Thanks so much for this detailed info. Do you think the herbs would work without the acupuncture?@PamR Yes, I heat 1 tsp filtered water in a pan and when it starts to Boil..I add 1-2 drops of Kan Tincture and reduce by half to burn off the majority of the alcohol. I either give it in a syringe or in food.
If the tincture is alcohol free, you do NOT need to heat…just add it to food.
If the Chinese herbs are in granular form heat filtered water and add granules just to dissolve them.
I have not ever gotten it in a capsule form and i cannot get my Cat to let me give a capsule!
Generally, Dogs are less fussy about adding medicine i. their food than Cats.
Good luck! Please keep us posted.
The Chinese herbs and Acupuncture will bring your Fur Baby back into Balance!
BTW, Romeo only had 1 Acupuncture treatment and 2 days of Kan Spleen Support 2x a day and did a complete 180 degree turnaround that was permanent. I think thats pretty AMAZING!