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Small rash/hair loss


Apr 10, 2024
Hey @Dr. Jeff @Dr. Sara
Me again.

1. Your pet's name - Winston
2. Approximate age - 3
3. Sex- Male
4. Neutering status - neutered
5. Breed- german shepard mix
6. Approximate weight - 53 lbs
7. What's their BEAM - acting himself, great appetite, eager do do things by my side as always
8. Raw diet
9. Vaccination history- basic puppy shots and rabies. No vaccinations since 1 year of age

10. Problem-

I noticed my 3 yeard old pup winston is getting a small amount of hair loss/rash on his face. I didnt think anything of it. Its not bothering him in any way. Hes really not itching himself or anywhere else on his body. I tried to treat it myself by putting 50/50 apple cider vinegar on it and alternating with colloidal silver. Tried manuka honey but that seemes to make it a little redder. But it seems like its very slowly getting worse. His holistic vet told me it looked like he rubbed his face on something and not to worry and keep doing what i was doing. The more reading i do i was thinking maybe i should bathe him with an anti fungal. What do you think? The non circled picture is the side with no issue to compare it to. The last two pics were taken at time of post. Theres also a little cut or sore on the opposite side of his mouth. Not sure if its related or maybe he just cut himself playing.




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It looks like its starting on the other side of his face with the hair follicles you can see slight redness

Hey David!
bathe him with an anti fungal. What do you think?
Perhaps support his skin health with something like:

Which raw diet do you feed or how do you make it?
I currently Supplement this for his fish oil
Is this ok instead of that product?
I give 1 pill with each meal.

I get his raw food from carnos.com formerly top quality dog food, hes currently on this protein. Beef Recipe
We usually cycle this with duck, turkey, lamb and the beef with tripe when we serve the beef mix recipe.. I also make frozen fruit and vegetable ice cubes that i add to this. The pups get two with every meal. I spend about 4 hours making them every month or so. They consist of.

Sweet potato
Kale(small amount)
Portabello mushroom
Bell pepper

I also like to feed the 4 leaf rover supplement products in his diet. Colostrum, their gut guard or protect probiotics. Green rover to help balance anything i miss in his diet. 7 shrooms. He also gets allergies this time of year from and of march - may i give him quecertin, his ears get red and he itches them a little.

This morning the redness seems to have gone down alot. I made a mix of 50/50 water and acv, colloidal silver and colustrum. Ive been applying it several times a day gently on both sides of his face with separate paper towels.

Im trying to explore every possible cause.

We just raised baby chicks in the basement of our house. Winston was around them several times a day to desensitize him not to eat them when they get old enough to free range. They are now living in the coop outside and no longer in the house they dont seem unhealthy and i dont think they have mites but could this be a possibility? Hes scratching himself no more than he did before the rash and it wasnt that often at all. Maybe 1 extra scratch a day more since its allergy season.

Also! And this developed last night. My wife placed an english ivy plant on the giant window sill that Winston spends a very large part of his down time at. Especially when we leave the house. Its been there since fall of last year, it was a housewarming gift that we failed to research its toxicity to dogs, if they get the oil on themselves or ingest it(there was no ingestion). Im wondering if since now spring is coming and its getting extra sun. That would cause it to “bloom” more? Maybe he stepped on a leaf and itched his face or maybe he rubbed his face on it? All the plants have been removed from the house since last night. Its been a sore topic between us to begin with because im so natural health protective of the pups.
Do you think it could be a dermatitis reaction? I would be so relieved if thats what it is. Because it would be an easy fix..
this is the window he stays at. Obviously he goes on the ledge and it was easy for him to contact the plant.

I hope this gave you enough info and im grateful for any and all recommendations to adjust for his health. We will do anything to give the pups the happiest and healthiest life possible. ☺️

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I agree with your holistic vet - calm down, do not worry and just observe.
No to antifungal.
Yes to pondering possible causes but not to stressing about this.
When a vital force is strong enough to create symptoms on the outside, we are happy, even if they worsen. It is best to not try to treat skin symptoms unless they are causing problems.

Have you taken the 101 holistic health class? Especially the first lesson on symptoms could be valuable here. And search the site for "responses to treatment".

Keep us posted.
Dr. Christina
I currently Supplement this for his fish oil
Is this ok instead of that product?
Sure. It's not the same but is certainly fine to use.

He also gets allergies this time of year from and of march - may i give him quecertin
Sure! And a spring allergic trigger is probably part of his hair loss and any itchiness.

We just raised baby chicks in the basement of our house. could this be a possibility?
Very, very unlikely.

Do you think it could be a dermatitis reaction?
Thank you. It doesnt look like its progressing worse today. I really appreciate you giving us an idea of what could be the cause of it. Ill stop treating it and see how it goes.
You're welcome David!
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