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Observations on raw versus cooked diet for Bella's kidneys


Community Member
Oct 13, 2023
Good evening and Happy New Year! Per our recent chats in the Forum, I decided recently to transition Bella back onto her raw food diet, with the addition of Aventi for her kidney support.

A few things I have observed:
  • Her fur has gotten a little softer like it used to be
  • However, she is back to inhaling her raw food like she used to do, gone in a matter of 20 seconds or less, whereas with the home cooked diet, she took her time eating her meal at a much slower pace.
  • Because she is back to inhaling her food, she is immediately hungry after finishing it and will meow a lot as if she is hungry...a lot.


Community Member
Mar 3, 2021
It's still way better for her. The hunger signs are not authentic; they're just because, darn it, it tasted great. Cats and dogs, in my experience, will eat as long as there is food there - probably a throwback to eating in the wild, fending off the pack and jamming as much down as possible.


Community Member
Oct 13, 2023
It's still way better for her. The hunger signs are not authentic; they're just because, darn it, it tasted great. Cats and dogs, in my experience, will eat as long as there is food there - probably a throwback to eating in the wild, fending off the pack and jamming as much down as possible.
@GinnyW well, I can't deny that! Hahahaha. Love the way you say it.

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