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Canine squamous cell carcinoma of gums


Mar 15, 2023
  1. Create one forum thread per pet. If you have more than one case, create a thread for each animal.
  2. Your pet's name. Lucy
  3. Approximate age 9 years old
  4. Sex female
  5. Neutering status fixed
  6. Breed jack russell
  7. Approximate weight 27
  8. What's their BEAM (behavior, energy, appetite, mood) she is affectionate and loving good energy on daily walks good appetite likes food. Very calm
  9. Diet was on primal raw food switch to organic can food
  10. Vaccination history / exposure to toxins, other medication only one set when she was a pup
  11. Primary problem, when it began and if there was anything else happening around that time about a month ago my wife saw that Lucy was showing her teeth like smiling when I check we saw that she had some growth in her gums the only other issue was that her eyes were always crusty no jnfections just crusty on outside
  12. Is the condition better or worse from exercise, heat, cold, time of day, certain foods, emotional upset, being touched, excitement, etc? Better when walking outside and cold weather was worse between 3 am and 9am. She doesn’t like being messed with like if I try to give medicine. She is very calm gets excited when it is time to eat or go on a walk. Sleep hard
  13. Has any diagnostic work been done? Diagnosis if available (you can attach your diagnostic tests to the post if you have them) yes we had a biopsy done that’s when we found out it was squamous cell
  14. Current and previous treatment. I have been giving homeopathy but I only have training in acute not chronic conditions. We will be taking her to a clinic in South Carolina that is suppose to do miraculous things
  15. Other health concerns. One time she fell through couch and injured leg but rhus tox fixed the issue. I could never get her ear issue cured would clean ears once a month with apple cider vineagar I will attach biopsy when that email it to me again thanks for any help

Dr. Christina

VIP Member
Jun 15, 2017
Good for you all to be so observant of her "smile" and discovering the cause of it.

Which veterinary clinic are you going to?

You can learn more about homeopathy - maybe the next level from your acute treatments by clicking the homeopathy button at resource library, and scroll down to the recorded 2 day classes. I would do the 2019 intro and intermediate one. If you have questions about it, post in the homeopathy thread.

Back to Lucy - Definitely go back to a fresh food diet with a lot of variety, preferable made by you. One lesson in the Holistic Pet health 101 class is on that topic and a search will get you even more information.

Double check that you are avoiding all toxins.

Type Happiness protocol in the search (not the forum page - but the main site) and watch the 3 talks on that.

Building health is the key right now.

Dr. Christina


Mar 15, 2023
I don’t have time to become an expert on chronic homeopathy I need h serious help to cure my girl. I am running energy medicine on her quantum healing. I read your wellness healthy animal blog and I am doing the clear visualitzation technique by William Bengston. I have been practicing organic healing and quantum healing for years. I appreciate any help with this situation thanks


Mar 15, 2023
We go to Robison in Johnson city tn. They don’t have homeopathy in tn or anywhere close?

Dr. Christina

VIP Member
Jun 15, 2017
Raul - you are doing wonderful work already. There is no one magic bullet and quality of life is critically important and she seems to be doing very well right now, so good for all your energy healing. And also keep working on yourself - your thoughts and emotions. Be in the present and enjoy every moment, just as Lucy does. You may want to listen to the Bernie Siegle talk for reminders on that.

The homeopathy suggestion was for the future if you wanted to learn more, not for right now.

The resources library: on the homepage click on member resources, and the library is in the drop down. There is a cancer button.

@Dr. Jeff for anything specific for squamous cell?

You may be surprised to find a holistic vet near you - read this article. If not, homeopathic veterinarians can work with you virtually - Dr. Jeff, Drs. Herman, Cooney, Sagrera - all at www.theAVH.org

Dr. Christina

Dr. Christina


Mar 15, 2023
Thank you can I make a consult with you I love my girl and need to give her the best life ever?

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Hi Raul-
Where is the resources library?
I'm so sorry to hear about Lucy's squamous cell. ? Despite it, she's super cute!!

My own main suggestion is to focus on her cellular energy and internal energetic imbalance. When you do so, her immune system will operate at its best to kill any cancer cells.

Doing so will also keep her as happy as possible for as long as possible by keeping her in tip T.O.P shape:

One of the most fun ways to raise her energy and healing is through diet. Vitality and energy increase as the freshness of the diet increases:

IMAGE vitality scale website.jpg

Did Luch like the Primal raw?

Dr. Christina

VIP Member
Jun 15, 2017
I can help coach you and direct you, I would not be becoming your homeopathic vet. For that, you would need to do the research I gave in the prior post.

If you want to schedule a coaching call with me, email me at healthyanimals@aol.com and read more about what I am offering at Welcome to Holistic Pet Health Coaching.

I would strongly recommend you not feed any processed food (canned dog food) at this time, organic or not. The vital energetic force of fresh foods are critically valuable to build health.

Dr. Christina


Mar 15, 2023
Thanks for the advise. I had done Lucy’s repertory with these symptoms but with my lack of chronic homeopathy experience I am not sure ?‍♂️


Dr. Christina

VIP Member
Jun 15, 2017
Good try. It seemed in the thread that you are working with Dr. Loops as your homeopathic vet?
Dr. Christina

Dr. Christina

VIP Member
Jun 15, 2017
Ah, I misread.
Since you are familiar with some acute homeopathy, have you become the client of a veterinary homeopath?
We can help a lot here, but we are not actually in charge of treating your cherished Lucy.
Dr. Christina


Mar 15, 2023
None here in the south making an appt to take her to a really good hospital in South Carolina. If you know of someone in the south that is a good veterinary homeopath please let me know. The acute stuff I know I learned from books and cds on my own.

Dr. Christina

VIP Member
Jun 15, 2017
Go to HolisticACtions.com/select and read that article. There are all the websites for the different types of holistic approaches. I would go to the AHVMA and CIVT ones first to see who may be near you. Then look for the TCVM and chiropractic ones. If near, she could be your hands on and possibly your main treatment one. To work with a homeopathic phone consulting veterinarian, go to www.theAVH.org. I would recommend Cooney, Herman, Sagrera. Now, they primarily do homeopathy, so they may not have answers to all your herbal and other treatments.

Dr. Kendra Pope is a veterinary oncologist who specializes in treating cancer and may be willing to work by phone. To see if you would want to work with her, you can listen to her in this webinar.

Dr. Christina

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Hey Rau!

How about Charlotte (Dr. Schacht is great):


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