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Azul - Cat: Seizures, Loss of Appetite, Diarrhea


Community Member
Oct 21, 2024
1. Your pet's name, age, sex:
  • Azul
  • 14 and a half years
  • female
  • DOB: April 21, 2010

2. Neutering status:
  • spayed

3. Breed:
  • Persian-Himalayan

4. Approximate weight:
  • ~6.3 lb

5. What's their BEAM (behavior, energy, appetite, mood):
  • She spends most of the day loafing in the litter box.
  • She moves very little.
  • She had a good appetite until yesterday 11/23/2024.
  • She is still curious about life and wants to enjoy it. Although she plays a little when stimulated but loses interest quickly.

6. Diet: Currently:
  • Smallbatch frozen beef for cats with pureed pumpkin.
  • Sardines mixed with pureed apple, cucumber, celery, Solid Gold Sea Meal, and the five heavy metal detox key ingredients as per medical medium:
    • wild blueberry juice
    • cilantro
    • barley grass juice powder
    • spirulina and
    • dulse
  • Celery juice.
  • Watermelon juice.
  • Freeze-dried beef as treats.
  • Freeze-dried turkey hearts as treats.

7. Supplements:
  • Ultra EFA
  • Vetri DMG
  • Vitamin C with rose hips and grape seed extract.
  • B12
  • Zinc
  • Lemon balm
  • Goldenseal
  • Propolis
  • Cat's Claw
  • Ashwaganda
  • Olive Leaf
  • Pau D'Arco
  • Sovereign Silver
  • Curcumin
  • CoQ10

8. Vaccination history / exposure to toxins, other medication:
  • Standard vaccination when she was 2 months old.
  • Prednisolone in June 2024. (discontinued)
  • Clopidogrel in June/July 2024. (discontinued)
  • Levetiracetam. 200MG/ML. Compound. 0.5ML every 8 hours. Since June 2024. (currently taking)

9. Primary problem, when it began and if there was anything else happening around that time:

She started having seizures in June 2024. She's being treated with Levetiracetam. She's been having the above-mentioned diet since late October 2024. She had a good appetite until this weekend.​
On Thursday night, 11/21/2024, we missed one of the three daily doses of the anti-seizure medicine. On Saturday morning, after she ate her beef, she had a seizure.​
What I noticed after the seizure:​
  • She lost her appetite.
  • She had diarrhea.
  • She has been shivering.
On Saturday, 11/22/24, I gave her a pellet of homeopathic medicine for nausea: Nux Vomica. She ate a little in the evening.​
Today, Sunday 11/23/24, she didn't eat in the morning or afternoon. I gave her a pellet of Nux Vomica. She eventually ate some pieces of freeze-dried beef and sardines. She did not touch her beef.​

10. Is the condition better or worse from exercise, heat, cold, time of day, certain foods, emotional upset, being touched, excitement, etc?

She was having seizures almost daily until we changed her diet. Now she has fewer seizures, but they seem to be stronger.​
She is very sensitive to the touch and can be triggered into a seizure if overstimulated.​

11. Has any diagnostic work been done? Diagnosis if available (you can attach your diagnostic tests to the post if you have them.)
  • She has a mass in her abdomen.
  • She has kidney problems.
  • She has an enlarged heart.
  • She presumably has a brain tumor.
(Vet's tests and diagnosis attached.) Seizures, r/o intracranial (neoplasia primary vs. metastatic) vs. vascular secondary to heart disease or CKD Azotemia, polycystic kidney disease. Heart Murmur, Gallop r/o HCM vs. other​

12. Current and previous treatment.
  • Currently taking Levetiracetam. 200MG/ML. Compound. 0.5ML every 8 hours.

13. Other health concerns.

She looks like she wants to eat, but she smells the food, licks it a little, and doesn't eat it. The Nux Vomica seems to help. How often can I give it to her? Is there another way to get her to eat? What can I do when she loses her appetite?​
What can I do about the diarrhea?​
Why could she be shivering?​
Vetri DMG: I gave her two weeks of 0.5ml twice a day. Now, I'm giving her 0.5ml once a day as per the bottle's directions. How much should I be giving her?​
She also has hotspots. She is permanently on a recovery collar because her trying to lick herself was triggering her into seizures. Her hotspots look a yeasty.​

Thank you 🙏🏼

@Dr. Jeff
@Dr. Christina
@Dr. Jean Hofve


  • Azul-45220_ph.pdf
    41.2 KB · Views: 1
  • Azul-513080.pdf
    40.1 KB · Views: 1
  • AntechReport_NYAG22003715_2024-18-3--15-40-54..pdf
    37.9 KB · Views: 1
  • AZUL-IBANEZ-2024-03-16-1226.pdf
    302.6 KB · Views: 1
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The Nux Vomica seems to help. How often can I give it to her? I
In water (11 pellet added to 1 up of water) you can succuss (whack the cup down to energize and activate the remedy) and dose using a Q-tip as often as you feel is helping her.

s there another way to get her to eat?
Play, happiness, petting just prior to offering food. Have you tried any human baby food (which most cats love)?
What can I do when she loses her appetite?
See above.
What can I do about the diarrhea?
Without a lot more detail it's hard to say in particular. In general, baby food is a great diarrhea cure for cats.
Why could she be shivering?
This is a symptom of her underlying energetic imbalance that is also causing the seizures, diarrhea, hot spots, etc. It can be triggered by cold, fear, discomfort, etc.
Vetri DMG: I gave her two weeks of 0.5ml twice a day. Now, I'm giving her 0.5ml once a day as per the bottle's directions. How much should I be giving her?
Was she better with twice/day? If so, maybe keep that going.
She is permanently on a recovery collar
Have you seen if her BEAM and appetite improve if you take off the collar and play with or pet her?
In water (11 pellet added to 1 up of water) you can succuss (whack the cup down to energize and activate the remedy) and dose using a Q-tip as often as you feel is helping her.

Play, happiness, petting just prior to offering food. Have you tried any human baby food (which most cats love)?

See above.

Without a lot more detail it's hard to say in particular. In general, baby food is a great diarrhea cure for cats.

This is a symptom of her underlying energetic imbalance that is also causing the seizures, diarrhea, hot spots, etc. It can be triggered by cold, fear, discomfort, etc.

Was she better with twice/day? If so, maybe keep that going.

Have you seen if her BEAM and appetite improve if you take off the collar and play with or pet her?
Yesterday and today she has been eating, but only sardines. She doesn't want to touch her smallbatch beef. Any suggestions for that?

Today, she had another seizure. It seems to me that when she eats little, she tends to have a seizure. Could that be possible?

During her seizure, she bit her tongue, and she pierced it with her fang. She had her tongue pinned to her fang for a little while until we could help her free it. Her tongue seems to be fine now, but I'm wondering if I should do something to help her heal it or prevent infection?


@Dr. Jeff
@Dr. Christina
@Dr. Jean Hofve
I'm glad that she's eating a bit Maria.

The answer to your questions is to optimize her energy flow along with a vet homeopath. The effect of the Nux needs to be fully evaluated and probably new remedies will be needed.
I'm glad that she's eating a bit Maria.

The answer to your questions is to optimize her energy flow along with a vet homeopath. The effect of the Nux needs to be fully evaluated and probably new remedies will be needed.
I now realize that her tongue was not punctured because there was no blood. Her tongue got caught somehow outside of her mouth, and she couldn't release it. Today, her tongue got caught again... what can that be?
what can that be?
Perhaps her mouth is a bit dry, her nervous system or teeth are "off".

If it keeps happening, then consider seeing a vet chiropractor and/or vet homeopath.
Personally I’m not familiar with their base blend.

I’ll see what I can find out about it and in the meantime, Dr. Jean may know.
Cool! I will look for these for my own pets.

Thanks for pointing them out to me Maria.
You still need to ask them, since we do not have a complete readout of what exactly how much of each nutrient is in it, what is missing, etc. When I was working with a formulator, the list of ingredients and nutrients ran to 11 pages of Excel workbook. Change one tiny thing, and changes cascaded through the whole worksheet. It was the stuff of nightmares! If the company is making an incomplete food, they need to advise customers how to make it balanced. Their product, their liability.
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