodes commonly used are the Strep nosode, the yearly Flu nosode, and nosodes of various childhood diseases.
In an epidemic, the nosode represents the more generic aspect of the disease, but it doesn’t account for individual expressions of the disease. However, it can be useful in the early stages of an epidemic before many cases have been treated and the common curative remedies are still unknown.
The Coronavirus nosode is not widely available, however, a possible nosode to use preventatively is the one from the Spanish flu, called the H1N1 nosode.
The second approach to using homeopathy preventatively, is to find the genius epidemicus of the disease. This is potentially a more exacting approach. This term is defined as the cluster of symptoms, peculiar to a specific disease, that the majority of people having the disease exhibit - This indicates which homeopathic remedy is needed. If, for example, twenty people with a virus are all cured by Bryonia (because they all exhibit the characteristic symptoms of Bryonia – worse any motion, better pressure, hands hold the chest while coughing, great thirst for cold or warm/hot drinks, etc.) this remedy becomes the genius epidemicus of the disease and can be used preventatively by those who have not yet contracted the disease. There are many reports in the homeopathic literature of members of a household taking the remedy that cured a sick family member of the Spanish flu – and they themselves never contracted it, though living in the same household as the very contagious sick person.
This method of prevention is preferable to the nosode method because it is individually selected for the particular outbreak in an epidemic. With increased experience observing and treating patients during an epidemic illness, we can recognize its unique nature – and therefore which remedies are most useful in curing the disease – and identify the genius, or a small number of possible geniuses, of the disease. Taken preventatively, these remedies improve resilience to the disease should one be exposed.
A few weeks ago, at the beginning of the epidemic, we were recommending people take the H1N1 nosode preventatively. Now that specific symptoms of COVID-19 have been better understood, and homeopaths around the world have had a chance to treat patients testing positive for COVID-19 , the genius epidemicus has been tentatively identified as the remedy Bryonia. Additionally, Camphora was useful in a large percentage of homeopathically treated cases in Iran. As more cases are treated in the next few weeks by homeopaths, the genius epidemicus will likely be further refined.
It is important to mention that the genius epidemicus may change from one location to another depending on climate and altitude and may even change over the course of an epidemic.
Signs and symptoms of having contracted the Coronavirus are initially a sore throat, cough and fever. The majority of cases have presented with all of these symptoms. It is impossible to know for sure that you have it, though, without getting tested.
How to take the remedy preventatively?
The best guidance right now (and I guarantee you this will evolve and change over the next weeks, if not days) is to take Bryonia for prevention, and if you have it to alternate with Camphora. If just using Bryonia take a pellet weekly, ideally in a 200c potency. If taking both, you could alternate: Bryonia this Monday, Camphora the next Monday, and repeat again, alternating remedies each week until the risk of contracting the Coronavirus is gone. This is obviously in conjunction with all the other great advice you have read about concerning hygiene: washing your hands frequently, drinking hot liquids (the virus appears to be susceptible to high heat), etc., which I won’t repeat in detail here.
As with building immunity to any illness, the 4 pillars of good health are essential: restful sleep and enough of it, excellent nutrition – lot and lots of veggies and fruit, clean protein, whole grains, nuts and seeds, and remaining well-hydrated - exercise (especially outdoors), and stress management. Yes, fear and anxiety can wear us down and deplete our immune systems, leaving us more at risk. How ironic that worrying about this disease will actually make us more susceptible to getting it or having a more severe case! Worry helps nothing (as we all know). Consider Emotional Freedom Technique (tapping) to manage anxiety; there are plenty of YouTube videos on how to do it.
Additionally, if you know your chronic remedy, take it periodically (every week to two weeks); that has the ability to keep you the most resilient to avoid getting sick.
Additionally, certain supplements are crucial. Consider Vitamin D and C (adults 2000+iu per day and kids 500-1000iu per day, of each), Zinc – oral spray or lozenges might be best as the virus’ route of entry is nose and mouth, and NAC (n-acetylcysteine), which helps replenish the most powerful antioxidant in your body, glutathione. This amino acid supports the health of the respiratory tract – a big feature to prevent the multiplication of the Coronavirus. You might also want to have on hand oil of Oregano for treatment of any sore throat, an initial feature of COVID 19, which can also be used as a mouthwash and gargle.
It’s always a good idea to have a kit of remedies on hand for treatment should you contract the virus. These might include: Phosphorus, Arsenicum album, Conium, Pulsatilla, Carbo vegetabilis, Cuprum metallicum, Veratrum album, Antimonium tartaricum, Lycopodium, Lachesis, Camphora, Bryonia, Kali carb and Sulphur.
The fact is, most of us will come in contact with the virus and possibly 50% of us will never know it as we will have no obvious symptoms. Thirty percent will have a mild to moderate case. Up to twenty percent will have a more serious case, mostly people in ill-health over 65. In all cases, homeopathy is sure to help. Children appear to not be very susceptible to develop COVID-19, and the virus does not cross the placenta, leaving the fetus unharmed.
Be well, stay calm.
- Lisa Samet N.D
Thanks to Dr. Samet for sharing this excellent info!
If you'd like to reach Dr. Samet's office for a phone, Skype or in person visit, call or email Bianca in their office (which is in Montreal) at (514) 279-6629 or chh@homeopathy.ca
We can all discuss this excellent info. tonight (3/23/20).
Please remember that the best treatment is prevention.
Follow all of the CDC and local health department recommendations.
Although the majority of holistic preventatives like vitamins, breathing, homeopathy, etc. have not been proven by double blind randomized controlled studies ("RCTs"), that does not mean that they do not work.
We only need to look at the survival statistics of homeopathically-treated patients in past epidemics compared to other patients to see the potential effectiveness.
Here's much more from Dr. Samet:
COVID-19 Epidemic Measures

It’s all anybody talks about… we tried to change the subject the other night at dinner, and we were back to it within a few seconds. All roads seem to lead to COVID-19.
There are many preventative measures we can take, and if you do catch the virus, homeopathic treatment should be very helpful. Please refer back to my February Newsletter if you missed it, which speaks of homeopathy’s extraordinary success in preventing people from developing epidemic diseases and decreasing mortality among those who fall sick during an epidemic.
Many engaged with homeopathy through the years have said, the next epidemic will be homeopathy’s time to shine. As an example, during the Spanish flu in the early 1900’s, conventional medical practitioners lost 30% of pregnant women (the most susceptible population) who fell sick with the flu, compared with the homeopaths who lost only 0.7%. That’s an extraordinary difference, factually documented from hospital records and in published articles. True, the medical system has improved much in the last 100 years, so now we potentially have the best of all worlds.
There are two main methods of using homeopathic remedies to prevent the spread of a contagion. One is by using a “nosode” of the disease, and the other approach is to use the “genius epidemicus” of the disease.
A homeopathic nosode uses the actual virus or bacteria which causes the disease and prepares it “homeopathically,” meaning it is diluted and shaken hundreds or thousands of times so that the homeopathic medicine we take has no measurable amount (using conventional tools) of the microbe in the remedy. What is left are nano-particles of the microbe. Taking a nosode for disease prevention requires it be taken periodically over time in an effort to confer long-term resistance to a disease. The benefit of this approach is that if you are exposed, you already have built some immunity to the disease, so either you will not develop symptoms, or very mild ones. Examples of nosodes commonly used are the Strep nosode, the yearly Flu nosode, and nosodes of various childhood diseases.
In an epidemic, the nosode represents the more generic aspect of the disease, but it doesn’t account for individual expressions of the disease. However, it can be useful in the early stages of an epidemic before many cases have been treated and the common curative remedies are still unknown.
The Coronavirus nosode is not widely available, however, a possible nosode to use preventatively is the one from the Spanish flu, called the H1N1 nosode.
The second approach to using homeopathy preventatively, is to find the genius epidemicus of the disease. This is potentially a more exacting approach. This term is defined as the cluster of symptoms, peculiar to a specific disease, that the majority of people having the disease exhibit - This indicates which homeopathic remedy is needed. If, for example, twenty people with a virus are all cured by Bryonia (because they all exhibit the characteristic symptoms of Bryonia – worse any motion, better pressure, hands hold the chest while coughing, great thirst for cold or warm/hot drinks, etc.) this remedy becomes the genius epidemicus of the disease and can be used preventatively by those who have not yet contracted the disease. There are many reports in the homeopathic literature of members of a household taking the remedy that cured a sick family member of the Spanish flu – and they themselves never contracted it, though living in the same household as the very contagious sick person.
This method of prevention is preferable to the nosode method because it is individually selected for the particular outbreak in an epidemic. With increased experience observing and treating patients during an epidemic illness, we can recognize its unique nature – and therefore which remedies are most useful in curing the disease – and identify the genius, or a small number of possible geniuses, of the disease. Taken preventatively, these remedies improve resilience to the disease should one be exposed.
A few weeks ago, at the beginning of the epidemic, we were recommending people take the H1N1 nosode preventatively. Now that specific symptoms of COVID-19 have been better understood, and homeopaths around the world have had a chance to treat patients testing positive for COVID-19 , the genius epidemicus has been tentatively identified as the remedy Bryonia. Additionally, Camphora was useful in a large percentage of homeopathically treated cases in Iran. As more cases are treated in the next few weeks by homeopaths, the genius epidemicus will likely be further refined.
It is important to mention that the genius epidemicus may change from one location to another depending on climate and altitude and may even change over the course of an epidemic.
Signs and symptoms of having contracted the Coronavirus are initially a sore throat, cough and fever. The majority of cases have presented with all of these symptoms. It is impossible to know for sure that you have it, though, without getting tested.
How to take the remedy preventatively?
The best guidance right now (and I guarantee you this will evolve and change over the next weeks, if not days) is to take Bryonia for prevention, and if you have it to alternate with Camphora. If just using Bryonia take a pellet weekly, ideally in a 200c potency. If taking both, you could alternate: Bryonia this Monday, Camphora the next Monday, and repeat again, alternating remedies each week until the risk of contracting the Coronavirus is gone. This is obviously in conjunction with all the other great advice you have read about concerning hygiene: washing your hands frequently, drinking hot liquids (the virus appears to be susceptible to high heat), etc., which I won’t repeat in detail here.
As with building immunity to any illness, the 4 pillars of good health are essential: restful sleep and enough of it, excellent nutrition – lot and lots of veggies and fruit, clean protein, whole grains, nuts and seeds, and remaining well-hydrated - exercise (especially outdoors), and stress management. Yes, fear and anxiety can wear us down and deplete our immune systems, leaving us more at risk. How ironic that worrying about this disease will actually make us more susceptible to getting it or having a more severe case! Worry helps nothing (as we all know). Consider Emotional Freedom Technique (tapping) to manage anxiety; there are plenty of YouTube videos on how to do it.
Additionally, if you know your chronic remedy, take it periodically (every week to two weeks); that has the ability to keep you the most resilient to avoid getting sick.
Additionally, certain supplements are crucial. Consider Vitamin D and C (adults 2000+iu per day and kids 500-1000iu per day, of each), Zinc – oral spray or lozenges might be best as the virus’ route of entry is nose and mouth, and NAC (n-acetylcysteine), which helps replenish the most powerful antioxidant in your body, glutathione. This amino acid supports the health of the respiratory tract – a big feature to prevent the multiplication of the Coronavirus. You might also want to have on hand oil of Oregano for treatment of any sore throat, an initial feature of COVID 19, which can also be used as a mouthwash and gargle.
It’s always a good idea to have a kit of remedies on hand for treatment should you contract the virus. These might include: Phosphorus, Arsenicum album, Conium, Pulsatilla, Carbo vegetabilis, Cuprum metallicum, Veratrum album, Antimonium tartaricum, Lycopodium, Lachesis, Camphora, Bryonia, Kali carb and Sulphur.
The fact is, most of us will come in contact with the virus and possibly 50% of us will never know it as we will have no obvious symptoms. Thirty percent will have a mild to moderate case. Up to twenty percent will have a more serious case, mostly people in ill-health over 65. In all cases, homeopathy is sure to help. Children appear to not be very susceptible to develop COVID-19, and the virus does not cross the placenta, leaving the fetus unharmed.
Be well, stay calm.
- Lisa Samet N.D
Thanks to Dr. Samet for sharing this excellent info!
If you'd like to reach Dr. Samet's office for a phone, Skype or in person visit, call or email Bianca in their office (which is in Montreal) at (514) 279-6629 or chh@homeopathy.ca
We can all discuss this excellent info. tonight (3/23/20).