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Fleas from hotel


Community Member
Nov 9, 2020
My daughter and family are staying at a Hilton in FL and were covered in fleas when they were in their room for five minutes. They washed all of their clothes and changed rooms, but still worry about bringing a flea or two back in a suitcase. We are caring for their 8 year old beagle hound mix dog (who is flea-less). They have a 6 month old baby so are very concerned about flea propagation in their home. I spoke with Dr. Christina and we are going to keep their dog for an extra week after their return. We are going to condition him to flea combing so that they can continue when he gets home with them. We will be asking them to set up flea traps (with soapy water bowls and heating pad or flashlight) to attract the fleas (if any). This way they can monitor to determine if even a single flea appears. After a week of no fleas in the traps, Dr. Christina said they should be fine. She asked that I share this information so people can be aware that hotels can be sources of fleas and that the risk can be managed without chemicals.
She asked that I share this information so people can be aware that hotels can be sources of fleas and that the risk can be managed without chemicals.
Thanks so much for sharing Lynn.

And thanks for those brilliant ideas Dr. Christina!
This was a first for me - people covered with fleas!
Since the dog was not there, the people were warmer than the rug. When animals come with you (often into beach homes unused that year) the fleas prefer the higher temps of the animals.
One article says that because fleas are adapted to fur animals, they spend only a few minutes on a person, so do not reproduce.

Lynn will keep us posted if any fleas come into their apartment over the next few weeks.

Dr. Christina
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