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Strengthening intestinal immunity with a variety of fresh foods and probiotics is the best option.
There are lots of anti-parasite natural products available Denize, but none strengthens the underlying immune weakness.
And none that are totally safe for kittens under 8 weeks of age.
Pyrantel pamoate (Strongid) and fenbendazole (Panacur or Safegard) are readily available OTC and may be appropriate for the kitties. However they are medications.
Kochi Free helps support healthy stools, digestion, and immune system health in puppies, dogs, kittens, cats, birds, horses, ferrets, raccoons, pigs, and other animals.
Thank you!
Dr. Ellen started them on the one that Kitten Lady recommends as well, so I think I will give them the second and third dose. Mom is on raw now and I will start her on probiotics as well. When the kittens start eating can they get a tiny sprinkle of probiotics too? Anything I can give mom for worms? Same as the kittens or is there a natural product that is ok for moms who are nursing?
Building the mom's balance and vitality is the most important. If roundworms or other worms are detected they will be strong enough to get a dose of the medical wormer (Strongid or Panacur) or the one just for rounds - piperazine.
The Kochi free would only be if coccidia or giardia were diagnosed by a stool sample or fresh rectal sample.
Dr. Christina
I am not actively seeing worms. They had fleas and my local vet thought their bellies might indicate worms. They also used to live in a courtyard. Mom is ravenously hungry all the time and very slim which I've read can indicate worms as well.
I will have her stools checked.
Thank you!