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Suki's skin scratching, Cytopoint, and what to do?

Hi Dr. Jeff,
Suki is also having terrible itching and inflammation on her eyes (red). They close up and she can't even open them unless I put a wet wash cloth to soften and help her open them. I do use the ionbox but it does not seem to give her relief at this point. Is there any eye drops I can use -- I believe this is part of her seasonal allergies or hay fever symptom?
Yes! Most OTC lubricating drops like Genteal, Systane or Ocunovis followed by hot compresses 3x a day can help her.

We don't want her to itch her eyes and scratch the cornea so a vet visit may be your next step.

BTW-Did you increase to 15 succussions and/or start using Sil twice/day?

If you did, have there been any changes (aside from increased eye itchiness)?
Yes I am doing the 15 succussion and give her 2x/day since yesterday. She seems to be a little worse - more itching and more scabs on her body, but it has been a month since her last cytopoint. Usually she gets a shot after about 6 weeks so I don't know if that is the contributing factor. I have started her on the lifewave patches (x-39. Aeon, Ice Wave) per Dr. Wagner. I can't tell if they are helping or not.
I will try the drops - if she continues, I will try to take her to the vet on Monday
I haven't figured out how to attach photo's of Suki's condition here, so I sent them to holistic acions support email. I hope you can get them. As mentioned, her condition looks far worse than the pictures. I have a monthly appointment with you tomorrow, so will update you at that time. Tx.
I got the "Allergy support" from your store -- how much should Suki take? She is 9 lbs.
Here are photos of Suki, sent by Fatimah. She indicated that the bumps look worse in person than they do in the photos.
--Kim in Support

Thanks Kim.
Is this safe for Suki to use?
SssstingStop gel with Citronella is for the itch, pain and redness of insect bites and stings. It contains no hydrocortisone, antihistamines, DEET or synthetic medicines.SssstingStop gel is also used for fever blisters and cold sores. It also alleviates the itch and pain of poison ivy, poison oak and poison sumac.
Ingredients: Echinacea angustifolia 1X, Ledum palustre 2X, Urtica dioica 1X. Citronella oil, ethyl alcohol, eucalyptus oil, jojoba oil, polyacrylic acid, purified water, sodium hydroxide, witch hazel distillate.
Could this antidote her remedy? It seems to me that her itching may be worse after the remedy?? Hard to tell, but it certainly did not lessen the itch right after the remedy silica 6c.
It probably won't antidote.
I gave her Pulsatilla 30C at 3:30pm today. Did not notice much change (curled up), however she ate most of her dinner and her eyes seem a little bit clearer - could be the allergy support pill I gave her, but overall she seems just a little bit more alert - not as much as I have noticed in the past when she took the same remedy. I made an appointment with the local vet on Wed. at 10am.
Skin problems can be so challenging, Fatimah. You are being wonderfully patient using homeopathy with Dr. Jeff. When the remedy (sil or another) finally balances the body so it can self heal the skin - your dog will have a great chance of staying healthy for the rest of her life.

When the energy field is out of balance it produces symptoms to get back into homeostasis. While so difficult to look at, skin symptoms do not kill, so steadily working with Dr. Jeff is absolutely the best for her.

A dear colleague of Dr. Jeff and myself adopted a dog with many metabolic issues and very severe skin problems. She knew that if she focused on the skin and not the overall healing, this dog may not live long. The skin was so bad that she had to only take walks when it was dark because her neighbors would chastise her if they could see the dog's skin. He became healthier in many ways, so she knew it was necessary. The skin was not resolved for over a year, then the dog went on to live a long and healthy life.

Hang in there!

Have you started to learn one of the many energy techniques we have presented in the webinars - Reiki, HTA (healing touch for animals), EFT (emotion freedom technique), Bengston Method, Tellington TTouch, Acupressure points;

These help your state of mind as well as temporarily resolving symptoms.

Dr. Christina
I understand what you’re saying however, her energy, mental, emotional state does not seem to have improved yet. Part of the reason I believe is she is so uncomfortable in her skin that’s is affecting her energy, emotional and mental state. I am learning from the webinars you are offering and I think it is wonderful to have all that information. I will hang in there and do whatever I can to help her get better. Thank you!
Thank you for your encouragement and support Dr. Christina!
Dr. Jeff,
I took her to a local vet today. He said her cornea is fine, however she has conjunctivitis and prescribed Neopoly Dex solution which I did not give. Can you recommend an alternative as she's had this for about 2 weeks which makes her scratch her eyes so much? I use the natural tears, but doesn't seem to help much with the itch.
She did get her cytopoint injection just to get a little relief from the incessant itch. I am hoping we can prolong the time more and more as we move forward. This time it was 8 1/2 weeks since the last time (normally it's been 6 weeks).
Thank you for all your support. I will talk to you on our next appointment next Tues.
Can you recommend an alternative as she's had this for about 2 weeks which makes her scratch her eyes so much?
Perhaps continue with the lubricating drops (have you tried the Ocunovis or any drops containing Hyaluronic acid) and hot compresses? Along with the cytopoint and the reduction in general inflammation and itching, that should do the trick.

Yo may also want to continue the ionbox held a few inches from her eyes 2-3 times a day.
She seemed more alert with better energy level since the shot. She actually wanted to go outside and move around! However, her appetite is not good - will have to work on that with some different food.
I have used Ocunovis, but perhaps need to use it more often. Thank you!
Sounds good so far!

Let's see how she does today.

Any Puls dosing since Mon?
She is doing OK. Her eyes are a bit better with Ocunovis and colloidal silver I have been putting in her eyes. Also, I am giving her the allergy support 1/4 capsule 2x/day. We went for a long walk on the beach today and she kind of kept up with the other dogs so that is good. I have not given her another dose of Pul 30C. Another dosing might help with the appetite? I ordered 6c so if you think that might be better, we could wait until I get that? It will be tomorrow or Sat.
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