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Nausea / Digestion


Community Member
May 3, 2024
Hi !!!!

My goodness thank you for your sooooo quick reply!!....YAY ok!! She is healing and rebalancing !!. . Yay her body!!

Ok will continue with gut protocol ...and will rotate her probiotics....the different ones you mentioned .are they by Adored Beast?..( Fido's Flora...Visbiome...Mitomax)

And ok will keep rotating probiotics for at least another year

And thank you will check out gussy gut

And thank you re: different foods short run

Thank you thank you a million trillion thank youssss!!!💕💕💕💕💕💕💕✨✨✨✨✨
You're very welcome Cecilia.

Fido's is indeed from Adored Beast, the others you can find by Googling or:

Dr Jeff ....ok Re : info on gut stuff...

Best Evening to you Dr Jeff!!
Thank you!!

Having this place to come to for help is so INCREDIBLE!!!!

THANK YOU THANK YOU!!✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
😍 💚🙏


Community Member
May 3, 2024
Hi again ....!... I think ya'll have a " how to feed our pets raw properly" course ?...... I want to make sure when I buy supermarket ground meat that I am giving Venus all the right vitamins / minerals....and looks like " Gussy Gut" has vitamins and minerals that might be missing from Venus not eating bones with every meal?



Community Member
May 3, 2024
Hi again ....!... I think ya'll have a " how to feed our pets raw properly" course ?...... I want to make sure when I buy supermarket ground meat that I am giving Venus all the right vitamins / minerals....and looks like " Gussy Gut" has vitamins and minerals that might be missing from Venus not eating bones with every meal?

Can I offer Venus raw chicken drumsticks....wings ....thighs?

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
how to feed our pets raw properly
We've got lots of fresh feeding and raw resources. You may want to start by reviewing the past two webinars with Viva raw and Feed Real.

In addition there are lots of resources in the HA! member area and @GinnyW words of wisdom here which you can find by searching here on the forum.

Can I offer Venus raw chicken drumsticks....wings ....thighs?
Yes! And I'll be curious to hear Ginny's, and other, input about this.


Community Member
Mar 3, 2021
All right, well, for starters: variety - but over time. You don't have to get every nutrient or shape in every meal. Meals don't have to be the same size, and don't have to be offered at the same time each day. Feeding big and then little, or even fasting, is a great idea. Feed large pieces, bigger than thighs and wings, like a quarter chicken or smallish slab of ribs, at least. Again, you don't have to get everything in each meal. When your dog becomes accustomed to variety, you can give the occasional "chomp, chomp, GULP!" pieces, but for now, make her work a bit at it.
She doesn't need ALL the nutrients and supplements with each meal, so rotate them in and out. I am a big proponent of feeding only once a day, but I realize I'm a bit alone in this. I also like varying the time of meals somewhat. Waiting a bit for food stimulates enzymes and the musculature of the digestive organs. It's also fine, and beneficial, I believe, to skip meals, or feed just a tiny meal. Bear in mind that 99% of our pets eat too much, and try to keep her lean and mean.

Feel free to ask more, and more specific, questions as they arise. It's a grand adventure!

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Thanks Ginny! 😍 💚🙏


Community Member
May 3, 2024
All right, well, for starters: variety - but over time. You don't have to get every nutrient or shape in every meal. Meals don't have to be the same size, and don't have to be offered at the same time each day. Feeding big and then little, or even fasting, is a great idea. Feed large pieces, bigger than thighs and wings, like a quarter chicken or smallish slab of ribs, at least. Again, you don't have to get everything in each meal. When your dog becomes accustomed to variety, you can give the occasional "chomp, chomp, GULP!" pieces, but for now, make her work a bit at it.
She doesn't need ALL the nutrients and supplements with each meal, so rotate them in and out. I am a big proponent of feeding only once a day, but I realize I'm a bit alone in this. I also like varying the time of meals somewhat. Waiting a bit for food stimulates enzymes and the musculature of the digestive organs. It's also fine, and beneficial, I believe, to skip meals, or feed just a tiny meal. Bear in mind that 99% of our pets eat too much, and try to keep her lean and mean.

Feel free to ask more, and more specific, questions as they arise. It's a grand adventure!
Ohhhhhh my goodness!!! Thank you for this soooooooo big relief!!!

I soooooooooo resonate with what you are saying about feeding once a day!!!.... And changing the times of day and the amounts!!... Makes total sense to me !!.. I have thought this was a better way for awhile !... And now to read your input here is soooooooo great!!..such confirmation and I am sooo on board.... Thank you for taking the time to write all this!!....oh and also that we are over feeding our pets !! I soooo agree!!!.... All you said ...skipping meals ...rotating Supps and nutrients in and out ...feeding once a day..at different times..offer large pieces smaller pieces...I say Yes to all this!!....YES LEAN AND MEAN!!.. This feels wayyyyy more doable too!!... And thank you for your offer to ask more ..and more specific questions as they arise!! Geeeees THANK YOU!!...Yesss Aaaa!! The adventure!!..Venus is 68 lbs " should " I be feeding her a certain amount of food a day ....or when she is hungry she will ask for food.....she is 12 yrs old and not very active ...should I give her vegetables?

Thank you again Ginny !!


Community Member
Mar 3, 2021
Wow, guess I hit the jackpot! My guy happens to be 11 and 68 lbs, but still gets out for 2-3 miles daily. I'll bet her energy picks right up on the "good" stuff... Find out how much she "needs" by feeding, cutting back, watching for too-visible bony protuberances, her eagerness for meals. My guy is intact and eats about a pound of wet stuff with supplements, oils, powders, etc., and a hunk of some sort of bony parts: a chicken or duck frame, a small slab of 3-4 lamb ribs, a pork shoulder blade, a chicken hind quarter stripped of some of the meat - Mom's gotta eat, too, ya know - and he gets a "cookie" after: some sort of dog treat like a dehydrated chicken strip or turkey tendon or freeze-dried lung.
Your mileage will vary, given her sex and activity level, but don't let her get fat. DO give opportunistic "bountiful" meals, with appropriate fussing and celebrating. Next day, not so much:)

Oh, and veggies: I do, but not much. He gets radishes, for TCM dampness, and some celery, all minced up in my Mini-prep. But I don't make a regular thing of it, or even count it as part of the allowance. He hangs out and gets bites of mine: stir-fry, cabbage, kale, etc. and, oh, yes- dandelion greens, which we have in great profusion. But I don't do any of this as a significant or measurable part of meals, and we don't do roots much - no tubers, sweets, potatoes - because I don't. Up to you on that, as long as you observe the big rules of quantities over time.

OK for now? Go for it, and keep us posted. This is good for the order.....


Community Member
May 3, 2024
Wow, guess I hit the jackpot! My guy happens to be 11 and 68 lbs, but still gets out for 2-3 miles daily. I'll bet her energy picks right up on the "good" stuff... Find out how much she "needs" by feeding, cutting back, watching for too-visible bony protuberances, her eagerness for meals. My guy is intact and eats about a pound of wet stuff with supplements, oils, powders, etc., and a hunk of some sort of bony parts: a chicken or duck frame, a small slab of 3-4 lamb ribs, a pork shoulder blade, a chicken hind quarter stripped of some of the meat - Mom's gotta eat, too, ya know - and he gets a "cookie" after: some sort of dog treat like a dehydrated chicken strip or turkey tendon or freeze-dried lung.
Your mileage will vary, given her sex and activity level, but don't let her get fat. DO give opportunistic "bountiful" meals, with appropriate fussing and celebrating. Next day, not so much:)

Oh, and veggies: I do, but not much. He gets radishes, for TCM dampness, and some celery, all minced up in my Mini-prep. But I don't make a regular thing of it, or even count it as part of the allowance. He hangs out and gets bites of mine: stir-fry, cabbage, kale, etc. and, oh, yes- dandelion greens, which we have in great profusion. But I don't do any of this as a significant or measurable part of meals, and we don't do roots much - no tubers, sweets, potatoes - because I don't. Up to you on that, as long as you observe the big rules of quantities over time.

OK for now? Go for it, and keep us posted. This is good for the order.....
Thank you Soooooo much for this!!!! Ginny!!

When you say your guy eats about a pound of wet stuff....is that like a pound of ground beef...or turkey ....or ....?... Yay on the hunk of some bony part..chicken or duck frame etc ....can I offer pork ribs too.?... You mentioned pork shoulder blade.....and ok Re: the Vegis stuff

She definitely is not as fat as she was .....and I am experimenting with one time a day eating ....giving small meal then big meal next day ....feeding at different time of the day

It's been 3 mos now that she has been eating raw ....she is still eating grass when we go for a walk .....everyday she eats grass....maybe her stomach is still healing?..I do give give her 1/4 chicken( bone and meat) every other day.. I do give her the probiotic powder ...but not everyday.......she gets a gurgly stomach after most meals ....then ends up sleeping and laying down for most of the day.....she has been going on her walks in the field where she loves to chase things.....

Sooooo.... This is the latest

Thank you!!!!


Community Member
May 3, 2024
Thank you Soooooo much for this!!!! Ginny!!

When you say your guy eats about a pound of wet stuff....is that like a pound of ground beef...or turkey ....or ....?... Yay on the hunk of some bony part..chicken or duck frame etc ....can I offer pork ribs too.?... You mentioned pork shoulder blade.....and ok Re: the Vegis stuff

She definitely is not as fat as she was .....and I am experimenting with one time a day eating ....giving small meal then big meal next day ....feeding at different time of the day

It's been 3 mos now that she has been eating raw ....she is still eating grass when we go for a walk .....everyday she eats grass....maybe her stomach is still healing?..I do give give her 1/4 chicken( bone and meat) every other day.. I do give her the probiotic powder ...but not everyday.......she gets a gurgly stomach after most meals ....then ends up sleeping and laying down for most of the day.....she has been going on her walks in the field where she loves to chase things.....

Sooooo.... This is the latest

Thank you!!!!
Thank you Soooooo much for this!!!! Ginny!!

When you say your guy eats about a pound of wet stuff....is that like a pound of ground beef...or turkey ....or ....?... Yay on the hunk of some bony part..chicken or duck frame etc ....can I offer pork ribs too.?... You mentioned pork shoulder blade.....and ok Re: the Vegis stuff

She definitely is not as fat as she was .....and I am experimenting with one time a day eating ....giving small meal then big meal next day ....feeding at different time of the day

It's been 3 mos now that she has been eating raw ....she is still eating grass when we go for a walk .....everyday she eats grass....maybe her stomach is still healing?..I do give give her 1/4 chicken( bone and meat) every other day.. I do give her the probiotic powder ...but not everyday.......she gets a gurgly stomach after most meals ....then ends up sleeping and laying down for most of the day.....she has been going on her walks in the field where she loves to chase things.....

Sooooo.... This is the latest

Thank you!!!!
Hi again ......and maybe this is all normal .....like it will take awhile for her body/ gut to balance out?

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
will take awhile for her body/ gut to balance

The inevitable rebalancing of the body, like the pace of nature, can take time.


Community Member
Mar 3, 2021
Sounds lovely:) And, yes, her needs, desires and abilities, both to consume and to digest various stuff, will keep changing. Your job is to provide and watch. I have known dogs who thrive on a steady diet of only chicken backs, but I would much rather give all sorts of opportunities, foodwise, to encourage flexibility and increase nutritional variety. The basics are meat, organs, and bone - how you get there can be endlessly variable.
I would be a bit circumspect about pork ribs; they seem a bit tougher and a bit more prone to splinter into sharp bits. The part of the rib cage makes a big difference: we are able to obtain a cut called "pork rib ends", which you will not see in stores; they are cartilaginous sheets of porous bone from the bottom end of the rib slabs, and these are lovely. Watch her eating habits with the whole ribs, and make a call for yourself - probably fine, but watch.
I would definitely keep up with probiotics and digestive aids. I think her activity level, and the sleeping most of the day, is fairly normal for her age - let her rest, especially after meals.

The "wet stuff" that we give is mainly based on products from www.greentripe.com. They offer several useful blends of tripe, organs, bone, trachea - a surprisingly complete nutritional answer, which one could feed to the exclusion of other sources if necessary - that's how their line was developed: by an Afghan breeder in the low countries during WW2 who maintained her show and performance dogs on only that during the German occupation. For my boy we use a few ounces of one of their products and his ground veggies, add fish or MCT oil, collagen protein powder, liquid hyaluronic acid, dental powder, chlorella, mushroom blend, powdered probiotics, ZipZyme omega algae, etc. Often a raw egg, and bits of meat with any other pill-type supplements inserted in them. He tends to eat some of it, then attack his bony bits, and finish up the mix for dessert. There are a bunch of mixed ground meat roll foods out there which would offer the same flexibility; I can't recommend any due to our lack of experience with them, but my coop offers them and folks buy them eagerly.

It's always useful to think of variety - cover your bases. It sounds as if you are off to a great start:)

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