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Tumor reducing diet for fancy rats


Dec 19, 2023
  1. Sugar
  2. approximatly 1.5 years
  3. female
  4. intack
  5. Rex (haired)
  6. ?
  7. Normal behavior no change with tumor
  8. kitchen scraps from medical medium kitchen
  9. no vaccine
  10. Mammore gland tumor. Benign. She had one removed six months ago. This one is next to but not the same spot as the last.We are not willing to put her through surgery again
  11. Is the condition better or worse from exercise, heat, cold, time of day, certain foods, emotional upset, being touched, excitement, etc? Can’t see any differences.
  12. Has any diagnostic work been done? previous diagnosis of benign mamma gland tumor.
  13. originaltumor removed. Now trying with diet... but I am very unsure!
  14. I follow Medical Medium strictly for myself. I have tried to add in some b12, vit c, propolis, olive leaf and Pau d’arco as he recommends but I am in the dark with amounts. She also is housed with 3 other females are the supplements ok for them too? What food should I focus on? what supplements should I give? What are rats needs for fats and grains? What would be a good sourc? Is it okay to give them the heavy metal detox smoothie?
  15. @Dr. Christina @Dr. Jeff @Dr. Sara
I'm sorry to hear about your rat Andi.

How's her BEAM?

How large is the tumor (maybe attach a picture of it)?
are the supplements ok for them too?
What food should I focus on? what supplements should I give? What are rats needs for fats and grains? What would be a good sourc?
I'm not sure but will see what I can find.
Is it okay to give them the heavy metal detox smoothie?
Thank goodness tumor is benign, the malignant ones are very nasty!

I am not a fan of most grains, they turn into sugar in the GI and there's nothing tumors like more than sugar! Sweet potato and squash are better options if carbs are needed at all.

Supplements made for humans are based on a 150# person so you can calculate based on that. Amounts will obviously be tiny! Omega-3s are probably the most important.

Rats need about 12-20% protein, and 4-6% fat, the rest carbs--variety of veggies, a little fruit (but fructose is hard on the liver), lots of greens, maybe a few raw nuts and seeds, like sunflower, pumpkin, hemp or chia. They can have grass-fed meat or egg, in the wild they eat insects and will scavenge just about anything. (New York rats are known to like pizza but I can't recommend it!)

I love rats, good luck with Sugar!
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I'm sorry to hear about your rat Andi.

How's her BEAM?

How large is the tumor (maybe attach a picture of it)?


I'm not sure but will see what I can find.

Hi Dr. Jeff
Thank you for your reply. Her behaviour has stayed stable. She climbs about and explores. Sh has always slept more than the other three. Although the other rats have just become interested in the tumor and have been giving her a hard time. Any suggestions for diet and supplements be greatly appreciated. If you woul, i follow medical medium advice for my own conditions, i Am looking for similar for my pets.



Hey Andi!
Any suggestions for diet and supplements be greatly appreciated.
My recommendations are primarily energetic. However, diet and supplements act physiologically.

In the physical realm perhaps consider Vimergy vit C/grape seed (1/8-1/4 cap/day) and the wild blueberry-organic kale smoothie:

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