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Hi my spoodle Harry age 9, has a Mast Cell Tumor on his foot, he is booked In for surgery tomorrow morning but I do not know if it is best to get it removed or not? We started following Medical Medium dog protocols yesterday.
If you feel comfortable delaying the surgery, we can have a conversation here on the forum about removing any exterior skin problems. With holistic approaches there is rarely a quick answer.
How is Harry overall? What diet has he been on? Do you have a holistic vet you have worked with?
If you go ahead with the surgery he can certainly be supported to rebalance his energy field to hopefully prevent future problems.
Most important, whichever way you go today (or did yesterday), have positive thoughts and healing outlook. Watch the webinar by Dr. Bernie Siegel on the healing power of love, and more of his at the you tube channel - All Paws Pet Talk TV.
Keep us posted on your decisions and how Harry is doing.
Cr. Christina
As Dr. Christina asked, how is Harry's BEAM and overall state of being?
Since it's already afternoon on Wednesday in New Zealand, I wonder how surgery went?
Super important will be addressing the underlying energetic imbalance that caused the tumor in the first place.
You can do this by working with a vet homeopath to evaluate Harry's energy balance throughout life and then individualize his homeopathic, and any other energetic, treatment.