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US Wellness pasture fed raw meats


VIP Member
Jan 18, 2021
Does anyone have any experience with this human/pet food purveyor? Their website looks good, and they have a wide variety of beef/fowl products for humans and animals, and pet food suggestions as well. I am thinking of ordering raw skinned chicken necks for my cat. For some reason, their website is grasslandbeef.com. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Their website looks good
Yes, it does. Thanks for sharing Francine. @GinnyW may have some info about them.

I love that they focus on working with regenerative farms. And at least mention that the animals are humanely treated. Tho I'd like to know more about what this really means.
No, first I've heard of them. Looks just lovely - clean, fresh, nice combinations. I eat raw, mostly, and wouldn't be a bit afraid of these offerings. Pricy, but what isn't?
Thanks for your input Ginny.

And thanks for coming last night. And seeing the "real" Richard Pitcairn.
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