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Pulsatilla interactions with Butorphonol


Community Member
Jan 3, 2021
JJ, 15 year old Shar Pei went into the hospital and I did not know they were going to give him butorphonol. I gave him Pulsatilla and Rescue Remedy beforehand. Is there an interaction? I read that Pulsatilla can be a central nervous system depressant? I didn't even consider interactions of drugs and homeopathy remedies. Are there such things to be careful about? Thanks
Not to worry, Lil.
While rarely there can be some interactions, it would not be in this case.
Some find that if you give arnica or hypericum pre anesthesia, in a few animals, they need more anesthesia. Others have not found this to be so with their patients and recommend it.

Definitely check in right now with your homeopath since you had to go into the hospital.
Dr. Christina
Is there an interaction?

As you know Lil, butorphanol is a pharmacologic agent that acts physically whereas the others are energetic and don't have any direct physical effect so they are not able to interact.
@Dr. Christina @Dr. Jeff Thank you both for weighing in... I also gave him Rescue Remedy as I had found this helpful when he had blood taken at the vet months ago. Hope no potentiating effects. But I will be checking in with the homeopath. I wanted you all to see JJ's last picture at home. Will post more later because I am still learning and hope others to learn also from my questions and experience.

JJ, 15 year old Shar Pei went into the hospital and I did not know they were going to give him butorphonol. I gave him Pulsatilla and Rescue Remedy beforehand. Is there an interaction? I read that Pulsatilla can be a central nervous system depressant? I didn't even consider interactions of drugs and homeopathy remedies. Are there such things to be careful about? Thanks
I agree with Dr. Christina and Dr. Jeff. There is no interaction between Pulsatilla and any drug. I find that the correct homeopathic remedy may even help prevent some adverse side effects. JJ is so precious. I love the picture.
I agree with Dr. Christina and Dr. Jeff. There is no interaction between Pulsatilla and any drug. I find that the correct homeopathic remedy may even help prevent some adverse side effects. JJ is so precious. I love the picture.
Dr. Judy, I found it mind blowing that JJ stopped wetting his bed for about 12 days in a row a short time after starting the pulsatilla....He never looked at me when taking his picture and often ran away, which is why this one is so special--- Thank you for the reply.
Dr. Judy, I found it mind blowing that JJ stopped wetting his bed for about 12 days in a row a short time after starting the pulsatilla....He never looked at me when taking his picture and often ran away, which is why this one is so special--- Thank you for the reply.
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