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Swollen, warm, itchy, bleeding paws and skin with hair loss on most of underside of my dog. Hookworms related?

I'm so glad that you brought him to the vet Renee!

Well, demodex is fundamentally due to an immune imbalance. You might want to consider focusing on immune building and using the shampoo. However, you won't get as fast of a fix as you would with the other meds.

No matter what you decide to do, definitely start working with a vet homeopath. We focus on immune building by targeting the root (energetic) cause of the immune imbalance.
Thanks for your response Dr. Jeff!
I tried using Duoxo chlorhexidine spray on him for a couple days. He did seem less itchy, but on the second day, his feet swelled up. Not sure if it was a coincidence, but I stopped using it. So I'm not sure if that shampoo is a good idea to try. Do you have any other suggestions for a shampoo or to take the itch away? How often do you recommend bathing him?
I did make an appointment with a homeopathic vet for next week. Do you have an idea of how long homeopathy would take to get his demodex under control? In the meantime, I will need to try and keep his scratching at bay with topical moisturizers and maybe the cone. Every time I put something on his skin, he licks it all off.
I bathed him tonight with Dr. Bronner's tea tree oil castile soap.
I think I might have to try the cone again. He really seems to be chewing his back end all of a sudden.
Thanks for your response Dr. Jeff!
I tried using Duoxo chlorhexidine spray on him for a couple days. He did seem less itchy, but on the second day, his feet swelled up. Not sure if it was a coincidence, but I stopped using it. So I'm not sure if that shampoo is a good idea to try. Do you have any other suggestions for a shampoo or to take the itch away? How often do you recommend bathing him?
I did make an appointment with a homeopathic vet for next week. Do you have an idea of how long homeopathy would take to get his demodex under control? In the meantime, I will need to try and keep his scratching at bay with topical moisturizers and maybe the cone. Every time I put something on his skin, he licks it all off.
I bathed him tonight with Dr. Bronner's tea tree oil castile soap.
I think I might have to try the cone again. He really seems to be chewing his back end all of a sudden.
I realized he was chewing at the areas where they scraped his skin and it irritated him.
YW Renee.
Do you have any other suggestions for a shampoo or to take the itch away?
Maybe try one of these:

How often do you recommend bathing him?
That depends on how long it relieves the itch and whether bathing is stressful. Once/week is average.

Do you have an idea of how long homeopathy would take to get his demodex under control?

Great question! It's actually his own immune system that will go back to doing its' job and start reducing the overgrowth of demodectic mange. Homeopathy can start to boost his immune system within moments. However, there may be obstacles from Archer's past that can limit a quick recovery.

The one thing that we know for sure is that he is young, vital and designed to rebalance over time. Natural healing, like all of nature, can go quickly or slowly.
YW Renee.

Maybe try one of these:

That depends on how long it relieves the itch and whether bathing is stressful. Once/week is average.

Great question! It's actually his own immune system that will go back to doing its' job and start reducing the overgrowth of demodectic mange. Homeopathy can start to boost his immune system within moments. However, there may be obstacles from Archer's past that can limit a quick recovery.

The one thing that we know for sure is that he is young, vital and designed to rebalance over time. Natural healing, like all of nature, can go quickly or slowly.
Thank you Dr. Jeff!
Gonna butt in here a bit: this is going to resolve from within, not from anything you put on his outside. That said, something very mild, as Dr. Jeff suggested, or plain old aloe vera gel, may give some temporary relief - but none of these will be a cure. Homeopathy, properly applied, gives a little prod to his internal condition and resolves it because he doesn't need the symptoms any more. Remember that homeopathy never is properly given on a "this for that" basis, but only on the entire presentation and history of the subject. What Dr. Jeff said: "...he is young, vital and designed to rebalance over time". It takes some patience, often, and a few, "Yes, BUT" 's. You - and he - got this...
Gonna butt in here a bit: this is going to resolve from within, not from anything you put on his outside. That said, something very mild, as Dr. Jeff suggested, or plain old aloe vera gel, may give some temporary relief - but none of these will be a cure. Homeopathy, properly applied, gives a little prod to his internal condition and resolves it because he doesn't need the symptoms any more. Remember that homeopathy never is properly given on a "this for that" basis, but only on the entire presentation and history of the subject. What Dr. Jeff said: "...he is young, vital and designed to rebalance over time". It takes some patience, often, and a few, "Yes, BUT" 's. You - and he - got this...
Thanks for the encouragement Ginny :)
I need to keep him from scratching and licking off what I put on his skin. I just ordered a onesie for him to help with this. He really doesn't like the cone. I also have some socks to put on him. I will put some topicals on him to help the itch, as well as bathe him weekly. I will start giving him some immune boosting herbs and see what the homeopath says on monday. Any other suggestions?
Thank you Dr. Jeff!
I find it interesting that I have been giving him so many herbs and healthy foods and his immune system is still not strong. I have had him for 5 months. Was it the hookworms robbing his nutrition?
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