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Vitamin E, how much to give a kitten?


VIP Member
Dec 28, 2023
I would really appreciate getting clarity about Vitamin E. The food manufacturer from where I get my kitten's commercial raw food recommends adding fresh fish oil to the food when serving it. Two sources I have come across say that when adding fish oil, it is important to supplement with Vitamin E (the natural type, not the synthetic one) but they don't provide the daily amount to give a kitten. This Vitamin E is not for preserving the fish oil, but to ensure a source of Vitamin E that can be made available to the animal's body.

I would like to know how much to give per day to a 2.5 lb kitten ... one of the two sources was recommending one drop of liquid Vitamin E (NOW brand) every three days for an average adult cat (9 lbs). I thought of mixing 1 drop of liquid Vitamin E in 3 drops of fish oil, and taking one drop (1/64 tsp) of that mixture to add to food every three days...that way I would be providing a quarter of the dose meant for an average cat .... how does that sound?

@Dr. Christina @Dr. jeff @Dr. Sara @Dr. Jean Hofve @Dr. Sue
how does that sound?
Yes! This is a good way to do this if you feel you need to add vit E.

IMHO, you may not need to be adding any supplements for a kitten if it is a good raw meat blend.
I agree with Dr.Jeff. There is nothing better and more complete than an appropriately varied raw diet, approximately proportioned as would be that of a similar wild relative; i.e. a wild cat, or a wolf, coyote, etc. AND to keep varying this diet throughout the animal's life to cover all the bases and encourage the system to deal with change/opportunity.
Supplements can be added here and there, and especially if physical problems arise which need support. But we cannot ever do better than nature, only to assist when necessary.

And, to leak over into another topic: systemic issues which may come up can often be addressed better and more permanently with homeopathy, energy medicine, etc. than tweaking an otherwise excellent diet.
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