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Itchy dog with Tapeworms plus


VIP Member
Feb 11, 2018
Good Morning,

I am posting this question(s) that I previously sent as an email to Dr Jeff.

I have 2 out of 3 dogs with visible tapeworms in their stool. We have had fleas so they would be the source. The fleas are under control as I go into total freak out mode instantly, vacuum like a mad women, bathe, comb and use natural premise sprays etc, etc. An explosion in the chipmunk population and their taking up residence under our deck I believe to be the source. Fortunately,they seem to have moved off into the woods and taken the flea issue w/them.

One dog is also an itchy dog which I have had success with Arsenicum album. Dosed w/200C - 7/19 12:45PM and 7:00 PM, 7/25 Mid-day

He fit the picture of chilly/heat seeking(improved), thirst for small sips(now drinks more normally),restless,anxious w/sweaty feet, worse around 2AM and doesn't stop(I haven't been kept awake by him in a long while), black dog but on the hottest of days would lay in the sun- itching better w/warmth(noted him not doing that anymore) ,he had itched his coat thin and would itch to the point of oozy sores,he also was starting to have rashes and some yeasty growth(which I treated w/ a 50/50 white vinegar and water solution-works like a charm)

Last couple baths no fleas, he was a little itchy off and on the last couple days and I was considering another dose. All original symptoms w/ the exception of some intermittent itching are drastically improved or gone.

With a new symptom, being the tapeworms, should I consider a new remedy?
The other dog... ?

I do have Jackson Galaxy's ParaOuttaSight and put some drops in their coats this morning (and have continued to do so)BEAM is excellent on all 3 dogs. But having the tapes would suggest that vitality is not 100% so I am curious what my next steps should be.

All dogs are fed a combo of raw food, fresh food and a tiny bit of kibble.

Additional info about the itchy dog: Tuxedo, Aust. Shep., DOB 5/27/12, 60#, Black Tri, MDR1 - m/n, Neutered Male (9/14/17) due to very enlarged prostate issues(yup, another issue )-; )

He is athletic, high drive, independent, loves to work, can be anxious, startles easily by movement, freaks out if a person or other dog sneezes, can be obstinate and life is all about Tux

Since writing the email, I have researched the itchy dog's(Tux) records and realized that his itching has been ongoing since his first visit to the vet at 5 months when we got him. He is now 6 yrs old. He had his puppy vaccines prior to him being with us so I have no idea what his reactions were to any of them. He was given his first Rabies vacc. 10/23/12 (regardless of the fact that he was itchy ,scratched from itching and had an enlarged lymph node) and it was noted that he had a lump at the injection site. A month later (11/27/12) it appears as though he had diarrhea as an Internal Parasite Exam was done -NPS and Proviable was dispensed. Then on 12/02/12 he had his first of many allergic episodes (face/paws swelling,intense itching, hives) each time suppressed with Benedryl. Last noted episode was 10/2 /15 and all episodes happened when the weather was rainy and the temp. was between 48 and 52 degrees and he had spent a period of time outdoors.

Fast forward to 2/16 and his first UTI w/crystals(Phos) and antibiotic treatment. Then 4/12/16 after several years w/ a low to 0 Parvo titer he was boosted with a Parvo only vacc. and then on 10/8/16 he got his 3 yr Rabies booster.

Then 7/3 /17 started a series of events that led to finding the very large prostate, ultrasounds, more antibiotics, gastrointestinal issues and finally neutering. All is well now, all symptoms resolved fairly immediately and from what i have learned since joining HA! I am amazed and happy to say that his BEAM remains great and his Vitality is amazing all things considered. Would have done things way differently now but we can only go forward.

So the Arsenicum which is the acute remedy that I had chosen originally for the itching also seems to me to fit him constitutionally and it has made a difference thus far.

So now I am really confused and clearly need direction as to where to go next. I have ordered the Dermoscent spot-on and I have used the Dermoscent mousse which I did think helped but the spot on would definitely be a better application. I have given no further doses of Arsenicum as I await further advice.

I had no idea my question would get so detailed until I delved deeper into his history and found a real mess. Yikes! But as I say he outwardly appears as a healthy, happy and energetic dog with great BEAM and pretty darn good vitality all things considered.


Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Great Jackie!

Thanks for posting this wonderful case.

Since it fits and he is improving, keep up the Ars and other support and please keep us updated.

As you found, it is frequently the case that an acute homeopathic medicine ends up being the one that best matches overall "picture".

This is because any acute symptoms provide great clues to the totality.

It's all parts of the same dis-ease (both the acute and the chronic).

Interestingly, the remedy you're using (Ars) is also a complementary remedy (works together with) Phosphorus (as in the crystals found in his 2016 urinalysis).

No. I would not change remedies just based on the presence of tapeworms.

Let's see how he is responding to the 7/25 dose by the end of this month.


VIP Member
Feb 11, 2018
Thank you Dr Jeff,

I will report at the end of the month and we will go from there. The Dermoscent Spot on came today so I will apply that as well. His coat is starting to come back in so this should help it along.

Tell Amy I have another batch of her cookies in the oven as we speak ! The dogs love them!!

That is interesting about the Phosphorous being a complimentary remedy. I will read about Phosphorous as well.

Great listening to Dr Jean last night!

Thank you!



VIP Member
Feb 11, 2018
Good Morning,

I was supposed to report back about Tux at the end of August. Life got in the way but I was also seeing more symptoms and symptoms returning so I have been gathering information.

To review. The original post left off with Tux's itching improving, not as heat seeking or restless. Date of last post 8/13/18. BEAM 100%

To date he has only been dosed with Arsenicum 200c – 7/19 12:45PM and 7:00 PM, 7/25 Mid-day

New symptoms begin-

8/17- Tux jumps at a Dock Diving event does well but comes up acutely lame on left front that evening. After examining paw we find 2 small round white cysts on edge of middle toe pad-soaked foot in epsom salts and wrapped overnight with ointment to soothe area-did Reiki.

8/18- foot tender in AM but he was sound when it was time to jump for his 2nd day of Dock Diving-cysts still present

8/19- Totally sound. Jumped all day Dock Diving w/o lameness But PM- diarrhea - resolved quickly w/o intervention

8/21- small cyst on left front is gone- larger one still present (size of average homeopathic pellet) * NOTE - itching increasing- scale of 1(best)- 10(worst)- week of 8/6 he was a 2, 8/21 he is a 4

8/25-9/1 - noted chilliness and back to lying in hot sun

9/3- spent day at a Dock Diving pool party- * Soft stool- several bouts of urgent bowel movements. All very soft; came home settled in. When he got up he was acutely lame on left front but quickly walked out of it. cyst still present maybe slightly larger- itching now between 4 and 6. 1st dose Dermoscent spot-on 8/27,2nd dose 9/4 - NO FLEAS and BEAM remains 100%

9/5- went to work landscaping, swam in pond - PM came up lame on Right front (<em>lameness now switched from left to right</em>) inspected paw and saw a small oozy spot, small slice next to pad from pawing in pond? cleaned it up

9/6 - 9/12- mild off and on right front lameness * noted crusty sores under collar(9/8) and oozy bloody hot spot on cheek(9/12)- all areas cleaned up and clipped and healed up well

9/12 - 9/21- lameness improved, itching improved now 4 doses in w/Dermoscent

9/22- Jumped at a Dock Diving event came up acutely lame again on Right front - pulled him from further events- now appears to be his carpis , doesn't like to be flexed- <em>gets better w/rest worse from motion</em> is still a problem to date (10/7) BEAM 100% and lameness in no way slows him down and he seems only mildly bothered by it

9/25-between 6 and 7 AM vomited bile w/bits of kibble- Temp's in the 50's, rainy (associated w/cool front and falling temps) BEAM returned to 100%

9/28- 7 AM 50's and rainy- vomited bile and small bits of biscuits (assoc w/ cool front and falling temps) had eaten 1 hour earlier BEAM returned to 100% * Is this a lesser manifestaton of the acute facial swelling and hives that plagued him from 12/02/12 - 10/2/15 (last noted episode)?? 1st Rabies Vacc. 10/23/12

10/7- BEAM 100% , still intermittent lameness right front- plus *another worsening symptom - this one sneaked up on us but in conversation we realized that it had been getting worse for the last 2 months - his FEARS have increased. Fear of loud noises-speakers(loud music at dock diving events),TV volume rising; having his feet handled or his body handled- more phobia? - he will growl, grab your hand and if you are persistent his reactions will intensify- so I work calmly and reassuringly w/him w/o incident and with respect to his fears/phobias; he also has a fearful reaction to sneezing whether it is one of the other dogs or a human sneezing, he freaks out and leaves. <em>Leaving the area to hide </em>is his reaction to all his fears. NOTE- the sneezing fear was the first fear to appear after his 1st Rabies vacc.

A summary of my thoughts and observations... after reading too many rubrics to list, I can say that Ars in caps or italics comes up the most along with Phos, Sulp and Lach and to a lesser degree Bell and Nux-V and interestingly Starting,startled:noise from:sneezing,at Bor

I still feel on target with Arsenicum.

After reading the HA! Mini MM on Sudden Fears and Phobias he reads Lachesis to a tee. With the exception of <em>worse from heat</em> and <em>worse from pressure on neck </em>the other 7 symptoms fit him pretty accurately. The symptom <em>strikes out unexpectedly</em> fits in the context that if he thinks you are going to touch his feet and I didn't give him enough warning, he will growl grab your hand all while trying to flee.

So where do I go from here? We are 6 weeks into Dermoscent, his itching is about a 3 (10 being the worst), no fleas, we still have tapeworms (all 3 dogs), I felt the symptom he has had the longest (itching) definitely improved w/Arsenicum as well as the heat seeking, chilliness and thirst for small sips all of which are back . I am convinced that nothing good came from his 1st Rabies Vacc and Lachesis fits his picture of Fears and phobias. Except for sneezing which has its very own rubric and 1 remedy Borax. The acute diarrhea and soft stool seem to ask for Phos but it always resolved quickly w/o giving anything as did the oozy sores(Sulphur ?) BEAM 100%

I have attached 3 pictures taken last Monday by a professional photographer. 1st picture was his first pose, he looks relatively relaxed, the next 2 he looks increasingly more nervous and by the end of the shoot he was vocal and grabby at being positioned and wanting to leave.

Thank you for reading my rambling post. I will look forward to your thoughts.

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Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Hey Jackie-

Thanks for adding your Tux update.

Yes! It does seem that he is improving with the Ars.

And that you may need to either repeat it or consider a different remedy.

One way to decide is by putting his lameness symptoms into context.

For example, what is history of any non-injury associated lameness? Does he have any prior leg x-rays or earlier diagnoses (which are really just labels for symptoms)?

Regarding your question in the 9/28 paragraph, I'd say that this is very possible.

One important hallmark of curative healing after a remedy is the "ROoS" (return of older symptoms).

Part of the healing process is his body's cleaning up of older, and unresolved, symptoms.

Regarding your question about what to do now, I wonder if the anxieties and startling that you mentioned in an earlier post, have gotten worse (or better)?

If they have improved or are not worse, then you might want to repeat the Ars to help evaluate its' effect.

I'd also carefully re-read Phosphorus in a bigger Materia Medica (like Clarke's or Hering's which you can access by clicking/tapping here).

Skin symptoms that come up during homeopathic treatment, especially rashes, pimples and other eruptions, are <em>usually</em> not your guide to a new remedy.

Please let us know what you decide to do, and what happens.


BTW-Your pictures did not upload. If you try again, reduce their sizes to 300K or less.


VIP Member
Feb 11, 2018
Good Morning,

After contemplating the questions regarding lameness and fears, I determined that the fears are the same in intensity but are more numerous due to being exposed to triggers that he had not previously met. The triggers being the loud speakers at dock diving events which he attended more events one right after the other and this loud speaker trigger also transferred to the TV volume increasing. His reaction is the same not worse or worsening.

The lameness I originally thought was new but after going back through his history I realized that it was reoccurring.

My findings:

2/28/13- 7PM allergic reaction- hives and facial swelling

3/01/13- 6:36 AM Vomited bile

3/05/13- 5 AM went out to pee as he came back in he collapse under shrub , I called him and he got up very stiff- ?lower back- walked out of it fairly quickly- assumed he over did it running the day before

8/01/17 - Diarrhea duration 2 days now vomiting

8/05/17 - pulls iliopsoas dock diving ... fast forward to 2018

8/17/18- jumps all day dock diving, gets out of car end of day and is lame left front

8/18/18- sound and jumping all day the in late afternoon several bouts of diarrhea

9/03/18- dock diving pool party all day, came home settled in, got up and was acutely lame left front but walked out of it

9/05/18 - went to work landscaping , swam in pond, came home settled in, got up and was lame on right front

Right front lameness has persisted to date better with rest and worse with motion

Because I had determined that both the lameness and the fears were reoccurring symptoms I went ahead and repeated the arsenicum

10/08/18 - 12PM dosed Arsenicum 200c

12:12 PM sound asleep

2:22 PM went out very reluctant to walk on sore paw

4:20 PM sleeping by my side dreaming all legs and eyes twitching -got up stretched with a humped up back and layed back down

through out the afternoon his drinking improved to bigger sips and more often in a good way.

10/09/18 - restless overnight w/ increased itching after 3AM especially knees and groin - noticed angry rash between scrotum and thigh/ groin area - a reoccurring old symptom from a year ago - cleaned right ear , itchy and yeasty, still lame right front

10/10/18 - 12:15 AM 30 second woeful howl in his sleep, very little itching or restlessness through the night, still lame right front, * Stole my bagel off my plate and ate in AM - food obsession has increased but may be due to Jealousy as there is an adolescent male in the household and competition so keeping that symptom in context for the moment

10/11/18 - barely slept on bed at all during the night, no persistent itching after midnight at all, still lame left front and lameness much worse after he got into a rough play spell that took me a moment or two to stop otherwise itching and drinking much improved, * Stole cream cheese off the counter

10/12/18- the only symptom not improving is the lameness. I have scoured the MM's and the Kent's reperatory. He continues to read Arsenicum the closest and it seems to bring up old symptoms. The rash in groin by the way, completely healed and went away w/no intervention in about 12 hrs or less from time I noted it.

The lameness is an old symptom, the last of the symptoms to show up. Is it safe for me to try another remedy at this point to target the lameness? My thoughts go to Rhus-t due to the fact that in the past there have been instances of him walking out of it.

I have read over Phos many times and nothing jumps out as an indication that I need to consider this remedy at this point....

So that is where we are today. Lame but his BEAM continues to be 100%

Have a great day!


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Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Hiya Jackie-

Exactly how have you been dosing the Ars 200c?

Dry, liquid, how many succussions?

If you are succussing, how many?

Do you have the Ars 1M?

Rhus tox might be useful at this point, but you might first want to see if he can make further progress with Ars.

Especially since Rhus can be an "antidote" to the good effects of Ars:

ars. - ars- antidoted by: (30) bry. calc. camph. carb-ac. carb-v. cham. chin. chinin-s. dig. euph. ferr. graph. hep. iod. ip. kali-bi. lach. merc. nat-c. nux-m. nux-v. ol-j. op. Phos. plb. <b>rhus-t.</b> samb. sulph. tab. verat.


VIP Member
Feb 11, 2018
Thanks Dr Jeff,

I guess I need to cross reference my antidotes as well. I was using Kent's Repertory and he didn't mention Rhus-t.

I have been dosing the Arsenicum in the most simple form. I add 1 pellet to about 2 cc of distilled water in a clean dose syringe and flick the syringe about 5 times. I wait until the pellet has dissolved so it doesn't get stuck and I give it to him. I don't have Ars. 1m but could order some.

I am happy to try with a higher potency as it seems to me I am getting results and when I re-dosed, it pulled up the rash from last year as well. His BEAM is excellent.

I can get some 1m.

I have never treated the lameness in the past other than having a veterinarian use a laser on the iliopsoas. The other times the lameness has gotten better with movement. Would a laser treatment drive a symptom deeper? The iliopsoas incident also was part of the very enlarged prostate(diagnosed by palpation and ultrasound) and ultimately he was neutered(last Sept.(2017)- mid-month). He was given Metacam at neutering and 1 dose a day later and then had bad diarrhea. We don't generally give NSAID's to our dogs so this was a big "note to self" why we don't, especially with the Aussie's.

Thanks so much! Have a great night!



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