@Dr. Christina @Dr. Jeff @Dr. Jean Hofve
Thank you in advance for taking the time to read this and offer any help
1. Your pet's name, age, sex - Archer, Approximately 8 months, male
2. Neutering status - intact
3. Breed - possibly husky mix
4. Approximate weight - 38lbs
5. What's their BEAM (behavior, energy, appetite, mood)
6. Diet - raw - Back 2 Raw and Big Country Raw frozen from store - started with only chicken and moved to other meats as of Jan. 11/25. Stopped giving pork the last 2 weeks. Omega 3 oil. I gave him a puppy supplement because he was malnourished and fed him 6% of his weight in raw food. I am currently feeding him 8oz three times a day. Sometimes I feed him Hurraw dehydrated raw for lunch.
7. Vaccination history / exposure to toxins, other medication - I found him walking down a road Oct. 20/24. I don't believe he had a home prior to finding him at approximately 3 months of age. I didn't vaccinate him or give him any medications. I did microchip him on Nov. 16/24.
8. Primary problem, when it began and if there was anything else happening around that time - His skin is a mess. He has licked and scratched most of his hair off of the underside of his body. About 3 weeks ago, chunks of hair were falling out on his side and back. He did have fleas when I found him and only used natural means to get rid of them. I bathed him daily with a homemade flea shampoo with castile soap for almost a month and gave him herbs to get rid of fleas. I have been offering organic herbs almost daily through self selection since I got him. He has mostly selected detox herbs like Dandelion Root, Chlorella, Spirulina, Milk thistle seeds, as well as Hawthorn berries and Brewer's Yeast and a few others along the way. I have periodically offered pure essential oils as aromatherapy. I also noticed adult hookworms in his feces mid-November and continually see them. His itching has progressively gotten worse.
9. Is the condition better or worse from exercise, heat, cold, time of day, certain foods, emotional upset, being touched, excitement, etc?
10. Has any diagnostic work been done? Diagnosis if available (you can attach your diagnostic tests to the post if you have them.) No
11. Current and previous treatment. - For the hookworms, have been feeding organic grated carrots, roughly ground raw pumpkin seeds, garlic since mid-November. Also have put supplements in his food, such as olive leaf, turmeric, cinnamon, ginger, lucuma, flea supplement with neem, quassia, alfalfa, burdock, garlic. I did try the remedy Ledum, then Belladonna mid-January, as well as some cell salts. I sta cold-laser therapy on the inflamed skin and some acupressure points. I have done some reiki on occasion. I have been fasting him from meats/fats one day a week for about a month and a half. I have done a little energy work on his meridians that were weak.
12. Other health concerns. - He had an old wound on the top of his head that finally healed and grew hair back from cold laser therapy daily. I found a foot long tapeworm in his poop on Feb. 19. He does like to eat wild animal and cat poop. He has lost 1.5lbs since Feb. 22. I notice he doesn't drink a lot of water, therefore his urine is concentrated.

Thank you in advance for taking the time to read this and offer any help
1. Your pet's name, age, sex - Archer, Approximately 8 months, male
2. Neutering status - intact
3. Breed - possibly husky mix
4. Approximate weight - 38lbs
5. What's their BEAM (behavior, energy, appetite, mood)
6. Diet - raw - Back 2 Raw and Big Country Raw frozen from store - started with only chicken and moved to other meats as of Jan. 11/25. Stopped giving pork the last 2 weeks. Omega 3 oil. I gave him a puppy supplement because he was malnourished and fed him 6% of his weight in raw food. I am currently feeding him 8oz three times a day. Sometimes I feed him Hurraw dehydrated raw for lunch.
7. Vaccination history / exposure to toxins, other medication - I found him walking down a road Oct. 20/24. I don't believe he had a home prior to finding him at approximately 3 months of age. I didn't vaccinate him or give him any medications. I did microchip him on Nov. 16/24.
8. Primary problem, when it began and if there was anything else happening around that time - His skin is a mess. He has licked and scratched most of his hair off of the underside of his body. About 3 weeks ago, chunks of hair were falling out on his side and back. He did have fleas when I found him and only used natural means to get rid of them. I bathed him daily with a homemade flea shampoo with castile soap for almost a month and gave him herbs to get rid of fleas. I have been offering organic herbs almost daily through self selection since I got him. He has mostly selected detox herbs like Dandelion Root, Chlorella, Spirulina, Milk thistle seeds, as well as Hawthorn berries and Brewer's Yeast and a few others along the way. I have periodically offered pure essential oils as aromatherapy. I also noticed adult hookworms in his feces mid-November and continually see them. His itching has progressively gotten worse.
9. Is the condition better or worse from exercise, heat, cold, time of day, certain foods, emotional upset, being touched, excitement, etc?
10. Has any diagnostic work been done? Diagnosis if available (you can attach your diagnostic tests to the post if you have them.) No
11. Current and previous treatment. - For the hookworms, have been feeding organic grated carrots, roughly ground raw pumpkin seeds, garlic since mid-November. Also have put supplements in his food, such as olive leaf, turmeric, cinnamon, ginger, lucuma, flea supplement with neem, quassia, alfalfa, burdock, garlic. I did try the remedy Ledum, then Belladonna mid-January, as well as some cell salts. I sta cold-laser therapy on the inflamed skin and some acupressure points. I have done some reiki on occasion. I have been fasting him from meats/fats one day a week for about a month and a half. I have done a little energy work on his meridians that were weak.
12. Other health concerns. - He had an old wound on the top of his head that finally healed and grew hair back from cold laser therapy daily. I found a foot long tapeworm in his poop on Feb. 19. He does like to eat wild animal and cat poop. He has lost 1.5lbs since Feb. 22. I notice he doesn't drink a lot of water, therefore his urine is concentrated.