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Question about how I know it's time to try Solensia for arthritis


Community Member
Oct 29, 2022
I realized in mid-July that my 13 ¾ old male Maine Coon cat is suffering from arthritis. I tried various supplements, but nothing was helping. About 2 ½ weeks ago I started giving him Joint Support for Cats from Canna Companion USA (hemp CBD). It was explained to me that it may take 2-6 weeks for full effects to be seen because of the time it can take the Endocannabinoid System to make and activate the proper amount of cannabis receptors. Other than appearing to not be in as much pain, he hasn't shown much more improvement, although he surprised us twice by jumping into bed with us for a couple of minutes and several times jumping up on the recliner to get chicken my husband was eating. I have noticed that he really has difficulty walking on smooth floors because his back legs keep sliding out from under him.

I am thinking about getting him one Solensia injection to see if it will help him until the Joint Support really kicks in. Would Solensia interfere with what the Joint Support is supposed to be doing with his Enocannabinoid System? Solensia injections last four weeks, so I would continue giving him the Joint Support.and in five weeks I should know if the hemp CBD is enough to help him, or if he will need something more.

I would really like to see him doing things that he has stopped doing, like sleeping on the recliner or in bed with us, and playing with his toys. Then I would know that he feels good again. I keep thinking, if I just wait a little bit longer...so I am asking for your thoughts on whether or not I should try one Solensia injection or wait longer to see if the hemp CBD is working.

Thank you!
Hey Ruth!
Would Solensia interfere
I would really like to see him doing things that he has stopped doing, like sleeping on the recliner or in bed with us, and playing with his toys. Then I would know that he feels good again
And you will! You'll be amazed. Solensia can work miracles and is not like an artificial drug.

Solensia has been a "game changer" (according to a renowned vet pain specialist) in the EU for a few years:

Thank you, Dr. Jeff. We're taking him on Wednesday for a Solensia injection. I can't wait to see what it can do for him.
Ruth, even if the solensia helps a lot, keep working towards the long term balancing of the vital force - maybe review the 101 course?

Anytime we can use energy healing to resolve a symptom, the vital force is likely to not get ill in other ways. Maybe a great chiropractor, or other holistic vet. Learn some of the energy work we have had great speakers on and do it yourself.

Dr. Christina
Thanks for the reminder, Dr. Christina. I believe energy healing is one of the most important concepts, but for me it is also one of the most difficult to understand and learn. But, for Teddy's sake, I will keep on trying.
You do not have to learn the energy yourself, though it can be useful.
A great chiropractor, homeopath or other holistic vet can do the energy work that is likely to help - with your patience.

Dr. christina
And Ruth, we may have discussed using the Lumasoothe 1 for Teddys joints in the past. And I recently discovered their new, and even more effective, energy tool for arthritic and other inflammations:

I wanted to write an update to this post. Teddy had his first Solensia injection in September. After about 2 1/2 weeks, he started moving around better. He had his second Solensia injection in October, and three days later he started scratching himself open. It was just a small area at first, near the injection site. Dr. Stern wanted us to bring him back in, which we did. She shaved the area and put healing lotion on it. But he must've been terribly itchy, because the area kept getting bigger and he would scratch himself bloody. My vet reported the reaction to Zoetis, and their vet said this had never happened before. However, based on the fact that I did an Internet search on "Solensia plus itching" and found multiple sources that stated this happens in 1 out of 10 cats, I find that hard to believe.

The good news is eventually the area healed, his dose of Joint Support from Canna Companion was increased, and it is absolutely working! So I am thrilled that I can give him a daily natural supplement instead of him getting a monthly injection of a drug.
Great work with doing your research Ruth and helping Teddy in the best ways possible!
Hey Ruth!


And you will! You'll be amazed. Solensia can work miracles and is not like an artificial drug.

Solensia has been a "game changer" (according to a renowned vet pain specialist) in the EU for a few years:

My vet has been highly recommending Solensia for a few years now for my cats osteoarthritis. To me monthly trips to the vet with my cats wasn't something I wanted to commit to as they get stressed out going to the vet.
And Ruth, we may have discussed using the Lumasoothe 1 for Teddys joints in the past. And I recently discovered their new, and even more effective, energy tool for arthritic and other inflammations:

@Dr. Jeff holy smokes, never knew this existed. What are the positive differences IYO between light therapy and the assisi loop which I already have?
I wanted to write an update to this post. Teddy had his first Solensia injection in September. After about 2 1/2 weeks, he started moving around better. He had his second Solensia injection in October, and three days later he started scratching himself open. It was just a small area at first, near the injection site. Dr. Stern wanted us to bring him back in, which we did. She shaved the area and put healing lotion on it. But he must've been terribly itchy, because the area kept getting bigger and he would scratch himself bloody. My vet reported the reaction to Zoetis, and their vet said this had never happened before. However, based on the fact that I did an Internet search on "Solensia plus itching" and found multiple sources that stated this happens in 1 out of 10 cats, I find that hard to believe.

The good news is eventually the area healed, his dose of Joint Support from Canna Companion was increased, and it is absolutely working! So I am thrilled that I can give him a daily natural supplement instead of him getting a monthly injection of a drug.
@RuthR thank you for sharing the feedback. I am glad Teddy is feeling good! I have been using Joint Works from Sustenance Herbs daily with my two kitties. They seem to do well on this as well. Great to share different options out there!
@RuthR are you using capsules? I have a hard time pilling my kitties. Curious the method you get the product into Teddy. ?
Hey Daysha!
What are the positive differences IYO between light therapy and the assisi loop
Great question! Like every energy therapy, they each act a bit differently and can have an additive effect.

However, whether you see a difference depends on Bella's individuality.
@DayshaG Hi, Daysha. I get my CBD supplements from Canna Companion USA (Contact Us - Schedule Consultation - Cannabis for Pets | Canna Companion). When I first started my journey of learning about holistic care for Teddy, I did a consult with Gail Pope. She is the one who recommended this company to me, and my experience with them has been outstanding. If you use the link I provided above, you can request a free consult (it will probably be with Elliot). He has been wonderful every step of the way. We started Teddy on the Joint Support CBD Capsules for Cats – that is a very small capsule, and I never had a problem getting Teddy to take it in his raw ground burger. That dose helped with his pain, but it was not enough. He is now on the Joint Support CBD Capsules for Medium Dogs, and that dose is definitely working for him. The capsule is bigger, but I usually don't have a problem getting Teddy to take it. I could also open the capsule and put the powder in small raw meatballs for him to eat. Elliot would probably have some other options to recommend as well. I don't know how often Canna Companion runs promos, but they did just an excellent one at Christmas.

Another less expensive option you might want to consider to help your cats with arthritis is the essential oil Copaiba. I have used essential oils for myself for ten years, but the two books I have on using them with my cat give very limited information. Last year, I was watching a Pet Summits series on anxiety, and Dr. Janet Roark was one of the speakers. Her free gift was an Essential Oils and Safety for Pets Guide. When I signed up to receive the guide, I was given the opportunity to sign up for her upcoming 7-Day Happy Healthy Cat Challenge for a reduced price, which I did. I learned so much in those seven days to safely and effectively help Teddy using essential oils! Some of her key takeaways are: the quality of the essential oil you use is very important; only get it from a trusted source. She uses (and so do I) doTERRA oils because they are Certified Pure Tested Grade (CPTG). I am not advocating for using this brand, it is just the one I trust and have always used. Also, it is very important to dilute the oils correctly when applying them topically to pets; and when diffusing, always diffuse in an area with an open door so the pet can leave the room if they wish. Here are links to two videos that suggest Copaiba might be even better than CBD:
. If you would like to see the information by Dr. Roark on using essential oils safely with animals, here is a link to her website: Using Essential Oils with Animals Safely - Essential Oil Vet . You can click on the link to watch her webinar, or you can scroll down to read a lot of information given on that page, including a link to an Oil Dilution Guide.

I want to stress that I am not trying to get anyone to use doTERRA oils or get involved with Dr. Janet Roark. My only motive for posting this is to share all the information I recently learned and give you Internet links that you can access if you choose. One of the things I learned from Dr. Roark was a particular essential oil to use that has dramatically helped Teddy with respiratory issues he has suffered from for years. I am so passionate about this that I signed up for Dr. Roark's Animal Aromatherapy Specialist Certification and will be starting the course on Monday.

I hope you and others will find some or all of this information helpful.
Wow! Thanks so much Ruth for sharing all this great info!!
@RuthR thank you so much, truly! I appreciate your thoughtful response, and I too, had watched and saw Dr. Roark on the pets and anxiety, actually, watching the summit as a whole, viewing the sessions I liked, was what prompted me to join HA in October 2023. You inspired me to fire up my diffuser again and pick back up with the copaiba. I had been sick in Dec with a bad cold, and the holidays, I got away from a few things like this. I'll let you know if I have any questions!
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