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Swollen, warm, itchy, bleeding paws and skin with hair loss on most of underside of my dog. Hookworms related?


Community Member
Apr 14, 2023
@Dr. Christina @Dr. Jeff @Dr. Jean Hofve

Thank you in advance for taking the time to read this and offer any help :)

1. Your pet's name, age, sex - Archer, Approximately 8 months, male
2. Neutering status - intact
3. Breed - possibly husky mix
4. Approximate weight - 38lbs
5. What's their BEAM (behavior, energy, appetite, mood)
6. Diet - raw - Back 2 Raw and Big Country Raw frozen from store - started with only chicken and moved to other meats as of Jan. 11/25. Stopped giving pork the last 2 weeks. Omega 3 oil. I gave him a puppy supplement because he was malnourished and fed him 6% of his weight in raw food. I am currently feeding him 8oz three times a day. Sometimes I feed him Hurraw dehydrated raw for lunch.
7. Vaccination history / exposure to toxins, other medication - I found him walking down a road Oct. 20/24. I don't believe he had a home prior to finding him at approximately 3 months of age. I didn't vaccinate him or give him any medications. I did microchip him on Nov. 16/24.
8. Primary problem, when it began and if there was anything else happening around that time - His skin is a mess. He has licked and scratched most of his hair off of the underside of his body. About 3 weeks ago, chunks of hair were falling out on his side and back. He did have fleas when I found him and only used natural means to get rid of them. I bathed him daily with a homemade flea shampoo with castile soap for almost a month and gave him herbs to get rid of fleas. I have been offering organic herbs almost daily through self selection since I got him. He has mostly selected detox herbs like Dandelion Root, Chlorella, Spirulina, Milk thistle seeds, as well as Hawthorn berries and Brewer's Yeast and a few others along the way. I have periodically offered pure essential oils as aromatherapy. I also noticed adult hookworms in his feces mid-November and continually see them. His itching has progressively gotten worse.
9. Is the condition better or worse from exercise, heat, cold, time of day, certain foods, emotional upset, being touched, excitement, etc?
10. Has any diagnostic work been done? Diagnosis if available (you can attach your diagnostic tests to the post if you have them.) No
11. Current and previous treatment. - For the hookworms, have been feeding organic grated carrots, roughly ground raw pumpkin seeds, garlic since mid-November. Also have put supplements in his food, such as olive leaf, turmeric, cinnamon, ginger, lucuma, flea supplement with neem, quassia, alfalfa, burdock, garlic. I did try the remedy Ledum, then Belladonna mid-January, as well as some cell salts. I sta cold-laser therapy on the inflamed skin and some acupressure points. I have done some reiki on occasion. I have been fasting him from meats/fats one day a week for about a month and a half. I have done a little energy work on his meridians that were weak.
12. Other health concerns. - He had an old wound on the top of his head that finally healed and grew hair back from cold laser therapy daily. I found a foot long tapeworm in his poop on Feb. 19. He does like to eat wild animal and cat poop. He has lost 1.5lbs since Feb. 22. I notice he doesn't drink a lot of water, therefore his urine is concentrated.


@Dr. Christina @Dr. Jeff @Dr. Jean Hofve

Thank you in advance for taking the time to read this and offer any help :)

1. Your pet's name, age, sex - Archer, Approximately 8 months, male
2. Neutering status - intact
3. Breed - possibly husky mix
4. Approximate weight - 38lbs
5. What's their BEAM (behavior, energy, appetite, mood) - He eats well and would eat more. He is sweet, patient, observant and calm 90% of the time. He will allow you to do almost anything to him. He likes laying on his back to sleep. He doesn't play much with our 10 year old dog, but he will with his puppy friends. But we haven't been getting together with friends lately, because of his state. He is definitely less energetic now and doesn't chew on any toys/wood or play in the house. He is more concerned about licking and scratching. He is tired during the day, since he is restless at night. He moves around during the night and licks more than scratches now. He doesn't seem to lick as much as he used to though. He whimpers occasionally when he is laying down. He is apprehensive of new dogs and people and has been since we got him. He will bark at them and gets anxious. He used to come close to me, but is getting braver at approaching them. My other dog used to be more carefree with new dogs, but now is protective of Archer. He likes to be pet and wants to be included. Our other dog is alpha, but he will defend his food with a growl.
6. Diet - raw - Back 2 Raw and Big Country Raw frozen from store - started with only chicken and moved to other meats as of Jan. 11/25. Stopped giving pork the last 2 weeks. Omega 3 oil. I gave him a puppy supplement because he was malnourished and fed him 6% of his weight in raw food. I am currently feeding him 8oz three times a day. Sometimes I feed him Hurraw dehydrated raw for lunch.
7. Vaccination history / exposure to toxins, other medication - I found him walking down a road Oct. 20/24. I don't believe he had a home prior to finding him at approximately 3 months of age. I didn't vaccinate him or give him any medications. I did microchip him on Nov. 16/24.
8. Primary problem, when it began and if there was anything else happening around that time - His skin is a mess. He has licked and scratched most of his hair off of the underside of his body. About 3 weeks ago, chunks of hair were falling out on his side and back. He did have fleas when I found him and only used natural means to get rid of them. I bathed him daily with a homemade flea shampoo with castile soap for almost a month and gave him herbs to get rid of fleas. I have been offering organic herbs almost daily through self selection since I got him. He has mostly selected detox herbs like Dandelion Root, Chlorella, Spirulina, Milk thistle seeds, as well as Hawthorn berries and Brewer's Yeast and a few others along the way. I have periodically offered pure essential oils as aromatherapy. I also noticed adult hookworms in his feces mid-November and continually see them. His itching has progressively gotten worse.
9. Is the condition better or worse from exercise, heat, cold, time of day, certain foods, emotional upset, being touched, excitement, etc? - His feet bleed after a walk, but he likes going. His toes rub together and bleed, as well as when he rubs his toes on something. He likes to sit in the sun. He spends a lot of time outside when I'm home and the weather is nice. He does get cold sometimes and shivers even though he is warm to touch. He was really restless at night and would lick and scratch. He licks more than scratches now though and I think his restlessness is getting better, since I am not waking up that much during the night. I haven't noticed any difference with certain foods or being upset. He doesn't really get upset. Sometimes he barks when our other dog barks. He does put his paw on his face sometimes - maybe to hide? He doesn't like me putting anything on his skin.

10. Has any diagnostic work been done? Diagnosis if available (you can attach your diagnostic tests to the post if you have them.) No
11. Current and previous treatment. - For the hookworms, have been feeding organic grated carrots, roughly ground raw pumpkin seeds, garlic since mid-November. Also have put supplements in his food, such as olive leaf, turmeric, cinnamon, ginger, lucuma, flea supplement with neem, quassia, alfalfa, burdock, garlic. I did try the remedy Ledum, then Belladonna mid-January, as well as some cell salts. I sta cold-laser therapy on the inflamed skin and some acupressure points. I have done some reiki on occasion. I have been fasting him from meats/fats one day a week for about a month and a half. I have done a little energy work on his meridians that were weak.
12. Other health concerns. - He had an old wound on the top of his head that finally healed and grew hair back from cold laser therapy daily. I found a foot long tapeworm in his poop on Feb. 19. He does like to eat wild animal and cat poop. He has lost 1.5lbs since Feb. 22. I notice he doesn't drink a lot of water, therefore his urine is concentrated.


I forgot to mention that his skin smells and he does have some green discharge from his penis. I think that is a little better now though.
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Hi Reneer!

Welcome to HA! and thanks for making your first posts.

And thank you as well for rescuing Archer and giving him a forever home! Brava for all that you are doing for him.

Prior to 3 weeks ago, how was his skin?

Are you able to flea comb him, or is his coat too thick?

Aside from his itching (how often does he wake overnight to itch?) how is his BEAM score (from 1 to 10 where 10 is very happy, eating well, active, etc.)?

Are you working with a vet homeopath, general holistic vet, or an open-minded conventional vet?

It would be great to get a vet exam and some baseline diagnostic tests like a CBC, chemistry, urinalysis, skin scraping, scabies blood test, etc.
Hi Reneer!

Welcome to HA! and thanks for making your first posts.

And thank you as well for rescuing Archer and giving him a forever home! Brava for all that you are doing for him.

Prior to 3 weeks ago, how was his skin?

Are you able to flea comb him, or is his coat too thick?

Aside from his itching (how often does he wake overnight to itch?) how is his BEAM score (from 1 to 10 where 10 is very happy, eating well, active, etc.)?

Are you working with a vet homeopath, general holistic vet, or an open-minded conventional vet?

It would be great to get a vet exam and some baseline diagnostic tests like a CBC, chemistry, urinalysis, skin scraping, scabies blood test, etc.
Thank you for your quick response Dr. Jeff!
His skin was already getting bad, but it was more on his abdomen, inside of back legs and arm pits. It was bumpy, inflamed, red, warm. He still is warm though everywhere. It has moved to his paws and neck more so now. I should have joined at that time to get help.
I really don't think he has fleas. I don't see any flea dirt. My other dog doesn't have them and I am not getting bit either. My other dog tends to get them in September.
Last night he actually woke me up a couple times from licking himself. The few nights before I didn't wake up, so I figured he wasn't doing it so much, but maybe I slept through it? He was waking me up a lot though, prior.
I actually was missing the answers to questions 5 and 9. Not sure what happened. I inserted them in now. His BEAM maybe around a 3 out of 10. He eats well, but, isn't overly energetic. He is generally quite calm at home, but gets crazy around his puppy friends. I have been walking him twice a day for about 20-30 min with my other dog, but his paws will bleed on top and between his toes. Yesterday morning, it seemed worse and I carried him back about 10min into the walk. So I refrained from walking him last night and this morning. I would say he's probably depressed a bit.
I have not taken him to the vet. I don't have a holistic vet near me and was trying to avoid prednisone, antibiotics or drugs for that matter. I was hoping for some guidance from you and others on this forum.
Thank you for your time!
Thank you for your quick response Dr. Jeff!
His skin was already getting bad, but it was more on his abdomen, inside of back legs and arm pits. It was bumpy, inflamed, red, warm. He still is warm though everywhere. It has moved to his paws and neck more so now. I should have joined at that time to get help.
I really don't think he has fleas. I don't see any flea dirt. My other dog doesn't have them and I am not getting bit either. My other dog tends to get them in September.
Last night he actually woke me up a couple times from licking himself. The few nights before I didn't wake up, so I figured he wasn't doing it so much, but maybe I slept through it? He was waking me up a lot though, prior.
I actually was missing the answers to questions 5 and 9. Not sure what happened. I inserted them in now. His BEAM maybe around a 3 out of 10. He eats well, but, isn't overly energetic. He is generally quite calm at home, but gets crazy around his puppy friends. I have been walking him twice a day for about 20-30 min with my other dog, but his paws will bleed on top and between his toes. Yesterday morning, it seemed worse and I carried him back about 10min into the walk. So I refrained from walking him last night and this morning. I would say he's probably depressed a bit.
I have not taken him to the vet. I don't have a holistic vet near me and was trying to avoid prednisone, antibiotics or drugs for that matter. I was hoping for some guidance from you and others on this forum.
Thank you for your time!
I am also struggling to log in. The only way I can, is if I use one of the links from the Welcome email and log in that way. Otherwise, I can't log into the forum with the app or website. I'm not sure if there's a problem with two ID's, since I had made an account a few years ago. I just called and left a message about it. Thanks.
I am also struggling to log in. The only way I can, is if I use one of the links from the Welcome email and log in that way. Otherwise, I can't log into the forum with the app or website. I'm not sure if there's a problem with two ID's, since I had made an account a few years ago. I just called and left a message about it. Thanks.
Renee, I will email you about it to sort it out (from [email protected])
I have not taken him to the vet. I don't have a holistic vet near me and was trying to avoid prednisone, antibiotics or drugs for that matter.
Renee, how do you feel about using a vet for diagnostics, not necessarily doing their suggested treatment?
Renee, how do you feel about using a vet for diagnostics, not necessarily doing their suggested treatment?
Hi Aruna,
That is fine. I sometimes get intimidated by vets who question why I don't want to do procedures or give medications that they recommend. They don't understand a holistic approach. But I can bring him and post the results here. Just want to confirm what tests are recommended? Thanks.
Hi Aruna,
That is fine. I sometimes get intimidated by vets who question why I don't want to do procedures or give medications that they recommend. They don't understand a holistic approach. But I can bring him and post the results here. Just want to confirm what tests are recommended? Thanks.
I made an appointment for him tomorrow at 2:30pm.
A few more things to ponder, Reneer.
It is good to get a veterinary opinion, though I would not go as far as being directed to a conventional dermatologist as homeopathically he can be treated without a specific diagnosis. With a young dog progressing so quickly into severe skin issues, there could be mange, so they can test for that. They can do a stool exam to see if there are still hookworms. If there are roundworms, hookworms or whipworms, this is one instance we do recommend conventional treatment in a young dog, as that treatment is very gentle and safe. For the tapeworms (which came from the fleas), you may want to try Para-outta-site in addition to self selection of herbs.

Start now finding team members for your holistic team. Read this whole article for help. If there are none near you, you can select a virtual homeopathic veterinarian. Several who may be able to help you quickly include Dr. Sagrera and Dr. Herman. Do a separate post if you need more help building your team or questions about ones you are considering. This is an ASAP task.

Please take time to take the 101 health class. The first lesson will help you keep a skin condition in perspective. While it is miserable to smell, see and limits your sleep some, dogs do not die from skin problems. Your approaches have been wonderful, especially doing Reiki - maybe do it more. It is important to not suppress the skin symptoms with holistic or conventional. While you are already well versed in holistic approaches, this course may give you new ideas & perspectives.

Then go to the resource tab and to the library, then click on the skin icon. There are more suggestions for soothing the skin while you deeply heal the energy imbalance causing the symptoms. My website has more soothing suggestions. Another resource would be Dr. Hamilton's book Homeopathic Care of Cats and Dogs. Chapter 2 & 3 are very important to read and re-read, and his skin section can help you as well.

I would be concerned at his age to be losing weight, so be sure to weigh him weekly and also check out body scores. Parasites may account for the weight loss. Feed him as much as he wants to eat.

Great job to let him self select. Several of our webinars have discussed the benefit of that. Feb 17 (lisa tully) was one. It is important to keep careful notes, so you may want to download the Healthy Dog Journal. As Dr. Jeff suggested, especially tracking BEAM can help you know if you are moving in the right direction. Having a master symptom list quantified and tracking changes from each different treatment is useful.

Since you seem to have an affinity to herbs, here are two books. Greg Tilford wrote the wonderful Herbs for Pets book (1st edition is best if you can find one on used book sites). And Juliette de Baircle Levy's several books are great for learning, though harder for finding treatments.

For liquids you could try bone broths, fermented broths, raw (or fermented) goats milk. Lesson 2 in the 101 course is on feeding. There is no one correct answer. I lean towards you buying fresh ingredients rather than "dog food.

Most importantly, be patient, focus on happiness and exercise, love a lot, send healing energy and keep posting here.

Dr. Christina Chambreau
Thank you Dr. Christina for your quick response!
I actually had a phone consult with you a couple years ago for my other dog, Konani and you gave me the idea to journal. So I have been doing that or I would not have been able to remember all of the above information. I will download your journal and keep better notes to follow his progress to see if it is moving in the right direction.
That is good to hear that he can be treated with homeopathy! I am just inexperienced and this is too complex for me. I am appreciative of this community with access to holistic vets like yourself :) I should have joined a long time ago!
I appreciate your kind words about my approaches, because some people don't appreciate them.
I will do more Reiki for him.
Thanks you for the resources. I actually have Herbs for Pets and Homeopathic Care of Cats and Dogs and have referenced them.
Can you give an example of suppressing with holistic means? I had been giving him Quercitin for a short time. Would that be suppressing his antihistamine function? Is that the same thing?
I had been weighing him weekly and had forgotten the last few weeks. I was feeding him 4 times a day and more recently switched to 3 times, but I will let him eat more now.
I took a zoopharmacognosy course two years ago and have many herbs to offer and of course there is still much to learn about herbs. It is a valuable tool. I do find it interesting that he wasn't really interested any anti-parasitic herbs, but more liver/gut herbs. That shows me those are more of a priority and since the gut is full of hookworms, he needs support for that and possibly other reasons. He was malnourished when I found him too.
I had been giving both my dogs Dr. Peter Dobias' Gutsense and Soulfood, but recently ran out. I started giving him organic sauerkraut as a probiotic and garlic as a prebiotic. Do you recommend the goat's milk instead as a probiotic? Do you recommend feeding them daily and how much?
When you say fresh ingredients, you mean buying meat from the grocery store instead of frozen raw meals from a pet store?
Do you recommend fasting at all? I have been fasting him for 24hrs once a week from meat and fats, just giving fruits and vegetables. Actually, myself and my other dog are doing it too.
Patience has been really tough lately, especially when my other half doesn't really buy into the holistic world and wants results. There's definitely been some ups and downs and now I feel back on the up with the help on his forum. Thank you again :)
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A few more things to ponder, Reneer.
It is good to get a veterinary opinion, though I would not go as far as being directed to a conventional dermatologist as homeopathically he can be treated without a specific diagnosis. With a young dog progressing so quickly into severe skin issues, there could be mange, so they can test for that. They can do a stool exam to see if there are still hookworms. If there are roundworms, hookworms or whipworms, this is one instance we do recommend conventional treatment in a young dog, as that treatment is very gentle and safe. For the tapeworms (which came from the fleas), you may want to try Para-outta-site in addition to self selection of herbs.

Start now finding team members for your holistic team. Read this whole article for help. If there are none near you, you can select a virtual homeopathic veterinarian. Several who may be able to help you quickly include Dr. Sagrera and Dr. Herman. Do a separate post if you need more help building your team or questions about ones you are considering. This is an ASAP task.

Please take time to take the 101 health class. The first lesson will help you keep a skin condition in perspective. While it is miserable to smell, see and limits your sleep some, dogs do not die from skin problems. Your approaches have been wonderful, especially doing Reiki - maybe do it more. It is important to not suppress the skin symptoms with holistic or conventional. While you are already well versed in holistic approaches, this course may give you new ideas & perspectives.

Then go to the resource tab and to the library, then click on the skin icon. There are more suggestions for soothing the skin while you deeply heal the energy imbalance causing the symptoms. My website has more soothing suggestions. Another resource would be Dr. Hamilton's book Homeopathic Care of Cats and Dogs. Chapter 2 & 3 are very important to read and re-read, and his skin section can help you as well.

I would be concerned at his age to be losing weight, so be sure to weigh him weekly and also check out body scores. Parasites may account for the weight loss. Feed him as much as he wants to eat.

Great job to let him self select. Several of our webinars have discussed the benefit of that. Feb 17 (lisa tully) was one. It is important to keep careful notes, so you may want to download the Healthy Dog Journal. As Dr. Jeff suggested, especially tracking BEAM can help you know if you are moving in the right direction. Having a master symptom list quantified and tracking changes from each different treatment is useful.

Since you seem to have an affinity to herbs, here are two books. Greg Tilford wrote the wonderful Herbs for Pets book (1st edition is best if you can find one on used book sites). And Juliette de Baircle Levy's several books are great for learning, though harder for finding treatments.

For liquids you could try bone broths, fermented broths, raw (or fermented) goats milk. Lesson 2 in the 101 course is on feeding. There is no one correct answer. I lean towards you buying fresh ingredients rather than "dog food.

Most importantly, be patient, focus on happiness and exercise, love a lot, send healing energy and keep posting here.

Dr. Christina Chambreau
I have another question before I go to the vet today. Which dewormers are safe? Can you tell me the drug in it, so I don't give him something I shouldn't, like in some of the monthly dewormers they will offer me?
How often do you recommend bathing him? I have Dr. Bronner's castile soap with tea tree oil and used it once. Is that gentle enough for him?
Recently, I have been refraining from putting anything on his skin, because he wants to lick it off immediately. Do the benefits outweigh promoting him to lick more? I read in one of the articles here that his dry skin will make him want to scratch. I had been using a cone for a few days, but his neck/chin kept bleeding and discharging - maybe the moisture was promoting infection because there wasn't air flow? I also thought of putting it on him before a walk, but the warm temperatures are just starting here and he seems to get cold easily. Any suggestions are great :)
Thanks again!
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I actually had a phone consult with you a couple years ago for my other dog and you gave me the idea to journal. So I have been doing that or I would not have been able to remember all of the above information. I will download your journal and keep better notes to follow his progress to see if it is moving in the right direction.
Great = be sure to study cure, palliation and suppression & responses to treatments
That is good to hear that he can be treated with homeopathy!
Your homeopath's job is to carefully collect the symptoms (so your making a timeline is important) and your job (as you read in the article on finding a vet) is to be the advocate, track symptoms, ask questions, and be sure to have follow up appointments. Most of your following questions have one answer - It depends. There are no "right" ways as each individual is different. Try not to start too many new things at once.

Thanks you for the resources. I actually have Herbs for Pets and Homeopathic Care of Cats and Dogs and have referenced them.
Excellent, and not surprising since you were a client of mine. While I no longer prescribe remedies as the vet, I am still consulting to help you find your way, in addition to what you can learn here at Holistic Actions.

Can you give an example of suppressing with holistic means?
Please do some searching on the site and read the sections on homeopathy.

I had been giving him Quercitin for a short time. Would that be suppressing his antihistamine function? Is that the same thing?
No - it is about the totality of symptoms and which ones are better or worse. EG: I gave a remedy to a dog itching for 3 years. in 30 mins the itching stopped. In two weeks the dog became irritable. That is suppression.

I had been giving both my dogs Dr. Peter Dobias' Gutsense and Soulfood, but recently ran out. I started giving him organic sauerkraut as a probiotic and garlic as a prebiotic. Do you recommend the goat's milk instead as a probiotic? Do you recommend feeding them daily?
No right answer. do what your gut says, try one approach, then another and observe the results.

When you say fresh ingredients, you mean buying meat from the grocery store instead of frozen raw meals from a pet store?
Or from local farms.

Do you recommend fasting at all? I have been fasting him for 24hrs once a week from meat and fats, just giving fruits and vegetables. Actually, myself and my other dog are doing it too.

I'd love to hear from @Dr. Jeff and @Dr. Jean Hofve on fasting puppies. I think not.

Patience has been really tough lately, especially when my other half doesn't really buy into the holistic world
Yes, that is common to many families.
Dr. Christina
fasting puppies. I think not.
I agree. Especially ones that are already losing weight and may already be underweight.

However, in the long run, a fasting strategy to help with skin dis-eases is useful.

As always, it depends (on the context).
I have another question before I go to the vet today. Which dewormers are safe? Can you tell me the drug in it, so I don't give him something I shouldn't, like in some of the monthly dewormers they will offer me? Thanks again!

I agree. Especially ones that are already losing weight and may already be underweight.

However, in the long run, a fasting strategy to help with skin dis-eases is useful.

As always, it depends (on the context).
Ok. Thank you.
Any recommendations on safe dewormers?
Any recommendations on safe dewormers?
Fenbendazole has been recommended in the past. And as doctors said, it depends on the worms. Hope you get some clarifying info at your vet's appointment
Fenbendazole has been recommended in the past
Yes! It depends on the kind of worm and Panacur (fenbendazole) is often the most safe and effective.
Yes! It depends on the kind of worm and Panacur (fenbendazole) is often the most safe and effective.
Thank you Aruna and Dr. Jeff! I was able to get Panacur today for him.
So they did a skin scraping and he has demodectic mange and a secondary bacterial infection. They are recommending Bravecto for the mange, cephalexin for the infection, cytopoint injection and Prohex-4 shampoo for stopping the itchiness. I only purchased the Panacur. I wanted to get your thoughts on the rest.
Thank you!
I'm so glad that you brought him to the vet Renee!

Well, demodex is fundamentally due to an immune imbalance. You might want to consider focusing on immune building and using the shampoo. However, you won't get as fast of a fix as you would with the other meds.

No matter what you decide to do, definitely start working with a vet homeopath. We focus on immune building by targeting the root (energetic) cause of the immune imbalance.
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