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Dog with Fleas


Community Member
Apr 3, 2024

My dog has fleas. Luckily, they seem contained to him and not all over the house. I am quarantining him to kitchen and bathed him today and will daily, and multiple combs w flea comb per day. Also will set up a flea trap. Anything else?
Do they go to a particular area of the body like ears and underarms? My dog seems a little under the weather so perhaps he was vulnerable and that's why he got fleas? Also, I was having trouble finding the "Fleas Be Gone" ebook on the site. I looked under Resources and Library tab, but didn't see it. Can you direct me? Thank you.
Hey Jen!

I'm sorry to hear about your pup's fleas.:confused:🐞
Anything else?
Yes, lots of ideas in a bunch of recent posts here on the forum (use the search field upper right of this page). One of the tips is to read Dr. Christina's book (@aruna can you guide Jen to it?).

Do they go to a particular area of the body like ears and underarms?
Exactly! Wherever it's warm and moist. They also seem to like to hangout around the tail base.

perhaps he was vulnerable and that's why he got fleas?
Hey Jen!

I'm sorry to hear about your pup's fleas.:confused:🐞

Yes, lots of ideas in a bunch of recent posts here on the forum (use the search field upper right of this page). One of the tips is to read Dr. Christina's book (@aruna can you guide Jen to it?).

Exactly! Wherever it's warm and moist. They also seem to like to hangout around the tail base.

Thanks! Yes - tail base is irritated. Thanks for responding. I read all the other flea posts.
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