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Canine squamous cell carcinoma of gums

Good luck!
Remember to make no decisions under duress.
Take in the info, then add it to your other research.
No one person has all the knowledge.
Ask a lot of questions.
Dr. C
Oncologist is worried mass started in nose having ct scans done to see where is is and where it started. ?
If the ct shows nasal squamous cell carcinoma is that something that homeopathy can help or reverse ? Or will it just páliate?
It depends, as always. I would definitely go that route.
Be sure to ask about quality of life with their approach. And longevity.
Dr. C
do you mean quality of life and longevity with the homeopathy place in Charlotte or with radiation With radiation vet here said she will have i year or less of life but even though she said she would have quality of life I don’t think so because of side effects and all other stuff given for side effects. I have seen this with friends animals that have gone that route?
I have made an appt with Charlotte vet. Hopefully he can prolong Lucy life because radiation is not gonna give quality of life. Thanks for all your help. I appreciate it.
You are awesome. I think I am about to lose my 16 year old cat tomorrow. ??
Today I lost may cat to old age. For the past few days she was not showing beam. So I took to vet and turns out she had intestinal lymphoma. Vet said it was because she was old. I don’t buy it. All I know is she was not herself and in pain. Those decisions are hard. I am really sad cause that girl was my spirit. Thanks to this site for all your help and encouragement. ???
She will be with you forever, Raul, for you are a different person.
Some people are super aware of the spirit of their cherished cats being with them forever.

Get a lot of hugs and take care of yourself now.
Dr. Christina
Dog eating less is there any supplement that I can give her to enhance her meal. Or give her a high calorie supp. All help grateful.
What are you currently feeding and what have you tried?
Is there anything she ever loved to eat?
Can food she eats but not eating enough calories. So she is losing a bit of weight. Wanted to know if a good high calorie supp that I can feed with syringe. To supplement the canned food she is eating.
Great question!

How about making your own with molasses, raw egg, whey powder, Hills a/d and structured water?

And or a protein powder shake like:

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