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Suspected Arthritis in Cat


Community Member
Oct 29, 2022
I believe my 13 ½ year old male Maine Coon cat has arthritis, and I am looking for direction on how to give him some immediate relief from his symptoms. Looking back, I believe there were gradual signs. In addition, his energy has been low for months, but we started him on some Ancestral Supplements and were seeing some improvement, but for the last couple of days his BEAM has been way down.

I've been reading postings on the Forum, but I'm feeling overwhelmed and am trying to determine which steps I should take to help him.

I ordered Dr. Judy Morgan's PEA (palmitoylethanolamide), but it will probably take about a week to get it, and I believe it will take a couple of weeks before we will know if it is helping.

Are there some homeopathic remedies that will give him quick relief, like Arnica or Rhus Tox or Ruta Graveolens? What would be the dosage?

Dr. Jeff, you responded to a post by recommending CBD products from ElleVet, and I'm considering trying them, but they would probably take a week to receive.

I'm also thinking about massage or acupressure. Dr. Doug Willen has a course to teach how to massage a cat or a dog, and one of the Forum posts recommended the book “Four Paws, Five Directions” to teach acupressure. Are either or both of these things something that would be easy enough for me to learn how to do for my cat?

He does have an appointment with Dr. Stern on Thursday and can get acupuncture, VOM and laser therapy, but it is not feasible to take him every week (which we did for two months).

I know I'm asking a lot of questions, but I am hoping to learn how I can help Teddy feel good again as soon as possible.
Asking a lot of questions is a great idea - never apologize. Be sure to ask Dr. Stern plenty of questions and say hello from me!

Ask her for acupressure points to help between needle sessions.

4 paws, 5 directions is a super book for general health care and chinese approach to individualized treatment, as is Hamilton's Homeopathic care of cats and dogs (read and re-read chapters 2 & 3).

Massage is great too. Intention is the biggest key to help. Also, I would check out Tellington T touch and Dr. mcCauley's you tubes on exercises to do (not sure how many she has for cats, but email her).

Most importantly, and you can start immediately, is to send healing love and intention, to identify what brings the most joy. Check out Bernie Siegel's and Anitra Frazier's webinars for much more on this. Also Kathleen Prasad (reiki even with no training), wagner, and more - all speaking on the importance of healing intentions.

Dr. Christina
Thank you, Dr. Christina, for all the great suggestions. I will definitely tell Dr. Stern you said hello (I did get to hear her bear story a couple of months ago).
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