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8-M/O Kitten - Chronic Digestive


Mar 7, 2024
Hello all,

I hope this finds you happy and well.

This is my first post here, so forgive me if there is a thread I missed where I should have put this discussion.

1. Your pet's name - Strider (from Lord of the rings)

2. Approximate age - 8 Months

3. Sex - Male

4. Neutering status - Neutered too young

5. Breed - Long Hair tabby (part Maine Coon)

6. Approximate weight - 5lbs

7. What's their BEAM (behavior, energy, appetite, mood): Happy and playful moments, likes to be on his own, low energy compared to the other kittens, good appetite unless fluid build-up in stomach/throat, a bit depressed due to his issues, but comes out of it when I lift him up - often needs encouragement, but he climbs trees, and scratches his scratcher and plays with his cat family.

8. Diet - currently eating pureed steak, tuna and chicken broth with some digestive enzymes blended in.

9. Vaccination history / exposure to toxins, other medication

Strider was found in a trash bin back in October 2023, and was taken to a shelter. We took him in as a foster, along with 5 other kittens and ended up keeping him. He was neutered and vaccinated when we got him. As far as I know he got the basic vaccines a kitten would get. Being that he was discovered in a trash bin who knows what kind of toxins he was eating and could have damaged his system.

10. Primary problem, when it began and if there was anything else happening around that time

he's had issues with digestion since the beginning. Started with vomiting in the very late hours of the night.

11. Is the condition better or worse from exercise, heat, cold, time of day, certain foods, emotional upset, being touched, excitement, etc?

Better with cooler temperatures, he is active around dawn and dusk. He loves getting petted, snuggling, and spending time with his family.

Better with exercise - lifts his mood and gets the blood moving, worse in the middle of the night, worse with high fat meats, kibble and food with vegetables.

Strider has improved over the past 2-3 weeks. His energy levels are better, and he is vomiting far less. He hasn't vomited in about 10 days.

My own suspicions and observations:
I suspect there is an issue with his swallowing reflex, and perhaps the valve to his stomach/small intestine. There may also be an issue with bile flow into the stomach and back up. After eating, he often has a hiccup-like reaction and needs to sit still for a while. He drools a lot which I am assuming is nausea or perhaps H.Pylori.

*sidenote* This illustrates his personality perfectly: Strider sometimes vomits in the litter box, Im assuming to prevent the mess and interruption with his family. Heartbreaking!

12. Has any diagnostic work been done? Diagnosis if available (you can attach your diagnostic tests to the post if you have them.)

I live in Nicaragua. I can do the diagnostics, but have to go through some gymnastics to get them done. We had a vet at our house to neuter our two younger kittens, and he tried to take blood from Strider and he kicked and fought him. He wouldn't allow it. Vet said he would need to give him a sedative to do it, and it would have to be another time.

So no tests yet. I am working on getting the tests done in the next week since this seems to be dragging on.

13. Current and previous treatment.

Current treatment via syringe:

Morning: "Carminal" (Aloe Vera, Nopal fiber, Olive leaf extract, Fennel, Licorice, L-Glutamine, L-Glutaminc acid) mixed with Slippery Elm, Ginger and Chamomile tea

Late morning, after breakfast: Blend of Spark powder (Petwellbeing), taurine, Mercola digestive enzymes, B vitamin blend, Camu Camu and slippery elm/chamomile blend as liquid.

Early afternoon: "Carminal" with slippery elm and/or ginger depending on if nauseous

I keep an eye on him throughout the day and if I see him drooling will give the ginger and/or sometimes ACV with the Carminal blend.

Previously I have tried many other herbs, homeopathy (phosphorus - have ordered Nux Vomica 6 to try), Turkey tail, Naked branch chain aminos, colostrum, colloidal silver.

Have adminsitered fenbendozol as parasite cleanse 3 months ago.

probably a lot more I am forgetting, but that paints a pretty good picture for now.

Strider and I thank you for reading.
Kim VidyaIMG_8481.jpeg

14. Other health concerns.


Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Hey Kim!

Welcome to HA!

Thanks for making your first post. Strider is a super handsome guy!! 😍 :cat:😻

Wow, are you doing great by him. He's lucky to have you as his mom.

Yes, I agree that there may be some developmental issues including with the musculature of the valve in his stomach and with swallowing (and his small stature).

What was he eating prior to the diet you mentioned?

IMHO he has an energetic imbalance as the underlying cause for his secondary physiological symptoms (like his behavior, GI stuff, etc.).

As you may have surmised, I think homeopathic treatment will be most instrumental for his recovery.

The supplements and diet are great support, but they act mainly on the physical level

His "energetic entanglements" however need to addressed at the spiritual and energetic level IMHO.

Fortunately, many vet homeopaths can work virtually with pet parents all over the world.

Dr. Todd Cooney, Judy Herman and Adriana Sagrera are all in the US and may be able to work with you and Strider.

Here's two of the full lists of vet homeopaths:

Also, if you'd like to learn more about the foundation of his dis-ease, check out this post:

I also should mention the usefulness of fermented foods and/or probiotics in getting his microbiome back in balance.

Treating his "terrain" to keep him in tip TOP (Terrain Optimizing Protocol) is also very important:



Mar 7, 2024
Thank you for your quick reply Dr. Jeff. I will look into the resources you shared today.

Prior to the diet mentioned above, he was only eating fish. Mainly Mahi Mahi and some tuna. It's very easy to get fresh fish here and it seemed to digest best for him. He ate that way for about 2-3 months, and previously to that, it was a mixture of a cooked "chicken dinner" I had been making for them, plus fish. I have recently switched them all to about 80% raw, and Strider has been fully raw for about 4-5 months now.

I do believe that his issue is energetic and have been working with energy healing also using Reiki and intuitive healing myself. And after re-reading what I wrote I realize I left a bunch of things out. But I'm sure that's not uncommon for many pet parents. We try everything.
I am certainly going to explore Homeopathy and will report back. :catfood:

Smiles of Gratitude,
Last edited:

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
You're welcome Kim!

BTW-Are you able to get something locally to help balance out Strider's diet while you're not varying his diet (balance comes from feeding a wide variety)?


Dr. Jean Hofve

VIP Member
Aug 19, 2020
Nicaragua, wow! Happy to have you here!

Sounds like he's been eating mostly meat/fish for months. That is definitely not a balanced diet, especially for a kitten. Calcium is major concern--especially since it has everything to do with muscle contraction, which could affect that sphincter. I don't know what sort of supplements you can get there, but here are full instructions for the best raw feline diet I know of: Feeding Your Cat: Know the Basics of Feline Nutrition – Common Sense. Healthy Cats.


Mar 7, 2024
You're welcome Kim!

BTW-Are you able to get something locally to help balance out Strider's diet while you're not varying his diet (balance comes from feeding a wide variety)?

Yes, those are definitely great products. I have gone ahead and ordered the LIfe Extension cat mix. As mentioned above I have been using the Spark from Petwellbeing, which is a great product, with some liquid mag/cal/glucosamine blend. He gets a syringe filled with a ton of nutrition at least once a day, and I sprinkle a food topper on his meat. I appreciate those suggestions as well and will give them a try. I really like the idea of getting it all in one rather than having to put it all together myself with the various nutrients.


Mar 7, 2024
Nicaragua, wow! Happy to have you here!

Sounds like he's been eating mostly meat/fish for months. That is definitely not a balanced diet, especially for a kitten. Calcium is major concern--especially since it has everything to do with muscle contraction, which could affect that sphincter. I don't know what sort of supplements you can get there, but here are full instructions for the best raw feline diet I know of: Feeding Your Cat: Know the Basics of Feline Nutrition – Common Sense. Healthy Cats.
Thank you Dr. Jean. Wonderful to hear from you also. As mentioned in my reply above I am giving him supplemental nutrition knowing that that is also needed, over and above his meat/fish. I will focus on the calcium issue and perhaps boost that.

As mentioned in my (very long 🤣) initial message he has been improving a lot over the past 10 days or so. Over the past 3 days his improvement has skyrocketed. I have been connecting with him more energetically and giving him a lot of body work which I think is helping greatly, along with everything else. His energy levels are up, he's eating more voraciously and seems to be sleeping much more deeply, and less groggy. Let's hope it continues! Thank you for your suggestions.

Along with being a nutritionist since 1999 I am actually in the midst of studying for a pet master herbalist program, so it's wonderful to continue and reinforce my learning (and sharing) here at Holistic Actions. So very happy that you all have created such a great space for true healing for animals, and likely their people too!

In gratitude,

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Thank you Kim for taking such great care of your kitties.

And for being part of the HA! community.

Good luck with your herbalist program.

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