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Homeopathy for Emotional Challenges

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
This super helpful message from Dr. Lisa Samet contains specific homeopathic suggestions at the end of it:

COVID has many of us facing a roller coaster of emotions, from “I got this” to “I can’t do this,” sometimes in the same hour. I know for myself I’m generally optimistic that things will get better soon, but sometimes I have dark moments anticipating worse potential scenarios. And often I feel very sad about what my kids are missing out on: graduations, travel, summer camps, working, college life, a sense of structure, a reason to get out of bed in the morning. If I can reign myself in from the future and keep myself in the present moment, I do better.

What helps me most is to try to find some meaning in the suffering. And, while each of us will come up with different “meaning,” it’s important for me not to feel “this is all for nothing.” Rather, I try to approach it as: what is there for me to look at that I have been unable to see before? How can I find personal meaning in what’s happening – maybe in terms of things I want to do differently in the future, re-assessing what’s important, how I enjoy spending my time, the importance of a slower pace, relationships with dear ones, spending less money on things we don’t need, etc. Or, on a more global scale: the benefits for the planet, the opportunity to re-emerge and fix some of the deeply broken systems that currently exist, a reassessment of what it means to live in harmony with the natural world, a re-commitment to eating less animals and more plants. Once I feel that what I am going through has meaning for me, it is easier to cope.

These last few months have also been a call to gratitude. Yes, there is a lot that has been taken away. But there is also much that remains. When I take an emotional dip, I remind myself of all that I have – and feel better. And, that this is a collective experience, I am not alone in it. There is strength in numbers.

Homeopathy, of course, can help too.

Think about Ignatia with anger and disappointment, or after the loss of a loved one with acute grief.

Think about Aconite for shock and fright/fear.

Think about Gelsemium after bad news.

Think about Staphisagria with suppressed anger which bubbles into a rage when it all gets too much. Injustice and indignation are the hot buttons.

Think about Aurum with grief from business failure, with a loss of reputation or position.

Think of Conium with marital stress and discord, and even in separation or divorce.

Think about Arsenicum with incessant worry, especially about health, family, and everyone’s wellbeing.

Think of Nux-v for frustration, irritability, impatience… feeling high strung and out of control.

Think of Pulsatilla when there is much weeping, even for no apparent reason, where being comforted and encouraged help a lot.

A good chronic homeopathic remedy can also help enormously to balance the emotions – if you know your chronic remedy, you might want to take it more often.

Emotional Freedom Technique to manage emotions and Psych-K for changing underlying limiting beliefs are also powerful tools.

Staying in the present, finding meaning in what’s happening, reminders to find gratitude for all that’s there, and connecting with dear ones - plus a well-indicated homeopathic remedy when needed - should help make the duration of our confinement more bearable!


Wow; a really useful and nice post, Lisa! Yes, these are all important keynotes. Personally, I am upset with pervasive stupidity put out as fact - the sins against immunology, the untold harm done to folks' lives through the ignorance of the elected officials and the inadequately educated MDs and researchers who tell them what to do. We have a lot of repair work to do...

Be well.

Dr. Christina

VIP Member
Jun 15, 2017
I love the suggestion of EFT or "tapping" (emotional freedom technique). Also Reiki, meditation, yoga, walking in nature, venting to friends.

The remedy suggestions are great. I would suggest to think about taking a remedy only if the other suggestions are not helping or you are feeling extremely emotional.

Remember to record your symptoms (as we are discussing in the EHs on case taking), then periodically review all the symptoms to see which have gotten better, worse or not changed. And write it all down.

Dr. Christina


VIP Member
Oct 22, 2018
Dr Christina, your EH on Monday was really good! I am trying to come up with very good descriptive words for Dr Judy on Teddy’s night behavior and just don’t seem to be able to describe what happens adequately. I am journaling each day and have 2 or 3 symptoms that occur every night as soon as I turn off the tv and try to head for bed.

Teddy’s tail thickens, he becomes very active, almost like he is getting ready for something other than sleeping! but I am attributing this to his last meal of the day at 11 pm, but Timmy dos not act like him. Timmy is ready to sleep all night but Teddy ramps up.

Triggers are semi darkness, I have nite lights in almost every room, tv off but I put a sound machine on of crickets, pacing of going to deck door and back to bedroom, jumping on and off cat tree, meowing high pitch noises, like “ can someone come here”

Sometimes this occurs more intensely than other days. Times vary too. Sometimes midnight to 1 am or 345 to 430 am or at 645 am.

I am trying to find words that describe, a cat on a moving train when all is keyed down for the night. High energy and some relief when I open the window and he looks outside. Not, one night is the same. It’s like bizarre behavior, or something.

And during the day he is a perfect angel! He has for the past 3 months circled both to left and right, some shaking of head if awakened by himself! If that makes sense. So....

Any help with descriptive words to describe this behavior, I don’t want to become bias and say he just wants to go outside, because I do take him 3 to 4 times a day outside on a leash. He loves it! If I tell him NO at night he races out of the room in a fit, and scratches on the cat tree in response to being told no, he can’t go out at 1 AM. So sometimes I think it just him.

Any words to help me describe this behavior would be appreciated. Dr Jeff, any help would be most appreciated too. Again, it’s describing what nighttime does to him. Sometimes I sense he is just racing inside and is trying to get out of his own skin! That is when my heart breaks. 50% of the month’s nights are like this.

I will be rereviewing his supplements with Dr Judy too as I just did another Animalbiome stool test, but his blood work was great in January?

Not sure what this means but for Teddy his Bacteroides were 25.2. And for his genus a healthy cat has 13 different bacteria and he showed 18. I have a call into Animalbiome to ask for help understanding this. The Animal Essential plant enzyme and probiotic he is on may be causing for him an over growth of fungus.

Has anyone heard of Fidospore by Microbiome Labs. It’s for dogs, not sure if it’s safe for a cat. Thanks for any thoughts.

Dr. Christina

VIP Member
Jun 15, 2017
There is never a problem with more bacteria, just too little. I am not sure why you think there is an over growth of fungus. Do ask Microbiome.

Your descriptions are excellent.
To summarize:
  • Teddy’s tail thickens,
  • he becomes very active, almost like he is getting ready for something other than sleeping! (now this is an interpretation. Fine to have them, just know what it is) but I am attributing this to his last meal of the day at 11 pm, but Timmy dos not act like him. Timmy is ready to sleep all night but
  • Teddy ramps up
  • Trigger is semi darkness - not clear about this, though you wrote about night lights, etc. And it happens wee hrs of morning, so why is that semi darkness?
  • when times are variable, they are not as useful in selecting the remedy. Is one of these more often? midnight to 1 am or 345 to 430 am or at 645 am. what may be useful is to do a timeline, hour by hour for everything that happens: I am using my imagination to make up one: 6 PM We get home from work and play with both cats for 30 mins. 6:30 feed both cats. 7:00 Teddy naps for an hour 8:00 - I take him out on the leash for 15 minutes and play. 9:00 I get ready for bed. 10:00 cats both eat and Timmy goes to sleep. Teddy's tail fluffs up at midnight (or 3, or 6...). If it happened at 6 AM - what happened all night? did he sleep?
I think that may help you and Dr. Judith to record specifically all that happens.
Dr. Christina

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