Suki came back from the hospital yesterday at 5pm. I sent you her records via email. Today, I took her to get another test and she is much better -- she ate some food (homemade chicken with kale, carrots, zucchini and little bit of rice. Her glands seem to be a little less today (I noticed them a few days ago, 3 or 4 days ago. She is not scratching as much, but is licking her paws which is basically her past time activity when she is not sleeping. She is typically a little bit more energized after her meal. She was still having bloody diarrhea this morning but have not had another movement since then. I am waitiing for the local vet to send me her notes and will forward them to you once I get them. I have to take her back to do the CBC test in a week. Is there anything I should do at this point? I feel I should wait to give the new remedy until she is more stable from her episode yesterday. Thank you.