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Cat itching help - is it fleas or food allergy?


Jun 29, 2024
  1. Carmel - cat
  2. 12
  3. Female
  4. Neutered
  5. Maine Coon
  6. 9-10 pounds
  7. B - Behavior - good, loving, cuddles with me and sleeps with me often, gentle except when she thinks we’re playing. She does itch, licks her chest/paws/legs a lot & nibbles. Chews paws. I have seen her recently eat rodents that were dead for several hours (worries me a little - caught night before and she leaves it and then eats it next day when it’s been sitting out in the sun and has flies on it). She sneezes sometimes. E - Energy - good, highly active, goes outside for several hours, sleeps well. I will play with her with catnip and toys and she’s like a kitten. But playing with a toy triggers her to itch a lot. A - Appetite - good, normally eats really well. We give her our food and she’ll still even hunt to eat more. The only thing is she doesn’t seem to like the TCfeline with the boneless meat and egg yolks. I’ve tried various proteins - pork, etc and she’ll eat it okay at first but then doesn’t want to eat it and I notice she doesn’t eat as much. Same with Viva Raw, she just stopped wanting to eat it but seemed to love it at first. She loves every flavor of Primal nuggets though and likes Steve’s Quest and Nulo cans. I thought maybe it’s the egg york for a food sensitivity…but I’ve also tried making the TCfeline mix without egg yolks and I don’t think it was any different. She also hunts a lot - mice and moles, sometimes chipmunks. M - Mood - very sweet, calm, purrs loudly, rubs on us, happy mainly but does get frustrated with the itching. I’ll hear her do those "huffs," like she breathes out her nose.
  8. Raw food mainly
  9. No more vaccines. Been 1-2 years since she’s had one and won’t be doing more. Not on any medication.
  10. Primary problem is itching, energetic imbalance. She did itch a little last summer but mainly it’s been this year, around March when I started trying to figure it out because she was getting scabs. After months, I noticed she wasn’t just cleaning - it was excessive itching and licking, and scabs on her head/neck weren’t just from ticks or other parasites. (Have never seen red water or dried blood from flea dirt.) But I did notice some itching in the winter as well (last Dec-Feb of this year).
  11. I have noticed she can be itchier when she comes in late at night which is why I started thinking it was fleas. But that has not been consistent. The itching varies but definitely when she’s excited she itches/licks herself more. A lot of times it’s random. She’ll come in the room and itch, and I worry.
  12. No diagnostic work has been done.
  13. Current and previous treatment: In March-April of this year, I did try Dr. Andrew’s bioactive Quercetin for a month because I was thinking it was a food allergy, but it didn’t seem to do anything. She had various scabs on her head/neck/chin that were like dry skin and flaky. Then she was getting ticks so I started using Flea-Ex spray every morning (works on ticks too) before she goes out because scabs were also left from ticks. That did help actually prevent ticks and soothe the skin I think, but it was a pain to do because she would hiss sometimes. Her scabs would go away using that consistently but itching continued. 3-4 weeks ago I used beneficial nematodes (HB+SC+SF) all over the lawn so don't have to worry about it as much. (There are different species of nematodes that target certain parasites.) I now sometimes use an ACV spray since I ran out of the other topical spray. Nothing has totally gotten rid of the scabs/itching or kept it from coming back. I only apply the spray on my hand and rub some on her. I did notice her coat had gotten quite dull with the issue she's been having and combing her often has helped with that a lot (flea comb). She's all silky now. She was also getting some clumps here and there by the base of her tail. That seems to not be a problem anymore. Have tried for the past week using Psorinum 30c daily (again I thought it was fleas) so may stop using that. I have noticed ticks are not attaching to her anymore, nor am I seeing them on myself after going outside. I would just step outside and have one crawling on me. Not sure if it's just the change in season now that it's July.
  14. Other health concerns: Not really a concern but she prefers to go to the bathroom outside so unfortunately I can’t check her pee & poop. She rarely uses the litter box. She did pee in it recently which was good but haven’t seen her poop in several months. Hopefully that’s all good…(I’ve tried changing the litter and it doesn’t make a difference.)
**Dr. Christina helped me realize on my welcome call that it is NOT fleas. I had used beneficial nematodes on the yard and thought it didn’t do anything, but that’s because fleas weren’t the issue! It’s been very confusing 😂 I don't think it was at all necessary to do the nematodes.

I am wondering which skin article I need to read @Dr. Christina? The skin section has several links. And the RescueRemedy - is that just to be applied topically or put in her food? Thank you for your help!

@Dr. Jeff , @Dr. Christina , @Dr. Sara, @Dr. Jean Hofve do you have any thoughts/advice please
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Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Hey Maria!
But playing with a toy triggers her to itch a lot
Cool! Where does she focus her itch (and is it scratching, licking, nibbling, etc.)?

around March when I started trying to figure it out because she was getting scabs. After months, I noticed she wasn’t just cleaning
Yes! This sounds like the start of her "miliary dermatitis" (which is an artificial vet label and description of the symptom).

notice some itching in the winter as well (last Dec-Feb of this year).
Are you in a warmer climate? Or does winter get pretty cold where you are?

past week using Psorinum 30c daily (again I thought it was fleas) so may stop using that
Yes, it's a good idea to stop.

RescueRemedy - is that just to be applied topically or put in her food?
Great question! You can use it both ways, massaged into her skin, as a spray, etc.


Jun 29, 2024
Hi @Dr. Jeff and thank you for your responses! :)
Cool! Where does she focus her itch (and is it scratching, licking, nibbling, etc.)?
It is a mix of all of those in general - licking, nibbling her body and scratching her head/neck with her feet. When playing, it's mainly licking a lot on her paws, legs, chest. Some paw chewing too I think. I know I see some flakiness on her toe beans that I think she picks out with her teeth. It seems like she itches no matter what though. Tonight she came in late and she was purring, then started licking and scratching again all over. So the itching is a good thing? I'm praising her for it which is different!

Are you in a warmer climate? Or does winter get pretty cold where you are?
Winter gets pretty cold, I'm in Maine. It was milder than other years but still quite cold. But she still goes out in the snow and everything. She's an adventurer.

That was a funny video, thanks for sharing! So basically the itching isn't something to worry about and it's not helpful to worry? Is this in any case? I know it's satire.

Great question! You can use it both ways, massaged into her skin, as a spray, etc.
Okay, I just picked some up and put 4 drops in a cup like @Dr. Christina mentioned. I put some on her. She seemed excited about it, was happy when I came home with it. I had a lot left in a glass so I put it in a container because it has cat hair in it from taking more in my hand. There was something about taking a sip but I missed that. So I'm the one who should take a sip of it, and only apply to Carmel topically? I did write down using for 1 week. Is that daily - just once a day? I think those 4 drops in the water will last awhile. I hope it's okay that I touched the end of the dropper — it was hard to take off the plastic seal. Does it always have to be diluted? Update: Second day and she was purring when I put the RescueRemedy on. She actually let me get some on her paws 😸 I'm very gentle and intentional with it.

So how would I know if it's a food allergy/sensitivity? I started trying Viva Raw in October and then another order in December of last year but haven't gotten any more since, so I don't think that was it but could have aggravated something. Then I started using TCfeline in February of this year and been using it for some months, rotating with other stuff.
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Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
So the itching is a good thing?
I'm praising her for it which is different!
Great idea! And every time she itches maybe tell her how much you love her her pet her in a way that gets her purring.

So basically the itching isn't something to worry about and it's not helpful to worry? Is this in any case?
Exactly right! Any form or exteriorization like itching, eye and nose discharges, skin eruptions, etc. can be a sign of her body trying to heal.

Yes, symptoms are really just signposts that help show us that there is an internal imbalance. All symptoms are clues and are good things in the bigger picture of wellness, quality of life and inner balance.

Symptoms are a reflection of energy flow in the body. The smoother the flow, the fewer the abnormal symptoms.

Love helps smooth the flow and increases mitochondrial metabolism and cellular energy production.

Fear, worry, anxiety, etc. do just the opposite.

Adopting a loving and re-growth mindset is super important. 😍 😻

But this can be especially difficult when we are thrust into a fixed mindset and worry about symptoms, dis-eases (imbalances) and diagnoses.


Jun 29, 2024
Great idea! And every time she itches maybe tell her how much you love her her pet her in a way that gets her purring.
Got it, I am doing that now 😺 She has been purring. I am curious if this ends up decreasing the itching? Because she won’t really go at it as much when I do. But I know the itching is good…it is a very interesting concept I’m not used to. Eventually the itching would just go away when she is healed, right? Because the energy flow would be all smooth?
Exactly right! Any form or exteriorization like itching, eye and nose discharges, skin eruptions, etc. can be a sign of her body trying to heal.

Yes, symptoms are really just signposts that help show us that there is an internal imbalance. All symptoms are clues and are good things in the bigger picture of wellness, quality of life and inner balance.

Symptoms are a reflection of energy flow in the body. The smoother the flow, the fewer the abnormal symptoms.

Love helps smooth the flow and increases mitochondrial metabolism and cellular energy production.

Fear, worry, anxiety, etc. do just the opposite.

Adopting a loving and re-growth mindset is super important. 😍 😻

But this can be especially difficult when we are thrust into a fixed mindset and worry about symptoms, dis-eases (imbalances) and diagnoses.
Fascinating! Thank you. Yes, love is such a wonderful & powerful thing ❤️

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017


Jun 29, 2024
I wanted to check what else I should do since my cat is still itching? The Rescue Remedy she would purr but didn't seem to do anything - used that for over a week. Is this something we can continue using?

What else should I be looking at/reading?

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Patiently persevering and mindfully monitoring are probably your best actions right now.

That's presuming that you've started Carmel on the parasympathetic healing path with extra enrichment, play, purring etc.

It sounds like you're doing many of the things she needs like fresh food feeding avoiding symptom suppression etc.

What's her BEAM now?

Are you working with a vet homeopath?


Jun 29, 2024
That's presuming that you've started Carmel on the parasympathetic healing path with extra enrichment, play, purring etc.
What do you recommend for extra enrichment? I definitely love on her a lot everyday - petting, holding her, and saying how much I love her. For play, I have a couple teaser toys on a stick but she gets bored of those quickly. I have noticed she itches less with playing than she used to. I do try to focus on getting her purring. I do have toys that I "reactivate" with catnip and she'll get excited for a short time...I think I need more ideas...
It sounds like you're doing many of the things she needs like fresh food feeding avoiding symptom suppression etc.

What's her BEAM now?
It's fairly good. She hasn't been sleeping with me like she was but she changes her routine. She's still gentle, loving, and sweet. I would say maybe not as much nibbling with the itching, but definitely licking, and still scratching with some slight scabs/flaking. Something new is lately she has had a couple hairballs, possibly happening from licking more.

Appetite still good, she loves going outside, and some nights I've been letting her stay out all night, thinking that might help her overall. The past morning though when she came in, my Mom said she was gulping when she was eating, so might have ate too much/too fast because the last couple days, she has been having a bit of nausea maybe/indigestion. It's like she's hacking but nothing comes out (no puke). It helps a lot to soothe her - I can get her purring a lot with that. (That issue seems easier, but hard not to worry!) We have a stand for food to slow her down with eating but she was given food on the counter...at least I'm hoping it was just that, I don't know. Sometimes it's like she's burping or hiccups? Not sure what would help that.
Are you working with a vet homeopath?
Not currently. Just using this site. Do you think she needs to be seen in-person?

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
What do you recommend for extra enrichment?
There are lots of great HA! member resources discuss enrichment, play, etc.

If you have trouble finding stuff by searching the member area (in addition to the forum) just reach out to [email protected] and @aruna could point you to some.

There's also these great articles by @Dr. Jean Hofve and Jackson Galaxy:

Do you think she needs to be seen in-person?
If she has not been seen in over 6 months, then yes, it's a good idea.

As a senior kitty, Carmel also would benefit by having blood tests every year or two.


Jun 29, 2024
Thank you! I did some research and got the ripple rug. Wanted her to have something different :) Can't wait till it gets here.
If she has not been seen in over 6 months, then yes, it's a good idea.

As a senior kitty, Carmel also would benefit by having blood tests every year or two.
Okay, good to know. It's been over 6 months so she has a holistic vet appointment this Friday. Her labwork was last done Dec 2021 so it's overdue. They are doing that as well this week.

Is there any chance the itching is food related or is it most likely from stress?

Will post updates!

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Is there any chance the itching is food related
Sure, it may be. Are there any new foods in her diet that you can try eliminating?


Jun 29, 2024
Sure, it may be. Are there any new foods in her diet that you can try eliminating?
No new foods right now. I don't know how to properly eliminate foods without her not having enough nutrients.

We started transitioning her on raw food last summer - in July, so it's been a little over a year. I did see her itching somewhat outside last summer. She never itched before with the dry food so not sure what's going on.

We've tried a lot of brands. Started with commercial raw food (Primal and Steve's). Nulo cans are the only canned food she likes. Doesn't really like Viva Raw or completers much, so have stopped that for awhile. Could be any ingredient...

I've tried eliminating certain proteins, I don't know. It's hard, I want her to eat and like the food. She's just itching no matter what.

Dr. Jeff Grognet says a food allergy for a cat is itching the face, mainly the cheeks but Carmel's itching is targeted around her neck, chin, and at the top of her spine. She has scabs there. Also licks more excessively the paws, legs, genitals. It seems to be everywhere.

She does use the litter box now sometimes, which is nice - saw her poop twice! No more gulping. She's purring a lot. Just needs help with her coat, and how the itching is changing the texture.


Jun 29, 2024
Integrative and certified homepathic vet says she thinks it's fleas, so contradicting what @Dr. Christina said it wasn't. Found from your list to find a holistic vet.

Given Bravecto and we will see if she's right. I pushed back on it but she said it's safer and less toxic than the older flea ones like Advantage, etc. We did use to give her Bravecto with no side effects. She said if I saw one or 2 fleas with the flea comb, there could be 100 in the home/environment and that I don't see it because she's quickly getting any.

If it ends up she's right, I will not be listening to the flea dirt turning red thing. Because that seems to be inaccurate. And the nematodes would not have been enough.

Didn't want vaccines but she was worried about rabies with her being outside so much, and it's law. It was the Pure Vax at least...

Went in there to only have natural, holistic stuff done 🤣 I told her that, but she thinks sometimes it doesn't work.

She thought she looks good though to even need homeopathy, and will find out test results on Monday. Doesn't think it's a food allergy
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Jun 29, 2024
Test results: Her blood test revealed high eosinophils (over 6,000) but everything else was great. This is why they think it's fleas, because I guess they can cause tapeworm. Still trying to get a stool sample to test it for tapeworms. She doesn't normally use the litterbox. What do you recommend for help with internal parasites? Maybe food grade diatomaceous earth?

Was waiting to see how the Bravecto goes. It's been close to a month now since Carmel was given that, but the itching hasn't stopped. I don't really know who to trust because @Dr. Christina said she was 99.9% sure it wasn't fleas and that I should stop thinking about it being fleas. The itching is a bit better though, I know the redness the vet saw in the office in her genital area is gone from itching there a lot. And her coat seems better. So it might have been helping…also her appetite has improved. I know high EOS can affect that.

Just confused, and not sure who is telling me the right thing. It’s very difficult for me because I don’t want inaccurate info.

Would appreciate some clarity please. It sounds like fleas can't be ruled out then.

I've recently seen a squirrel and a chipmunk in the yard itching quite a bit, so I don’t think fleas are a black and white thing that an animal only has a reaction if they’re not healthy. Just doesn’t make sense to me.

Hoping to hear from someone. @Dr. Jeff @Dr. Christina
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Jun 29, 2024
Stool sample for internal parasites was negative. So not the cause of high EOS — this means it was from fleas (the itching).

I am disappointed that the call I had with @Dr. Christina told me the wrong thing. It makes me leary of doing any other call with a vet on this site. Doesn't sound like there is much of an understanding about fleas. I barely even saw any fleas, but clearly just one flea bite can cause a reaction.


Community Member
Mar 3, 2021
Ummm, there IS no "wrong thing", IMO. All the advice you have gotten, and all the strategies you have employed, are valid and valuable to some extent. That said, I would back off of a lot, if only because they are complicating the picture.
There is no "ill health" here, only a little battle going on inside her, using "fleas" and "diet" and other things you've tried or thought as a way to point you in a healthy direction. And I know that sounds dumb.
You have a great and powerful little being here, engaged in a sparring match with natural partners - not opponents, but assistants in building true health. She's doing this to meet her own needs, and to show us something very important about how powerful the body is.
My take would be to simply observe. AND to look to true, simple, and incisive classical homeopathy. View this process as a challenge for you both - they come to teach, you know - and properly chosen remedies can help, even if they look unproductive at the time.
This is an opportunity, to uncloud your mind and learn by observation. She is FINE, but laden with knowledge, like a child with an armload of library books. She is healthy - not "but", but "and", with important things to teach you.

Deep breath, dear.

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Hoping to hear from someone
Did you have a question Maria

The high eosinophils only confirm some sort of allergic response by her body.

This is due to an immune imbalance. Regardless of the external trigger, the underlying issue is the energetic and immune imbalance.

Have you already been using a rotation of probiotics as Julie discussed on the webinar this week?

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