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11 Year Old Border Collie with Malignant Bladder Tumor


Feb 21, 2023

Thank you for our call a few days ago. I've seriously been full time seeking a community like this. I'm drowning in information seeking wisdom. As you know my dog peed in the house on Christmas day which started a 6 week diagnoses journey resulting in 3 vets later finding a malignant tumor in his bladder. I will do anything for this incredibly special dog who has been on an 10 year spiritual journey including 3 coast to coast USA trips and 6 countries on long term adventures. Being a single gay man with no family he has been my everything and now after personally going through a 2 years deep and rough dark night of the soul I don't think it's coincidence that he is now temporarily experiencing cancer. The 5 vets that I met with have all quoted the average life span of 4-18 months but we are not average and I know that there is CANcer and cancer. We are choosing CANcer because he CAN live a long life if he chooses to which he made very clear that he does. Therefore, I am now on a mission finding myself living in AirBnBs in Sedona, Arizona working with a team of healers that continues to grow. However, I need some direction here as I'm challenged with the balance between not doing enough and doing too much. Therefore, I made several postings and will be making more as I need direction on which energy modalities, nutrition, remedies, and treatments to choose between.

It is my theory that cancer can't live in a terrain not suited for it and if the body has the maximum amount of proper energy it will heal itself. Therefore, my active treatments are below. Can you please let me know if anything is not good here, needs to be a different quantity, or if any nutrition, remedy, treatment, etc can be added to create the very best treatment possible?

BioCharger - 5 days weekly
Pranic Healing - 2 days weekly
HomeoPathic Remedies (different daily on 3 day cycle) - Twice daily
JointFlex - Twice Daily
Life Gold - Full dropper Twice Daily
ImYunnity Mushroom complex
Genesis Restoration Complex - 1 scoop Twice Daily
Super Shrooms by Supoer Snouts - Two scoops Twice Daily
Shao Fu Zhu Yu Tang - Small spoon Twice Daily
Micro-C w/Rose Hips & Grape Seed - 500mg Twice Daily
Hip and Joint CBD by Pet ReLeaf - 1 dropper Twice Daily
Small Batch Raw Food Diet
Woof Freeze Dried Raw food as food topper/treat
4 stalks asparagus - Twice daily
Quarter banana - Twice Daily
Spinach - Twice Daily
Half celery stalk - Twice Daily
Wild Blue Berries - Twice Daily
Red Cherries - Twice Daily
Wild Chaga Mushroom - Twice Daily
Half scoop wild blueberry powder - Twice Daily
Bartley Grass Powder - Twice Daily
Zinc - Half dropper Twice Daily
B12 - Half dropper Twice Daily
Pumpkin - Twice Daily
Coconut oil - Twice Daily

I was also given a Chinese Herb mixture from Chinese Medicine doctor and Peroxicam from Western doctor which I have not yet started. Should I add these?
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Hi again Adam-

I'm so sorry to hear about your super special pup's temporary health challenge.

IMHO you are 100% correct about terrain, energy and emotions playing critical roles.

Fortunately, your pup is also super Connected, Happy, and Engaged . This C.H.E (and his Chi) will get him through this bump in the road.

Can you please let me know if anything is not good here:
HomeoPathic Remedies (different daily on 3 day cycle) - Twice daily

IMHO, it's best to avoid homeopathic remedies prescribed based on a protocol as these can cause energetic confusion to the vital force (too many cooks...).

Also, 3x a day "Happy Dances" should be an essential part of the treatment. These will help you harness the energetic power of positivity (both yours and his).

The homeopathic remedy is the prescribed one that we briefly discussed by the specialist but it does seem very protocal. Should I discontinue this?

I will definitely read these articles and take according actions.

What about Peroxicam and/or the Chinese herbs prescribed by doctor (protocal)?

Anything in the above list that you would not do?

With the above list in mind, would you suggest removing anything from the suggestions you have made on my various posts which are:

Bengston Method
Intentional Love Massage
D-Fraction Maitake
The multiple happy remedies for happy, strong cells
Qi Gong

Anything to add to this list?

Thank you so, so, SO much!!!!
Should I discontinue this?
Since you're being guided by a homeopath, I'd leave this decision in your hands. Perhaps ask the vet homeopath about other similar cases he has treated. And since protocols are not classical Hahnemannian homeopathy, does the practitioner feel the s/he gets better results than say Adolph Lippe, or J. Compton Burnett who are homeopaths who treated cancer super successfully in the 1800s!
What about Peroxicam and/or the Chinese herbs prescribed by doctor (protocal)?
Piroxicam is the conventionally used drug for bladder cancer in dogs. It is a strong NSAID that can cause its own problems (as can any drug or supplement that acts physiologically). Same goes for hers (Chinese or western).
Anything in the above list that you would not do?
You really need to follow your intuition on this Adam. Perhaps take some time to paws, meditate and stop thinking to let universal wisdom guide you. It is available to us all (and will help Chase heal).
I really need guidance because I don't know what interacts with what and my current intuitive ability doesn't provide detail like that.
Hey Adam!

How's Chase doing after surgery?
I would sincerely appreciate if I can receive a specific diagnostic answer to if anything I should add, remove, change to our current regiment and plan and/or any dosages that I should be more specific on. As I'm sure you can see my goal is to go down every path that is right for him while the timing is still good. However, I have no personal experience to know what that specifically is so I'm desperately seeking a hollistic prescription addressing the physical, energetic, mental, and spiritual areas of this dog.

Chase Post Op
Arnica sprayed on gums
ASEA cream on belly

Chase Energy Treatments
4-5 Days Weekly BioCharger
Twice Weekly Pranic Healing
About to start weekly REIKI
Healing Tree Wellness hair analysis & broadcast

Chase Diet
Small Batch Frozen Raw
Shelley & Chewey’s Broth Topper
Piroxicam (5.5mg daily)
Om Reishi
Om Turkey Tail
Genesis Restoration Complex
Genesis Glutathene
Micro-C w/Rose Hips & Grape Seed
Shao Fu Zhu
I’m-Yunnity (Coriolus Versicolor - mycelia, polysaccharopeptide - PSP)
Barley Grass
Wild Blueberry Powder
Wild Chaga
Calcium/Magnesium from Meztrace
Super Snout Super Shrooms (Chaga, cordyceps Militaris, Lion’s Mane, Maitake, Reishi, Shiitake, Turkey Tail)
Cats Claw
Liquid B12
Lemon Balm
Hip&Joint CBD
LifeGold (Astragalus, blessed thistle, sheep sorrel, burdock root, slippery elm, ginger rhizome)
LiquidHealth Pets K9 Glucosamine (glucosamine, chondroitin sulfate, MSM, Manganese Chelate, Hyaluronic Acid)
JoinFlex (Silica, Hyaluronic Acid)
Dandelion Root
Marshmallow Leaf
Burdock Root
Grape root
Brussel Sprouts
Wild blueberries
Maitake Fraction Pet

On route to me:
Pau D’Arco
Olive Leaf
Adam, how has Chase's BEAM been since surgery?

Exactly how are you using the Arnica?
He's doing good. Energy is high. Licking is low. Eating is good. Water intake is low but has broth in food. Bowel movements are solid. Urination is good. Arnica is being sprayed on gums every few hours.
That's wonderful to hear that Chase is doing well.

When you say that the Arnica is being sprayed on gums, I wonder exactly how you are administering it?

Are you succussing prior to each dose?

Is there any specific indication for the doses you are giving at this time, e.g he starts panting, seeming restless, etc?
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