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Tick Prevention that is safe for both dog & cat


Pet Professional
Apr 14, 2023
Hi All!

The parasite that concerns me is ticks- both because my dog is very afraid if I have to remove a tick and the kitty won't sit still for it, and although I know Lyme is low risk we do live in an endemic area and there are lots of ticks in fall and in spring. We are also moving to an area where there is 10 acres of tall grasses around the house.

I did watch the tick prevention video, which was great! I was thinking of using the EO blend and putting it on lava bead collars. Do you know of a brand of EO blend that i could use on cats? I know they are much more sensitive than dogs.

Also had never heard of the ultrasonics tick collars. Can someone verify that it actually worked for them in repelling ticks, and if so what brand did you buy?

Also I learned a hack recently that I thought I would share! Use a lint roller to check for ticks in pets and in people :)
Do you know of a brand of EO blend that i could use on cats?
animaleo oils like:

BTW-Dr. Shelton (founder of animaleo) has a few of her HA! webinars about EOs in the HA! member area.

@Dr. Christina may be a good resource regarding the ultrasonic collars.
Also I learned a hack recently that I thought I would share! Use a lint roller to check for ticks in pets and in people :)

Thanks for sharing this great tip!
You're welcome Miranda!
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