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Seeking guidance on an undiagnosed condition (suspected inflammatory bowel disease)


Community Member
May 10, 2024
1. Mickey
2. 11
3. Male
4. Neutered
5. Vizsla
6. 45 pounds - declining
7. What's their BEAM - Behavior - In good spirits personality wise. Generally normal but some odd behaviors like sleeping in different rooms of the house and pawing at his water bowl for us to lift it for him to drink out of. Energy - Generally low but does have some bursts of playful behavior and higher energy (chasing a rabbit, playing keep away with his toys). Appetite - non existent right now. He went from a fully human food cooked diet to eating some prescription vet kibble within the past month to very small meals once a day, to every few days, and now it's been nothing in 4 days. Mood- Seems to be in a good mood but getting more lethargic & weak every day.
8. Diet - No specific diet. We're trying to him to eat whatever we can including human food, kibble, wet canned food etc.
9. Vaccination history / exposure to toxins, other medication: Currently on cerenia + prednisone. We've also tried metronidazole, appetite stimulants, tylan, omeprazole, amoxicillin etc.
10. Primary problem, when it began and if there was anything else happening around that time

Hi all, new to this forum but would really appreciate any advice and guidance for our 11 year old Vizsla named Mickey. In January Mickey began vomiting daily for a few days and our vet suggested we take him to the ER. The only thing that looked abnormal at the time was an abnormal corrugated segment of the small intestine, they suspected pancreatitis, gastroenteritis, lymphoma, inflammatory bowel disease etc. An ultrasound recheck showed more abnormal areas which made it seem like cancer, but then a couple months later it went back to the one original spot, making cancer seem less likely since it had seemingly improved. However his health has gradually continued to decline since January, despite our efforts to test different meds and foods. He's lost almost 20lbs now, has a very low red blood cell count and is very anemic. He's no longer interested in any food (hasnt eaten in 4 days), drinking sparingly and has diarrhea despite not eating. He's been on prednisone which he initially reacted well to but we're seeing his energy fade.

The vet can't seem to figure out what is going on and we're at a loss as things are looking quite bleak now. We are very worried and curious if anyone has experienced something similar we can potentially explore looking into in case there's something the vets haven't considered.

11. He seems to do better during the day & enjoys spending time outside
12. Low albumin (2.0), globulin (1.2), very low HCT
13. Currently on prednisone + cerenia. Was previously on a number of things including metronidazole, omeprazole, appetitie stimulants, gabapentin, amoxicillin etc.
14. N/A

Thank you.

Dr. Christina

VIP Member
Jun 15, 2017
Thank you so much for reaching out for some different approaches.
Critically important is to begin working with a great holistic veterinarian right away. go to HolisticActions.com/select, read the entire article and begin calling the people you find.

Do what he loves - more and more.

Feed ANY kind of food he wants - ice cream, bagel & cream cheese, eggs (raw or cooked), roasted chicken from the grocer, deli meats, canned shellfish, etc. You can fine tune once eating more.

@Dr. Jean Hofve may have some great tempting foods and flower essence suggestions for the appetite right now.

Dr. Christina

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Hey Erik!

Welcome to HA! and thanks for making your first post.

I'm super sorry to hear about Mickey's health challenges.
We are very worried and curious if anyone has experienced something similar we can potentially explore looking into in case there's something the vets haven't considered.
YES! Many of us (vet homeopaths and HA! community members) deal with situations like this often.

The fundamental issue with getting a conventional diagnosis is that we are only looking at physiological stuff. Not the energetic balance that is the underlying cause.

Why is that? Because we (vets and MDs) are not taught about energy flow in school.
very low HCT
How low? If you have the test results, you can attach them to your next message if you like.

enjoys spending time outside
That's one of the keys to his eating and recovery. Get him outside as often as possible (frequency is more important than duration).

Lots of Therapeutic Sniff Walks (if he will go them) would be perfect. But even grounding by lying in the yard will work.

And as Dr. Christina said, start working with an energetically oriented vet as soon as you can. Many of us will work virtually.


Community Member
Mar 3, 2021
Just maybe....have you tried anything raw? Raw meat, blood, green tripe. raw eggs, fish. Are there any special situations he might be more responsive to? Being outside? "Finding" food in unusual places, i.e., on a trail/walk? Watching another dog eat? Visiting a pet store? Letting him "find" tiny pieces of edibles on strange places, like in the car, from strangers.... And none of this "in his face", but just "accidentally".

I would want to consult with a classical homeopath on this. Restoring appetite is a basic and obvious symptom with which to deal.

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017

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