I have been living with a 12-year-old female dog (mixed breed) for about 3 years. When I took her in from an animal shelter, she had countless physical problems. Her intestines in particular (terrible long-lasting diarrhea), but also the lack of muscles, arthritis, severe tartar, heart problems and itchy ears (fungal infection) were a big issue. Not to mention the fact that she can hardly see or hear anything.
With a lot of patience, Moros carrot soup, nux vomica D6 and an intestinal build-up cure, we got it under control. We have been doing really well for about a year now - she only has diarrhea when there are (very rarely) particularly stressful situations.
She eats very well, is a very relaxed and self-confident dog, but also has little energy. You can clearly see that she has movement problems and, according to the physiotherapist, her muscles should no longer be built up too much, as there is a risk of a long-term relieving posture and thus new pain. She walks very stiffly, especially in cold and wet weather, and we only take her for short walks.
As the vet advises against cleaning her teeth under anesthetic due to her heart condition, we are now working with an ultrasonic toothbrush to get rid of the tartar.
We have tried propolis for her ears, but as they are so inflamed, she screams when I try to clean them.
I have started using Vermiculite to slow down the arthritis - but I can't yet say exactly how much it actually helps.
I'm a bit at a loss as to how best to proceed in order to improve her quality of life. In my opinion, the itchy ears and arthritis bother her the most. I would be very happy to hear any suggestions on how I can best help her.
I love her very much and she is such a sweetheart. It hurts to see her struggle with all these things.
With a lot of patience, Moros carrot soup, nux vomica D6 and an intestinal build-up cure, we got it under control. We have been doing really well for about a year now - she only has diarrhea when there are (very rarely) particularly stressful situations.
She eats very well, is a very relaxed and self-confident dog, but also has little energy. You can clearly see that she has movement problems and, according to the physiotherapist, her muscles should no longer be built up too much, as there is a risk of a long-term relieving posture and thus new pain. She walks very stiffly, especially in cold and wet weather, and we only take her for short walks.
As the vet advises against cleaning her teeth under anesthetic due to her heart condition, we are now working with an ultrasonic toothbrush to get rid of the tartar.
We have tried propolis for her ears, but as they are so inflamed, she screams when I try to clean them.
I have started using Vermiculite to slow down the arthritis - but I can't yet say exactly how much it actually helps.
I'm a bit at a loss as to how best to proceed in order to improve her quality of life. In my opinion, the itchy ears and arthritis bother her the most. I would be very happy to hear any suggestions on how I can best help her.
I love her very much and she is such a sweetheart. It hurts to see her struggle with all these things.