1. Your pet's name - Winston
2. Approximate age - 3
3. Sex- Male
4. Neutering status - neutered
5. Breed- german shepard mix
6. Approximate weight - 53 lbs
7. What's their BEAM - acting himself, great appetite, eager do do things by my side as always
8. Raw diet
9. Vaccination history- basic puppy shots and rabies. No vaccinations since 1 year of age
10. Primary problem - we just went to get his regular 4dx test and blood work. He tested positive for anaplasmosis. Thinking back on it. About 3 weeks ago he had a 5-6 hour bout of diarrhea. I added a little organic pumpkin to his diet and fed him some raw ginger. It cleared up and he never had another issue. No idea if that was related or a symptom. The last tick i pulled off of him was about a month ago and we did a ledum protocol just to be safe. He has not had any other symptoms hence my holistic vet chose not to treat him for the anaplasmosis. She also didnt give me any direction as far as, if i should give him any natural supplements or additions to make sure he doesn’t become symptomatic. I have not gotten his blood work back yet since results havent come back as of 4/10/24. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I worry alot and do my best to make sure im proactive with his health as opposed to waiting to see what happens. This is my first post, i hope i have provided enough info. Dr. Sara i found a post you made about a similar situation in my google searches, which prompted me to join. I feel like you guys will be a great resource. Im grateful for doctors that really care about the animals and arent pushing services or product that is dangerous to our pups.
@Dr. Sara

2. Approximate age - 3
3. Sex- Male
4. Neutering status - neutered
5. Breed- german shepard mix
6. Approximate weight - 53 lbs
7. What's their BEAM - acting himself, great appetite, eager do do things by my side as always
8. Raw diet
9. Vaccination history- basic puppy shots and rabies. No vaccinations since 1 year of age
10. Primary problem - we just went to get his regular 4dx test and blood work. He tested positive for anaplasmosis. Thinking back on it. About 3 weeks ago he had a 5-6 hour bout of diarrhea. I added a little organic pumpkin to his diet and fed him some raw ginger. It cleared up and he never had another issue. No idea if that was related or a symptom. The last tick i pulled off of him was about a month ago and we did a ledum protocol just to be safe. He has not had any other symptoms hence my holistic vet chose not to treat him for the anaplasmosis. She also didnt give me any direction as far as, if i should give him any natural supplements or additions to make sure he doesn’t become symptomatic. I have not gotten his blood work back yet since results havent come back as of 4/10/24. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I worry alot and do my best to make sure im proactive with his health as opposed to waiting to see what happens. This is my first post, i hope i have provided enough info. Dr. Sara i found a post you made about a similar situation in my google searches, which prompted me to join. I feel like you guys will be a great resource. Im grateful for doctors that really care about the animals and arent pushing services or product that is dangerous to our pups.
@Dr. Sara