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Frequent Urination in a 2 yo Male Cat


Pet Professional
Apr 14, 2023
New pet intro of Finn and a question about some frequent urination!
  1. Your pet's name- Finn
  2. Approximate age- 2 years old
  3. Sex- Male
  4. Neutering status- Neutured at 6 months old
  5. Breed- DSH
  6. Approximate weight- 10 lbs
  7. What's their BEAM (behavior, energy, appetite, mood) Behaviour- Great in general. He is an active indoor/ outdoor kitty, playful. Affection, cuddly Energy- Excellent, active and happy, Appetite- Excellent, Mood- Friendly happy, balance of calm sleepy time and active exercise time
  8. Diet- Raw fed, ground raw, chicken, beef, fish, pork, occasional whole bones like necks
  9. Vaccination history / exposure to toxins, other medication- Vaccinate as a kitten, and at 1 year of age, deworming as a kitten, occasional topical flea/tick treatment ( 2 x a year), no other medication
  10. Primary problem, when it began and if there was anything else happening around that time- 2 issues of frequent urination, at night before bed, going to the litter box several times, and outside litter box, was producing urine in small quantities, pink in colour. I responded by giving him a meal of raw with lots of extra water and monitoring and both time it spontaneously resolved.
  11. Is the condition better or worse from exercise, heat, cold, time of day, certain foods, emotional upset, being touched, excitement, etc? Seems to be at night it occurs, no other stressors that were happening that I could identify
  12. Has any diagnostic work been done? Diagnosis if available (you can attach your diagnostic tests to the post if you have them) No vet visits for this
  13. Current and previous treatment- none
  14. Other health concerns- none, he is otherwise a happy and healthy kitty!
Hi again Miranda!
lots of extra water

When were the episodes?

Even if his urine seems fine most of the time, it may be helpful if you collect a urine sample to drop off at your vet.

Has there been any environmental stress (which is the biggest trigger for urinary issues in cats)?

If so, Stress Stopper might be helpful (preventively and during an episode).

Hey Jeff,
Yeah that's a good idea. I was hesitant to do that as I don't want to have to have a conversation about putting him on urinary food. I have Feliway- is that like Stress Stopper?
Not really. Feliway is a calming (for some cats) pheremone.

Stress Stopper is a flower essence that works for all pets, people and other animals.

Speaking of which, @Dr. Jean Hofve (who is the formulator of SS) might it also help plants?
Flower essences can absolutely help plants! I cleared an entire tomato patch of purple mold with Rescue Remedy back in my early days of using essences.

Essences are a great help for these urinary problems, since stress is ALWAYS a factor, whether or not you can identify the particular stressor. It could be construction in the next block, a stray that wanders through the yard, pretty much anything. I once failed to realize a big stress in a house we were living in until we moved... we had been on an ambulance route and apparently that was really bugging of my two of my 5 cats, who I often found in the closet! In a quieter place, they were totally fine. I just never put 2+2 together... duh!

Do be especially cautious, of course, with a male kitty. They can block easily. Make sure he is producing urine, even if only small bits at a time. Meantime, it is imperative to figure out what the problem is, because it is painful and distressing and needs to be solved.

Here is a sort of algorithm of all the possibilities. So put on your Sherlock Holmes deerstalker hat and let us know what you find!! Why Did My Cat Pee Outside the Litterbox? | Little Big Cat - Dr. Jean Hofve
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