Our 7 month puppy still has his baby canines in place on the top. The adult canines have grown in next to them. Our mainstream vet says they want to take them out asap and at the same time as neutering to avoid any potential difficulties. There’s no sign of any problem at the moment but I’ve read they must be removed to prevent other problems. We brush them every day. We were hoping some chewing on bones might help but he doesn’t use the canines for this - he uses his molars. So any suggestions for anything that might help them to come out? Also we don't want him neutered but he has a retained testicle so if that doesn’t resolve he’ll need surgery for that at by 12 months we’re told. He’s already had two general anaesthics recently for a nasty abscess, now resolved and recovered, so I’m reluctant for another general so soon and so young. (His BEAM is fantastic. His diet is 75% raw, all home fresh food.). Any thoughts on how best to proceed with the canines would be great. Ie is it best to get it done now even though that means another GA or is it ok to wait a while longer and could it resolve itself or wait til he is going to have surgery for the retained testicle so its less GAs? Thanks so much in advance.