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Treatment for neurologic Lyme


VIP Member
Mar 29, 2022
Hi, I have been having issues with my 12 year old Rat Terrier growling and attempting to bite when I do a tick check on him. We live in an area where the ticks are extremely bad, so I am checking him frequently. I'm sure after 12 years he is just tired of the tick checks. Not being able to remove attached ticks is what I am dealing with. I consulted with an animal communicator and she said he has neurologic Lyme. I have talked to her over the last 10 years and feel she is on the right track. So, at this point I am going to do Lyme treatment. When he was much younger he was treated with Doxy two or three times for Anaplasmosis and I do not want to go that route again. I looked into the LD Support by Natural Pet RX. I am either going to use that or three days of Ledum 1M. I would appreciate your thought on both. He is on thyroid med and I want to be sure that it is safe to do the LD Support and the thyroid med together. On the Natural Pet RX website, one of the first things written about the LD Support for Lyme is that it should be used after a minimum of 4 weeks of antibiotics. The ingredients in the product are really good, I hope I could get somewhere without the antibiotics.
Thanks, Monte

Dr. Christina

VIP Member
Jun 15, 2017
Have you considered working with a veterinary homeopath to resolve the thyroid and the neurologic Lyme?

Also, try doing a T Touch session in lieu of your tick check - then if you find a tick you pull it. Changes the dynamics and your thoughts and pictures sent to your terrier from "find those bad ticks" to "let's nourish your nervous system and body with this great touch session".

Dr. Christina


VIP Member
Mar 29, 2022
Hi Dr. Christina, That sounds like a good idea. I'll watch the T Touch to learn how to do it. I am working on getting a Homeopathic vet to work with.

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