If anyone could weigh in on this. I just came home and Blossom was dripping dark blood. Her back end had to be wiped . I saw some blood come out of the thing that looks like a slit. I don't even know her female parts names. Typically when she is in heat she doesn't drip that much. She seems a bit nervous too but my house is hot because the AC broke and won't be fixed for 10 days. She ate ok today but her appetite was a bit lower a couple days ago which I attributed to some supplements she might not have liked how they smelled. So her heat cycle was December 2022, June 2023. Would it even be possible she is having another heat so soon. What ELSE could this be. I was gone for 2 hours and this is new since I got home.. She seems a bit more nervous than usual and tries to lick in the back. It is the holiday and as usual something goes wrong, like my AC and in the past something wrong with a dog. My vet was in today and I even spoke to him at 1PM. He is gone now for the holiday. What could this be and what should I look for. I thought pyometra was a clear or purulent discharge. This is blood. Is it her uterus? I cannot get this dog to a hospital without difficulty which would be an hour away since she still does not like car riding. Is this her uterus? Bladder? Yesterday she had blood done and today the vet said we have to repeat it because there were clots and we don't know if this is artifact or a real problem So he said it throws all the tests off. The platelets were low so we don't know if this is a true result. Any thoughts? I just got hit with this. Thanks