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WHAT is the best flea tick medication for older cats?


Community Member
Dec 4, 2023
What flea tick treatment is the most effective and safe for older cats? (Please do not tell me to thoroughly vacuum the entire home and move furniture around every day for five weeks in a row.) I have been through that as well.
(Yes, I have raised them as naturally as possible and understand that building the immune system is key.)

I acquiesce to pharmaceuticals when it comes to fleas and ticks, as the natural route is not realistically effective.

An integrative vet tech recommended Revolution years ago. I have used it many times. It is expensive.
I only give it to them 3-4 months a year during the Flea season.
Last year, I tried Revolt, the knockoff, but it did not work.
I then tried Credelio, which worked well and was much easier to administer.

This year, I have a new integrative vet who does labs, acupuncture, and Chinese herbs. She briefly said she thinks Revolution is the safest, but we did not have time to discuss Revolution vs. Revolt vs. Credelio in detail.

I understand Revolution Plus is more toxic to the cats, and the risk outweighs the benefit. Is this accurate, according to the holistic vets here?

I wonder if Revolution will still be effective or if the parasites have adapted to it. Credelio does not do much for ticks. I am a tick magnet (lol), having contracted tick-born diseases Lyme disease and alpha-gal syndrome. So, safely protecting my oler cats against ticks protects me.
Yes, I sprayed nematodes last year, and I think it helped.
Yes, I used Flea Busters powder and vacuumed like crazy last year, and this year is not as bad.
I was ready to order more credelio until she said she recomended Revolution.
Can Anyone advise? Which product?
There are natural approaches that do not require 5 weeks of vacuuming. And I understand you totally already know about building health.

If you are interested in some of the easy natural approaches, re-post and I will summarize them, or download the ebook - Fleas Be gone. Let us know if you have fleas and ticks or only want to prevent them.

In 40 years of practice I had to resort to chemicals only for 3 cats, for only 3 doses each. I saw so many negative effects from every single commercial flea chemical that I cannot recommend any one over the other. Also, over time fleas become resistant, so that needs to be taken into consideration as well.

Dr. Christina
Any artificial (and many "natural") drugs can have adverse long-term effects

Especially those chemicals which are designed to kill fleas and ticks (or any living being).

How about something like this:

I use a product from AnimalEOs for my dogs called Away RTU drops. It is already diluted and ready to use. They also have an undiluted version if you want to dilute it yourself. My understanding is that this product is OK for cats but please double check. My yorkie is very sensitive to many essential oils but he has no problem with this product. It is easy to apply and has been effective for my dogs.

Away RTU Drops
Yes! Thanks for sharing Nancy.
I use a product from AnimalEOs for my dogs called Away RTU drops. It is already diluted and ready to use. They also have an undiluted version if you want to dilute it yourself. My understanding is that this product is OK for cats but please double check. My yorkie is very sensitive to many essential oils but he has no problem with this product. It is easy to apply and has been effective for my dogs.

Away RTU Drops
Last year I thoughly researched that line and chose not to do that item for my cats. I would not encourage anyone to use that for cats and fleas. However, I do have some of the blended oils for the cats enhancement. She say to drop a drop on their back and pet them with it. They run from them however. They turn and give me a dirty look as to say - now what did you do that for? lol The literroma for the liter box, at first I inwardly scoffed at the concept, but I got a couple of samples and guess what ,the cats like them and they do seem to attract the cat to the liter box. So that one I recomend.
Any artificial (and many "natural") drugs can have adverse long-term effects

Especially those chemicals which are designed to kill fleas and ticks (or any living being).

How about something like this:

Last year I tried that first and it did not make any difference.
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